Ted Cruz is another abomination elected by idiots in the Texas Teapublican Party! He fits right in with other fools like John Cornyn, Louie Gohmert, Steve Stockman and the guys they associate with like Ted Nugent!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
+ 23 million, give or take.
Would someone please pull their biased brains out of their butts and quit calling Cruz a "Conservative"??? That offends the crap out of my long history of being a Conservative, dating back to Goldwater.

Cruz is simply an opportunistic blowhard that found a group to be led. My sympathies are actually with the folks of the Tea Party -- the short history beginning with Armey and Cruz is lined with professional politicians that recognized an opportunity to continue their government employment.

Damn, I hate professional politicians!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Did you vote for Cruz against Dewhurt? Against Sadler?
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Ted Cruz is another abomination elected by idiots in the Texas Teapublican Party! He fits right in with other fools like John Cornyn, Louie Gohmert, Steve Stockman and the guys they associate with like Ted Nugent! Originally Posted by Little Stevie
There must be a lot of these "Teapublicans" in Texas. US Senator is a statewide elected office. You would think with as many major cities there they could find enough Democrat votes to elect the Democrat candidate.
David Burge‏@iowahawkblog
I don't know who's most angry about the Hagel nomination delay - Obama, the media, or Kim Jong-Un.

I don't need to post any more Burge speaks for me...fuckers. The good, the bad and the assups.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You are welcome to refrain from posting. That's your right!
It would appear. Cruz beating Dewhurst was a shocker here, I can tell you. Not that Dewhurst would have been a whole lot better. But, he's not a bombthrower like Cruz and has a history of working across the aisle to actually get things done. But, that's no longer an electable attribute in Texas. You just need to be an Obama hater and that gets it done.

There must be a lot of these "Teapublicans" in Texas. US Senator is a statewide elected office. You would think with as many major cities there they could find enough Democrat votes to elect the Democrat candidate. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
There must be a lot of these "Teapublicans" in Texas. US Senator is a statewide elected office. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
If the US Senator is a "statewide elected office," than by the same token the POTUS is a nationwide "elected office."

Does the same analogy also apply to the Presidency? There must be a lot of voters in America that felt Obama was the better choice than either JMac or Romney. Not once but twice and quite frankly by a fairly substantial margin both times.

It stands to reason that if you expect those Texans who are not "Teapublicans" to hop on the Cruz bandwagon, than you would also believe that your fellow "Teapublicans" (Sen. Cruz included) to hop on Obama's bandwagon?

Or do you only drive from east to west but never west to east?
Fuck you fence jumpers...
Fuck you fence jumpers... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
How profound!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
He didn't say that. SHOW ME WHERE HE SAID THAT. Certainly not in the bogus blogpost you quote.

Another straight out LIE by the DIPSHIT OF YEAR! And the second most dishonest person on ECCIE! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Now, now, Assup. You need to be more positive about yourself. Everyone knows that you are the most dishonest person here, and the duly elected and reigning:

cptjohnstone's Avatar
If the US Senator is a "statewide elected office," than by the same token the POTUS is a nationwide "elected office."

Does the same analogy also apply to the Presidency? There must be a lot of voters in America that felt Obama was the better choice than either JMac or Romney. Not once but twice and quite frankly by a fairly substantial margin both times.

It stands to reason that if you expect those Texans who are not "Teapublicans" to hop on the Cruz bandwagon, than you would also believe that your fellow "Teapublicans" (Sen. Cruz included) to hop on Obama's bandwagon?

Or do you only drive from east to west but never west to east? Originally Posted by bigtex
50.4%? more Cougar High math?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I think BigTurd graduated Cougar High summa cum bullshit.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Now, now, Assup. You need to be more positive about yourself. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I am POSITIVE that you have a bus to catch... Or a disease of unmentionable consequence...