It may be time to take your family out of New York City.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Speaking of balls, I hope some are at least watching the Houston game, ...

.......... if not paying attention to it. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Defense is awesome. And Baltimore also sucks today.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 12-21-2014, 01:58 PM
Texans with a improbable win!
Thanks Rummy.
Thanks Darth Cheney.
Thanks Wolfie.
Thanks Shrubya. Originally Posted by gnadfly

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
#1: There are more than two "races" in this country.
#2: Unfortunately, because they are severely outnumbered, it does appear that for the most part members of the Black communities are burning, stealing, destroying, beating, and killing in response to their allegations of police brutality directed at the members of the Black communities throughout the country. So, it does appear that for the most part the members of the Black communities throughout the country want to instigate skirmishes with the police. To some, particularly if directed at NonBlack police officers, that might appear to be a "desire" to engage in a racially oriented confrontation with others, who happen to be wearing uniforms or out of uniform at the moment.

What's the saying: If one doesn't want shit, don't start any shit.
And the other one: Don't start any shit you can't finish.*

*As a contractor you probably know it as: Don't write a check you can't pay. Originally Posted by LexusLover
He doesn't particularly like that last rule..he prefers promising to pay over paying
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  • 12-21-2014, 04:40 PM
He doesn't particularly like that last rule..he prefers promising to pay over paying Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
I heard you like being paid in cock.
You want to put your money where your mouth is...on my cock!

This too, will pass. You little bitches run around screaming from one so called crisis to the next , when in actuality they just news events, exploited by the media to the ignorant masses. Don't be part of the fucking herd.
Originally Posted by WTF
You are right about one thing "exploited by the media" CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS those are the stations that kept exploiting Ferguson, throwing it out there that a "white cop" shot an "unarmed black teenager" instead of saying it like it was, a police officer shot a thug who just strong-armed a older gentleman in the convenience store after a robbery, and it really doesn't matter if the cop knew it or not, because the thug knew what he did, and was going to get the police officer before the police officer got him. So lets see here Sir, who is doing the exploiting, it sure looks to me like it was the Liberal Media.

Oh and another thing, I just had to see what MSNBC had to say about the cops getting killed in the City yesterday, so I put them on. No change there, all they could say is, (ad libbing here, of course), well we certainly have to do something about race relations and sit down have a talk with the cops, unF---ing believable. Well maybe all the cops should be at the funeral and let the Mayor, Sharpton, Obama and all the Liberal Media that want to exploit Black/White relations take care of their beloved "hood", and deal with some of the human garbage the cops deal with on a daily basis.
They deal with verbal diarrhea, the sneers, the liars, the cheats, the thieves, the murders, the druggies, the pedophiles, the domestics, the car thieves, the pimps, the fraud creep, the rapists,the terrorists, the cartels, immigration fraud, illegal workers, the slave trade, the drunks. God when they have to be on "hooker surveillance" it must be a joy, not only a T&A, at least they know most working girls have respect for them and we do realize that they are just "doing their job"
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Almost forgot the race angle. Brown strong armed an older INDIAN gentleman in his store.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 12-21-2014, 09:57 PM
You are right about one thing "exploited by the media" CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS those are the stations that kept exploiting Ferguson, " Originally Posted by Cherie
Like Fox News wasn't exploiting Ferguson.

Look you folks on the far right are no different than those on the far left in regards to how you see thing. Black and White. Many of us see things in shades of gray.
LexusLover's Avatar
Many of us see things in shades of gray. Originally Posted by WTF
Who is "us"?
Like Fox News wasn't exploiting Ferguson.

Look you folks on the far right are no different than those on the far left in regards to how you see thing. Black and White. Many of us see things in shades of gray. Originally Posted by WTF
But Sir, there is a difference and the difference is capitalizing.

Exploiting means, a being thinks from their lower being, in other words their subconsciousness

Capitalizing are those that think from their higher level, that being their consciousness.

Hence the exploited are very easily manipulated because and in order to resolve problems especially social issues, which are probably the most difficult of all issues, being as it is in the abstract and a large majority of people come to the table with their already preconceived hypothesis. Hence, in order to resolve the issue at hand one/all, must think from that higher level of consciousness, that being, they have evolved from their lower level or subconsciousness.
LexusLover's Avatar
Like Fox News wasn't exploiting Ferguson. Originally Posted by WTF
If you call reporting the events accurately and without distorting them, "exploiting," you are correct about Fox News. Their facts seemed closer to the reality leading up to and including Brown's death, and consistent with the Grand Jury decision ... BEFORE the Grand Jury decision.
LexusLover's Avatar
... people come to the table with their already preconceived hypothesis... Originally Posted by Cherie
Yes they do ... and it continues to show .. as the deaths continue ....

.. and look who is laughing and who is more pensive.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What FOX news reported turned out to be correct and they did not hyperventilate about what may be the story. Is that exploitation?

CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS all got the primary story wrong and then they doubled down on the false narrative. A harmless, young black CHILD was gunned down for no apparent reason by a WHITE police officer so it must be racism. A lot of people got hurt, a lot of businesses burned because of these lies. So who was in the wrong?
Damn you watch a lot of TV channels Judy.
LexusLover's Avatar
Damn you watch a lot of TV channels ..... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Actually looking at information from a number of different sources is an excellent method of obtaining a more accurate "view" of the world .....

... apparently the Grand Jury understood that reality. That was their job.

It's the job of TV news channels to sell advertising time.