Nobel Peace Prize on the horizon for President Trump

LexusLover's Avatar
Whatthefuckdoiknow and mistake were likely crying when the new jobs report got released earlier. More people working and the work force participation rate going up again. Meaning more money coming into the government, thus destroying your arguments. Every time taxes get cut, the government ends up with more money coming in. Originally Posted by Lantern2814
One would think they would wish prosperity irrespective of whether their candidate was elected for President or not. That is until one considers the motive for desiring more people to be dependent upon the government, which more than likely would be having voters dependent upon them so voters would keep voting for them to assure their addictions were continually fed, and re-election.
themystic's Avatar
One would think they would wish prosperity irrespective of whether their candidate was elected for President or not. That is until one considers the motive for desiring more people to be dependent upon the government, which more than likely would be having voters dependent upon them so voters would keep voting for them to assure their addictions were continually fed, and re-election. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You are a fucking hypocrite Lexus Liar. Obama took the 2nd worst crash in US history, turned the economy around and got slammed by cock suckers like you and the other Trump Putin faggots in here
I B Hankering's Avatar
You are a fucking hypocrite Lexus Liar. Obama took the 2nd worst crash in US history, turned the economy around and got slammed by cock suckers like you and the other Trump Putin faggots in here Originally Posted by themystic
By sitting on his hands and being stupid, Odumbo is the jackass that cooperated with Putin, mistake.
Hotrod511's Avatar
I don't have time to relocate to Russia, mystic. And neither does DJT.

He has 340 million Americans counting on him to make good on promises....fix the issues Obama refused to address....bring manufacturing jobs back...(continue to) drain the NoKo...destroy ISIS....etc, etc, etc

And I have to find ol' Ashley and give her the High Hard One. Odds are Trump will accomplish his goals long before I ever get the chance to tap that Kentucky gal's fine ass......

Originally Posted by Chateau Becot

mom don't look to bad either
LexusLover's Avatar
You are a fucking hypocrite Lexus Liar. Obama took the 2nd worst crash in US history, turned the economy around and got slammed by cock suckers like you and the other Trump Putin faggots in here Originally Posted by themystic
I probably could have borrowed $10 trillion dollars I didn't have to pay back and churn the "economy" into a whirlpool of glittery pretties for eight years also .... It really doesn't take a "community organizer" to piss off $10 trillion with nothing to show for it.

But if squealing like a castrated piglet makes you feel better ...

.. by all means feel good!

When you start thrashing around talking about guys body parts and flirting with the guys the way you do, I realize you are losing the conversation and the frustration is too much to contain.

I bet you're elated that Bush got sandwiched in between The Predator and the Spend Thrift. Who else could you blame?

Trump won! Grow up.
LexusLover's Avatar

mom don't look to bad either Originally Posted by Hotrod511

No wonder MisTaken got HER panties twisted, SHE saw the hot babes.

SHE probably thinks they are guys in drag .... Friday night out!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-09-2018, 04:18 PM
I probably could have borrowed $10 trillion dollars I didn't have to pay back and churn the "economy" into a whirlpool of glittery pretties for eight years also .... It really doesn't take a "community organizer" to piss off $10 trillion with nothing to show for it.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Do you understand the majority of debt was piled up early on when tax receipts were down and spending was increased.

Trump is actually increasing the debt in high tax receipt times. Not a good sign.
LexusLover's Avatar
Do you understand the majority of debt was piled up early on when tax receipts were down and spending was increased.

Trump is actually increasing the debt in high tax receipt times. Not a good sign. Originally Posted by WTF
And your point is?

I guess he needs some excuse for pissing off the money.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-09-2018, 04:42 PM
And your point is?

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
My point is that Obama inherited an economy with shrinking tax receipts and had to increase spending. Of course there was going to be a huge deficit early on.

Trump tax receipts are high and he still is on pace for a Trillion dollar deficit! When the business cycle turns down, watch out!

and you communist 0zombies can't do a thing about it!

themystic's Avatar
I probably could have borrowed $10 trillion dollars I didn't have to pay back and churn the "economy" into a whirlpool of glittery pretties for eight years also .... It really doesn't take a "community organizer" to piss off $10 trillion with nothing to show for it.

But if squealing like a castrated piglet makes you feel better ...

.. by all means feel good!

When you start thrashing around talking about guys body parts and flirting with the guys the way you do, I realize you are losing the conversation and the frustration is too much to contain.

I bet you're elated that Bush got sandwiched in between The Predator and the Spend Thrift. Who else could you blame?

Trump won! Grow up. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Oh Lexy Liar. Are you saying Obama didn't do anything good for the country?. You should have been, for the common good, happy America recovered economically. Trillions in debt? Clinton left George W a surplus, which Bush managed to give away to the rich, Iraq and Afghanistan

You're a phony and a whiny little Bitch
themystic's Avatar

mom don't look to bad either Originally Posted by Hotrod511
I know you miss you're Mommy my disgruntled son. Its ok little fella. If life gets to scary for you you're old Dad will help you out
Do you REALLY believe all of that CB? Trump is the biggest crook in American Political History Originally Posted by themystic

Oh, yeah....of course I do. Absolutely.

Remember my bullet point (per Trump's promise to bring back jobs / get people working again, etc, etc...?) How about February's New Jobs Report that came out today? Not too shabby, huh?

Yeah, I know, I know....Odummer's economic magnificence is still effect, right? Barry created ALL of those jobs last month, right? lol

Oh, btw....that "Trump is the biggest crook in American Political History" remark.....please tell me....because crooks as I understand it are bad people....crooks steal from others, right? Give us a list of the things "this crook" has done over the past 14 months (since inauguration). I'm curious, mystic.....what exactly has he done that would brand Trump as a Crook? Hmmmm?

No listing the fact he tried to short-pay you on a job you two collaborated on whenever.....that one doesn't count, big boy.
themystic's Avatar
Oh, yeah....of course I do. Absolutely.

Remember my bullet point (per Trump's promise to bring back jobs / get people working again, etc, etc...?) How about February's New Jobs Report that came out today? Not too shabby, huh?

Yeah, I know, I know....Odummer's economic magnificence is still effect, right? Barry created ALL of those jobs last month, right? lol

Oh, btw....that "Trump is the biggest crook in American Political History" remark.....please tell me....because crooks as I understand it are bad people....crooks steal from others, right? Give us a list of the things "this crook" has done over the past 14 months (since inauguration). I'm curious, mystic.....what exactly has he done that would brand Trump as a Crook? Hmmmm?

No listing the fact he tried to short-pay you on a job you two collaborated on whenever.....that one doesn't count, big boy. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
As far as the economy, everyone I know was working and making lots of money for the last 4 years under Obama. In fact our company set record profits in each of the last 5 years of Obama's presidency. I know lots of similar companies had similar experiences. Guess what? Trumps 1st year we continued the streak. Way to go Donald!. I let you know how we do at the end of this year

As far as him being a crook the last 14 months? Great question. The answer is I don't know off the top of my head. Ill look into that. Thank you

Ive been to distracted by his sideshow to avoid the showdown he is eventually going to have to pay the piper for
Hotrod511's Avatar