A RINO Revolt

bambino's Avatar
Liberal? If you define Liberal as someone who agrees with Adam Smith, Thomas Jefferson, or Friedrich Hayek, then yeah, I'm a Liberal. You can put Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher into the same category. They were Classical Liberals too. Originally Posted by Tiny
Hayek was a liberal


Jefferson was the father of the Democratic Party

Reagan was a liberal, but became a staunch conservative. Seems like Hatcher did the same.
Redhot1960's Avatar
Hayek was a liberal


Jefferson was the father of the Democratic Party

Reagan was a liberal, but became a staunch conservative. Seems like Hatcher did the same. Originally Posted by bambino
When this sum bitch was a bernie bro he was "progressive liberal" now he wants to claim to be a "classic Liberal" it's bull shit. Government forced vaccinations equal classic liberalism, my ass.
  • oeb11
  • 07-05-2020, 11:41 AM
All who believe that vaccinations cause 'autism' - may go immediately to Venezuela and first hand observe the deaths and morbidity caused by disease in an unvaccinated population.

And stay there - you can get your narrative from faceBook - if the PC cancel culture let's Zuck keep it.
Redhot1960's Avatar
RINO Originally Posted by Tiny
I'll take it, the Rhinoceros will be our symbol.
You can keep your two party duopoly and never ending wars. Keep your free trade when all the rules are stacked against the USA. You can keep your forced vaccinations and global ID chip. You can keep kissing the globalist united nations ass when they take away our 1st & 2nd amendment. For you are the true progressive republican...

Now, FU & FO!
Redhot1960's Avatar
All who believe that vaccinations cause 'autism' - may go immediately to Venezuela and first hand observe the deaths and morbidity caused by disease in an unvaccinated population.

And stay there - you can get your narrative from faceBook - if the PC cancel culture let's Zuck keep it. Originally Posted by oeb11
Get your gates vaccine, then you won't have to worry about me being un-vaccinated, Win-Win. Never did FB and never will

When you don't get vaccinated, you must be racist so go to Venezuela? Really?

  • Tiny
  • 07-05-2020, 01:05 PM
Hayek was a liberal


Jefferson was the father of the Democratic Party

Reagan was a liberal, but became a staunch conservative. Seems like Hatcher did the same. Originally Posted by bambino
Reagan and Thatcher, after they became conservatives, were both admirers of Hayek. Hayek also greatly influenced Milton Friedman. They both taught at the University of Chicago.

I think you were intending to link to this,

  • Tiny
  • 07-05-2020, 01:53 PM
When this sum bitch was a bernie bro he was "progressive liberal" now he wants to claim to be a "classic Liberal" it's bull shit. Government forced vaccinations equal classic liberalism, my ass. Originally Posted by Redhot1960
Classical RINO

You're the only one here talking about government forced vaccinations.

As to "sum bitch, FU, FO," thanks for your kind words.
Redhot1960's Avatar
Redhot1960's Avatar
  • Tiny
  • 07-06-2020, 10:01 AM
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/polit...?ocid=msedgdhp Originally Posted by eccielover
I'm no fan of Donald Trump, or Joe Biden. This other PAC, founded by George Conway (Kellyanne Conway's husband) and other Republicans for Biden, does piss me off though:


The reason, they're pumping money into Senate campaigns too, trying to elect Democrats.

These people are Democrats. They should stop calling themselves Republicans. George Conway is one confused dude. You can see why his daughter is screwed up.
Redhot1960's Avatar
I'm no fan of Donald Trump, or Joe Biden. This other PAC, founded by George Conway (Kellyanne Conway's husband) and other Republicans for Biden, does piss me off though:


The reason, they're pumping money into Senate campaigns too, trying to elect Democrats.

These people are Democrats. They should stop calling themselves Republicans. George Conway is one confused dude. You can see why his daughter is screwed up. Originally Posted by Tiny
That's why they are called RINO's, Tiny

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I'm no fan of Donald Trump, or Joe Biden. This other PAC, founded by George Conway (Kellyanne Conway's husband) and other Republicans for Biden, does piss me off though:


The reason, they're pumping money into Senate campaigns too, trying to elect Democrats.

These people are Democrats. They should stop calling themselves Republicans. George Conway is one confused dude. You can see why his daughter is screwed up. Originally Posted by Tiny

they lost their moral compass when they were infected with TDS-2016. they just cannot let it go.