
WyldemanATX's Avatar
I agree a HS diploma does not get you much. What is available as far as jobs is not much. We do not need a magical President to create jobs, but what we need is someone that will create an environment for Job creation.

I just thank God that he gave the ability to sale and made me a people person. I can always get a job and it is up to me how much money I want to make.
I just love hearing about how utopian life should be from Austin Liberals.
Last I checked this is the most Lilly White place on the planet west of mopac.

How many minorities do you have in that Eanes School District?

Our Government has no business funding abortions.

Houses and loans for everyone was a cruel hoax that our grandchildren will have to pay for.
BonerJams03's Avatar
If the government doesn't pay for abortions, they will pay so much more for welfare, public housing, incarcerations, etc.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Houses and loans for everyone was a cruel hoax that our grandchildren will have to pay for. Originally Posted by damon54
Ever heard of the G.I. Bill?
Ever heard of the G.I. Bill? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yep, the first home I bought (1976) was a $1 down loan using the GI Bill. At the same time the Government was paying for my college education.

I suppose there are those who probably believed I was sucking on the government's tit!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Precisely. I wouldn't be surprised if some of these guys don't understand that SOME government programs work. What do our returning heroes have to pay for basic health care, let alone a college education or an affordable home for their families? Oh yeah, they get "God Bless America" at every seventh inning stretch..

Some of you fellas need to study up on post WWII history.
AtypicalLonghorn's Avatar
what we need is someone that will create an environment for Job creation. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
We have huge wasteful programs that reward being poor with children, poor and sick, poor and hungry, and just lazy. We incentivize the wrong things. Governments should not function as charities.
sixxbach's Avatar
I'm not going to get into a debate but I will add this.

Our education system is broken. It is related to poverty in many ways. Yes, there are graduate level studies to back it up. It is very difficult for kids to succeed if their basic needs are not being met. Kids have to worry about food, clothing, and shelter (where will they be sleeping tonight).Would you give a shit about paying attention in class when you are so sleepy because you slept in a bed with your brothers and sisters? You do need programs to assist with that. It is very funny to see successful people (minorities especially) that do not give something back once they "have made it".

Many people on this site are well to do and don't face the challenges that the poor kids face. You cannot IMO take away these programs that affect the kids. It is not their fault the parents did not do what they needed to do prior to having them.

Not everyone who is poor is lazy, that is like saying every well to do person is intelligent. Some people were born into that situation. Be glad you are on the better end of it....

Yssup Rider's Avatar
We have huge wasteful programs that reward being poor with children, poor and sick, poor and hungry, and just lazy. We incentivize the wrong things. Governments should not function as charities. Originally Posted by AtypicalLonghorn
I know it's hackneyed, but the measure of any civilization is how they treat their poor and disenfranchised.

The government should not be a charity. However, who's going to help those who need the help so the next generation won't repeat the failures of the past? Private citizens? Guilty patrons at black tie charity balls? Corporate foundations? THIS ISN'T CHARITY. IT'S RESPONSIBILITY.

I'm sorry. So many American were born into shit not of their creation and imho government exists to provide the opportunity for ALL to achieve the dream that our country was founded upon.

You don't like helping poor people? You don't want disadvantaged kids to have educational opportunities? You don't believe our sick and aged deserve to live their final years in dignity? Then put them on IGNORE! Seems like so many have anyway ... it's like rolling up the window to 30 or 40 or 50 MILLION people standing on the corner with a cardboard sign in their hand. Just stare ahead ... and thank God that you're not standing out there with them.

I particularly love the Reaganesque theoreticians who preach that prosperity for the top of our earning scale will trickle down to provide these opportunities for everyone else. The only thing that rolls downhill in America nowadays -- and in the past 30 years or so -- is SHIT.

Don't mean to rant about this, but corporate bailouts and tax breaks are what I consider to be WASTEFUL. Not school lunches, welfare to work programs and indigent care and social services. Now if the people with the money were to help the people without the money -- like with jobs here and not in India for example -- then maybe the government wouldn't need to be involved.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
I have been in classrooms were I have had kids say I do not have to learn. In one instance the kid said my grandad did not work, my dad did not work, and I am not gonna work and you will have to pay for it.

I do not think everyone that is poor is lazy. I do think parents need to step up and encourage there kids to get an education so they will have a better life. When you lower the bar of expectations for a class of people it becomes a why try environment. I can see how easy it can be just to be. I have known people that were on unemployment for 2yrs plus and they said they could have got jobs just not paying much more or the same as they were getting in unemployment.

One huge fact is you can't make someone driven to better there lives. You can only lead by example and in a lot of cases needs to come from parents.
AtypicalLonghorn's Avatar
You cannot IMO take away these programs that affect the kids. It is not their fault the parents did not do what they needed to do prior to having them.

Not everyone who is poor is lazy, that is like saying every well to do person is intelligent. Some people were born into that situation. Be glad you are on the better end of it.... Originally Posted by sixxbach
The government programs just maintain poverty. They don't improve it. If a charity or NGO wants to help the poor, that is great, but that's not the government's role.

I did not write that poor people are lazy, but I did write they are rewarded for being poor. My "just lazy" comment links to information about 99ers who are the people that have used up 99 weeks of unemployment benefits.

If someone has not found a job in almost two years, they haven't been looking much. They have also dug a deep hole, because even if they see the light and decide to look for work, employers aren't interested in people who haven't worked in almost 100 weeks.
BonerJams03's Avatar
See, this is why abortion and planned parenthood save money. Sometimes you gotta spend money to save it. Can't feed em, don't breed em! Also, if felons and prison inmates were paid to be sterilized, that would help too.
AtypicalLonghorn's Avatar
You don't like helping poor people? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
If the government has the money, why not help them? Since it doesn't, no.

You don't want disadvantaged kids to have educational opportunities? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Pell grants exist to help. Government student loans exist to help. Merit-based scholarships can cover tuition and fees and sometimes room and board.

You don't believe our sick and aged deserve to live their final years in dignity? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Don't confuse old and sick (Medicare) with poor and sick (Medicaid).
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Uh, ATL -- they just killed the Pell Grants. Stafford loans are next on the chopping block. That doesn't just affect the people you apparently think don't deserve an education, but most likely the children of your friends ... and maybe even yours.

You want to do away with Medicaid? Watch your insurance premium bust through the roof! You'll be paying for every hospital emergency in the RGV and Louisiana. So you won't confuse the two again, Medicare is a program for the aged through the Federal Government and regulated by Congress. Medicaid is subsidized by the Federal Government AND the State of Texas but distributed by Rick Perry and his band of brainiacs and Mad Hatters. Last time I looked, Governor Goodhair was turning down Federal Aid for benefits which we in Texas had already paid. that's right. We paid about 15% of all monies into the Fed funds but he wouldn't take any of it back. He was trying to make a point ... frankly I believe that point was to prove that, in the words of Harriet Johnson, our beloved schoolmarm, he is the leading ASSHOLE in the state! If we're lucky, Sarah Palin will get the nomination and pick him as her running mate. That'll be the end of him -- thank GOD!

Old and sick? As opposed to young (children) and poor? What about CHIP? We need to kill that, too?

Come on, bro. The more you defend your position, the more you sound like Ebenezer Scrooge! How many disadvantaged people do you employ? Do you pay their unemployment? Their health care insurance? Educational levees? I know, it's real easy to pretend that 60% of your friends and neighbors don't exist. BUT...

I agree that if the government has the money it should help them. However, if people continue to rape the government of its ability to generate revenue, there''ll be nothing to help those people. You OK with that? Or do you think that these folks just need to go back to ... MICHIGAN?

I know this is pretty heady wine, but I respect your opinion. Other responses probably require a different response, but I'm a decent fellow and I wouldn't presume to point out another member's intellectual shortcomings. Just not how I roll!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
See, this is why abortion and planned parenthood save money. Sometimes you gotta spend money to save it. Can't feed em, don't breed em! Also, if felons and prison inmates were paid to be sterilized, that would help too. Originally Posted by BonerJams03
If you're Humpty and you know it clap your hands!

NOTE TO DECENT MEMBERS OF ECCIE: I'm sure there's a reason why this has been allowed to go on so long, but nobody's clued me in on it.

We're trying to have a civil and sane debate here. But here we have a poster whose sole intent is to spread racism and hate.

Thanks guys... we all appreciate it.