School Teacher quits job to start a business and thanks Obamacare

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  • WTF
  • 03-05-2014, 03:10 PM
Have you figured out what a person with no kids paying school tax is LexusLover?
LexusLover's Avatar
Have you figured out what a person with no kids paying school tax is LexusLover? Originally Posted by WTF
A gay taxpayer? Just asking.
flghtr65's Avatar
#1: She quit teaching so she is not making "more than that"!!!
#2: She will have to "make" $48,000 or more a year in her business.
#3: She will not do #2.

So she qualifies for a subsidy .. that's why her premiums are so low.

Now back to the bullshit story, which according to Harry Reid is a LIE! Originally Posted by LexusLover
LexusLover let's get the facts straight.

1. She will quit teaching at the end of the school year, which would be June 2014.

2. She can't get a subsidy if her employer offers health insurance, if she is buying today.

3. If you go to you can see what the premiums are for the Obamacare policies for a particular zip code.

3A. Enter in a Denver zip code of 80202 and a date of birth of 2/1/1963 and a sex of female, and non-smoker. The policies premium prices that come back starts at
$293.53. This is without a subsidy.

Company/Plan Deductible Premium

Kaiser Permanente Bronze $4,500 $293.53

Kaiser Permanente Silver $1,750 $368.19

Humana Bronze $6,300 $323.45

The bottom line is a single 51 year old woman in the Denver area can get health insurance in the individual market with premiums starting around $300 without getting a subsidy from the Federal Government this year.

Don't know where you are getting your information from, you don't have it right. You can use any website you want, you should see the same information as above.

You don't what she will make in her business. It does not matter in this case because the premiums quoted above are without a subsidy.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
LLIdiot refuses to face facts. I guess he objects to anybody besides him being on the government dole. Mwhat a fucking Medicare leech!

here's another fact he just can't deal with...this store is next across the street from Nau's Enfield drug!

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  • WTF
  • 03-06-2014, 07:13 AM
LL seems to pick and choose which government subsidies he likes. The ones that benefit him , he seems to be just fine with!
LexusLover's Avatar
LexusLover let's get the facts straight. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Your facts or her facts?

Do you think those premiums are LOWER because of the ACA?

Drink some more kool-aid medicine from the Medicine Man in the WH.
LexusLover's Avatar
LLIdiot refuses to face facts. I
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You mean across the street from the ENFIELD DRUG?

Still taking an advertisement over a government document are you?

I would think that a Big Government "guy" would take the official proof!

But you would rather drag up any ole draggy-skag with a T-shirt, right?
LexusLover's Avatar
LL seems to pick and choose which government subsidies he likes. The ones that benefit him , he seems to be just fine with! Originally Posted by WTF
Well according to you, I've been subsidizing your driving .. you can drive?
vixstudios's Avatar
LexusLover's Avatar
does obamacare cover pediatric medical marijuana? Originally Posted by vixstudios
Is that a "pre-existing" condition?
LexusLover's Avatar
LLIdiot refuses to face facts. ..this store is next across the street from Nau's Enfield drug!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Which street? Oh, wait! It doesn't matter which one ... !!!
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  • WTF
  • 03-06-2014, 11:34 AM
Well according to you, I've been subsidizing your driving .. you can drive? Originally Posted by LexusLover
You do understand tax say a tax break on mortgage interest rates is a subsidy to home owners? Why is it that this one subsidy has you peeing your pants? Is it because of Obama? Do you want to get rid of all subsidies?
LexusLover's Avatar
You do understand tax say a tax break on mortgage interest rates is a subsidy to home owners? Why is it that this one subsidy has you peeing your pants? Is it because of Obama? Do you want to get rid of all subsidies? Originally Posted by WTF
WTF ... you are too concerned about what goes on (or doesn't go on) in my pants for my comfort. Why don't you worry about what goes on (or doesn't go on) in some one else's pants? OK?

In the meantime, exercise your typing skills with phoney issues somewhere else.

By your standards (if you actually have any), deducting the interest a larndlord pays for the mortgage on multifamily housing is a "subsidy" for the landlord to provide rental properties to folks who either can't or don't want to buy a house.

Next time I pump gas (not hot air like you expel .. but fuel/petrol) I will be thinking about how I am subsidizing you running up and down the streets and highways .... doing whatever you do .... running up and down ... I will feel better about myself ... thinking I am contributing to your life .. making it more productive ... providing you an opportunity to get out in the world ... and away from the bookshelves at Barnes and Nobles.

I'm subsidizing your ... probably not maturity .. but ... expanding your horizons .. education!

But don't get too choked up about me doing anything philanthropic or the like ..... probably 90% of those subsidizing dollars I pay in taxes to provide you the opportunity to exercise and improve your motor skills are being DEDUCTED as a business expense to offset the income I am earning out of which I continue to pay property and medicare/social security taxes .... not to mention income taxes .... after I get all those deductions for you and your family's subsidies.... oh, yea, .. and your gaggle of bimbos.
what I find curious is how the leftists here..such as WTF..are defending one subsidy by pointing out that government has many subsidies...

how is that any sort of point that makes any sense whatsoever?

its conservatives that wish to reduce the size of most all government

are they really using the public school system, which they have taken over and ruined and defend to their last breath, not for the children's sake but for unionism's sake, and for the sake of their continued brain washing of the children, and ultimately for their own power's sake alone, as cover for taking over another huge aspect of American life..our heathcare system and ruining that as well?????

and in creating yet another huge entitlement..corrupting ever more of us into their web of government subsidy and reliance?

they trap poorer peoples children in terrible schools, denying any plan to rescue these kids , charter or voucher or anything..while they themselves send their kids to sidwell friends or whatever the name of that elitist place is

they are now, in this very thread, claiming umbrage at being taxed for schools and saying see..i have to pay this...all the while they have defended ever increasing spending at pubic schools?

its quite astonishing the upside down logic of it all

especially when you consider that many conservatives are the ones who have left the public school system in droves...home schooling or sending to private school their children..thus paying twice,,,once in taxes and again in time and instruction materials, books etc or tuition

so now the latest is the infrastructure... our spending on roads as a defense for subsidizing health care?

haven't Obama et al called repeatedly for increasing wastefulness spending on infrastructure and even "bullet trains"?

Obama's wasteful near trillion dollar stimulus which was merely a payoff to unionism and his political supporters..wasn't that enough?
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  • WTF
  • 03-06-2014, 03:15 PM
what I find curious is how the leftists here..such as WTF..are defending one subsidy by pointing out that government has many subsidies... Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Cut out ALL subsidies or STFU. Your pet projects are no more important to you than any so called leftist project is to him. God damn you tit wankers cried about cutting defense projects that even the DoD didn't want. LL I have paid the top rate in SS for the last 35 years. My bet is i buy more gas than you so I pay more for road repair. I have never used the home mortgage deduction. If they shut down SS and Medicare today I would gladly forfeit what I had paid into those programs.we are a nation of takers. Both on the left and right. You are a perfect example from the right. So to folks like nevergivesitathought of course folks on the left point out your hypocrisy.