oralick,Because Ranger, many of them simply haven't been there. They've never had a shot fired at them in anger, some have never served in the military period. It's difficult for some to understand situations like this if they've never been exposed to the chaos that can ensue during firefights.
I just don't understand how people don't have the ability to distinguish fantasy like Rambo, Jason Bourne and James Bond with reality. Originally Posted by stealthyguy
As a former Ranger, I take offense to your irresponsible conspiracy theory allegations. I know Rangers who were there that evening. It was dusk and visibility was horrible. One Ranger swears to me that they were under a mortar attack. This is a classic mistaken identity in what we call "the fog of war".
Furthermore, Ranger Tillman was highly respected by his fellow Rangers. He lead by example and never used his celebrity status to not carry his load. There are many Rangers out there who are not religious--including myself. If you do your job, no one holds that against you. Ranger Tillman was NEVER considered a "buddy fucker"--one of our favorite terms for slackers who don't carry their load.
As to how the chain of command tried to cover this up, I agree that it was wrong. But you don't hold the boots on the ground fighting our wars responsible for what those looking for political gains out of this tragedy. The tragedy is that we lost a great Ranger. The travesty is that those in charge lied about how it happened.
BTW, friendly fire accidents happen more than you may expect. In fact training deadly accidents are so common in the Ranger Regiment that if you go to the Ranger memorials there are almost as many deaths from training as there are from combat. I was just at the 1st Ranger Bn memorial and noticed that both training and combat deaths were honored there.
If you've never been there, please refrain from falsely accusing those who have dared to be there!!!
Rangers Lead the Way Originally Posted by stealthyguy
Let me put it this way, we can probably assume that his diary only had personal rants about how he disagreed with the war in Iraq. It's not like the diary he carried had some secrets about how Bush and OBL were cousins or something like that. You see where I'm going with this? His diary was probably destroyed so that the politicians could take full credit for this heroes death without risking his parents publishing information that would discredit what the Bush administration claimed--mainly that Pat Tillman agreed with Bush's politics.Not possible.
That's it...Pretty simple and straightforward. It was a political move to glorify a guy who wanted no part of glorifying the Bush administration. Originally Posted by stealthyguy
You really are a nut job. First of all, I don't know what you mean by "lead from the front" garbage you are spewing. "Rangers lead the way" is one of the Ranger mottoes--look it up. The other motto being "Sua Sponte" which means of your own accord. For you to make generalized statements about how all Rangers are aggressive leads me to believe you really don't know much about the military. Ranger Battalions--like most combat units--have classic military structure. There are privates in the 75th Regiment who just made the battalion and have limited experience. They tend to follow those with considerably more experience and those who have been to Ranger school--usually after 6 to 9 months of serving in a Ranger unit.
This is my last post here as I find this discussion on a web site most pointless. I think those who read this should just user your sound reasoning and judgement to reach a practical and realistic conclusion. Originally Posted by stealthyguy
....I thought you said all Rangers were aggressive?!
Your quote: "All Rangers are aggressive and they require no one to lead them from the front"
You really are out there. Your generalizations about personalities of soldiers based on what unit they serve in lead me to believe you get all your opinions from watching too many movies. Quit posing, you are flirting with braking "Stolen Valor" law. Originally Posted by stealthyguy