Obamanomics lesson

But in all fairness, Bush had the time to clamp the borders down long time ago Originally Posted by Sa_artman
Ain't that the truth. It goes back to Reagan, who granted amnesty to millions of lawbreaking immigrants and then wouldn't do what he promised and close our border.

Now it's been Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2, and Obama and still the feds refuse to protect our citizens from lawbreaking immigrants by closing our borders.

When will Washington follow the will of the people and address this ongoing issue?????
guest042912's Avatar

Thank you for your military service.

I don’t know of anyone calling you a racist (although you may well be one). You’re just a whiner, like most liberals. I rather suspect that you—like the Public-Embarrassment-In-Chief, his farce of an attorney general Originally Posted by Toolman
First of all, I don't have to prove myself to some coward who was too ball less to even join the ARMY or hell even the navy or coast guard. But if you really want me to prove it to you I'll take apart of an M-16 and shove the mag up your ass,(and I'll show you my DD form 214). But that's only if you really want me to prove it to you. Wow this whining liberal was more man than a kick ass conservative cowboy.

I'm so glad that you are smarter than me. You have 10 reviews and most of the providers you have seen, I have to question their immigration status. I guess they are doing jobs that no American wants.

Anyways, just another typical conservative. Yeah they'll yell and rant but behind the scene Toolman doesn't really care if someone is illegal. I want to call you racist but man you have too many hispanic chicks on your list to call you that. Maybe your just punishing them one illegal immigrant at a time.
All arguments on either side aside, the simple fact is that spending, current and forthcoming, now on the books takes our debt to GDP ratio beyond what is sustainbale. There is no rational economic argument that can be made to the contrary. You can want this spending to be sustainable (and a fairness argument may be able to be made) but that does not make it so. This is about the math. We either come to terms and live within our means or we take a trip to Greece and not the fun kind.

Ironically, if we did get our debt to GDP under control (which is really not as bad as it sounds) the amount of capital that would be freed up would explode growth and therefore the GDP thusly increasing tax revenues to goverments at all levels so that much of the spending now to be financed with additional debt (with no certain future buyers I might add) could be paid for out of future current tax revenue streams without any rate increase.

Unfortunatly you can't get this on a bumper sticker so it likely won't happen. I pray our chirldren are more responsible than we are.

My wise grandfather had a saying he passed on to me "Shirtsleaves to shitrlseaves in four generations, sometimes three." I fear he was correct beyond his wildest imagination.

guest042912's Avatar
Heather, I'm sure you are so worried about breaking America's laws. But if you broke the law, does that make you a criminal forever. So if a Mexican comes to this country and the only crime he committed is crossing the river, then he's a criminal forever?

Also, I don't think there is a problem with blonde haired blue eyed illegal immigrants, so don't be stupid. But if we live by your world view we should harrass everyone who we suspect are something we don't like. Like I suspect your a racist. But unless you can show me some type of document that can prove your not a racist, your always gonna be a racist to me.

Sounds stupid right.

Also these non citizens who died fighting in the IRAQ war, were made US citizens posthumously(after they died). So again, I know they were not real Americans to you because they died an immigrant. But at least these immigrants have done more for this country than YOU ever will.

LittleSpike's Avatar
Ain't that the truth. It goes back to Reagan, who granted amnesty to millions of lawbreaking immigrants and then wouldn't do what he promised and close our border.

Now it's been Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2, and Obama and still the feds refuse to protect our citizens from lawbreaking immigrants by closing our borders.

When will Washington follow the will of the people and address this ongoing issue????? Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
What politicians DO is far more revealing than what they SAY. The globalist agenda calls for open borders and the eventual amalgamation of Mexico, the United States, and Canada. Our politicians (in both parties) seem to be working towards that agenda, and it's time for the American people to say, "Hell NO".

Heather, I'm sure you are so worried about breaking America's laws. But if you broke the law, does that make you a criminal forever. So if a Mexican comes to this country and the only crime he committed is crossing the river, then he's a criminal forever?No, if he becomes a CITIZEN LEGALLY he wouldn't be a criminal at all. If a Honduran breaks Mexicos law by entering Mexico ILLEGALLY, does that make HIM a criminal forever? Oh wait, just for the TEN years he will spend in a MEXICAN prison for the second offense.

Also, I don't think there is a problem with blonde haired blue eyed illegal immigrants, so don't be stupidI try not to be sweetheart. And since you and I agree the problem is not with blonde, blue eyed hordes illegally crossing our countrys border, it only makes sense for the police to request valid ID from those with a Hispanic appearance.

. But if we live by your world view we should harrass everyone who we suspect are something we don't likeOr, as civilized people like to call it "catching criminals".

. Like I suspect your a racistThats pretty insulting since you don't even know me, right?

. But unless you can show me some type of document that can prove your not a racist, your always gonna be a racist to meAnd what document would you care to show ME that YOU are not a racist?.

Sounds stupid rightYes sir, unfortunately you do indeed sound pretty stupid, I'm sorry to say.

Also these non citizens who died fighting in the IRAQ war, were made US citizens posthumously(after they died). So again, I know they were not real Americans to you because they died an immigrant. But at least these immigrants have done more for this country than YOU ever will.You got me on that one. Sacrificing your life for your country is the ultimate sacrifice, and I and my fellow countrymen are in their debt.

R Originally Posted by xxr76xx
Someone Hispanic(like yourself) claimed I was a racist against Hispanics and that the native Mexicans were here first before people like me came along. They ASSUMED that because I am blonde and have light blue eyes.

What they didn't realize is that I am only HALF blonde and blue eyed. My other half-my father-was 100% NATIVE AMERICAN INDIAN. So technically PART of me was here before THEM. So there!

I have a relative in Norway that has been waiting 5+ years to immigrate to the USA. Should SHE SNEAK over here ILLEGALLY? Or is that only for the Mexicans?
Ironically, if we did get our debt to GDP under control (which is really not as bad as it sounds) the amount of capital that would be freed up would explode growth Originally Posted by Houman
Why is that so hard for people to understand? Heck, when JFK did it back in the 60's it worked!

Sadly, I think what is happening in Greece is right around the corner for US.
Oh yes, about being (unfairly) labeled as a "racist".

If being a proud American that doesn't wish to see the great, beautiful cities of this great, beautiful country turn into replicas of third world Mexican villages, with trash strewn streets where gangs run rampant and gun violence is common makes me somehow a "racist"...

dearhunter's Avatar
And don't tell me it's not an racist law becaus there are no laws codemning the people who who hire illegals. I wonder what race they are? Originally Posted by xxr76xx
You are incorrect. Arizona has very harsh laws for businesses who hire illegal immigrants.

Viva la raza
guest042912's Avatar
Oh yes, about being (unfairly) labeled as a "racist".

If being a proud American that doesn't wish to see the great, beautiful cities of this great, beautiful country turn into replicas of third world Mexican villages, with trash strewn streets where gangs run rampant and gun violence is common makes me somehow a "racist"...

THEN GUILTY AS CHARGED. Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
Wow. You wanna play the Most Proudest American Game, because I guarantee you I would win.

Heather, I'm sorry if you think I called you a racist. You might not be but I SUSPECT it. And if you don't prove your not I WILL ALWAYS SUSPECT IT. And if you think I want this country to be a third world country, then you are stupid. I gave my opinion on a law that I think is unfair, towards people who do not look like your version of America. I tried to show you that some immigrants legal and illegal who contributed WAY more than YOU ever have to this country. But screw them, Right? We need to get these good for nothing wetbacks out of here.

Look Heather, Let's leave it at that ok. Your ok with the law and I'm not.

Wow. You wanna play the Most Proudest American Game, because I guarantee you I would win.

Heather, I'm sorry if you think I called you a racist. You might not be but I SUSPECT it. And if you don't prove your not I WILL ALWAYS SUSPECT IT.Well, I'm sad about that because I firmly believe that all men are created equally, and no race, color, creed, religion is any better than another. I believe we all are entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I again say it is a national outrage and we should be ashamed of how USA corporations exploit the poor immigrants that are simply trying to survive.

And if you think I want this country to be a third world country, then you are stupidMaybe I am and maybe I'm not. I certainly didn't mean to imply that you in particular want the USA to resemble a third world country-like Mexico. Have you ever been to Mexico? Have you ever been through the poor villages where hungry little kids beg for money on the streets? Have you been to Tiajuana? I have, and I do NOT want to see any American city turn into THAT. My mothers side of my family have their roots in Bergen, Norway and Dusselldorf, Germany. Have you been to those citys? I have, and the streets are clean and litter free. There are no hungry kids selling Chiklets on every corner. There is no fear of crime. If you were a Hispanic visiting you would have absolutely no fear of being kidnapped or having the police abuse you.I would much rather the citys in the USA resemble THAT, not because the populations are Caucasian, not because the people there are superior to any other, and certainly not because I'm "racist".

. I gave my opinion on a law that I think is unfair, towards people who do not look like your version of America.You mean the people that march in our cities screaming profanity and waving the Mexican flag?

I tried to show you that some immigrants legal and illegal who contributed WAY more than YOU ever have to this country. But screw them, Right?No, as I said, I salute them. Sir.

We need to get these good for nothing wetbacks out of here.There is no need to utter racial slurs, sir. That kind of language is uncalled for. But the people who break this countrys laws by entering illegally, no matter what the color of their skin, yes, we need them OUTTA HERE.

Look Heather, Let's leave it at that ok. Your ok with the law and I'm not.I agree to respectfully agree to disagree. And again, you may not like me and that's your right but I still salute and thank you for your service to our country.

R Originally Posted by xxr76xx
guest042912's Avatar
Eduardo Caraballo, a U.S. citizen born in the United States, was detained for over three days on suspicion of being an illegal immigrant.
Despite presenting identifying documents and even his birth certificate, Caraballo was held by federal immigration authorities over the weekend and threatened with deportation, according to an NBC Chicago report. He was only released when his congressman, Luis Gutierrez -- a vocal supporter of immigration reform -- intervened on his behalf.
Caraballo was born in Puerto Rico, making him a natural-born citizen of the United States. He moved to the mainland as an infant, and now lives in Chicago.
Last week, NBC reports that he was arrested in connection with a stolen car in Berwyn. Caraballo maintains his innocence. In any case, when his mother posted bail on Friday, he was not freed.
"Instead of being released, he was told by authorities that Immigration and Customs Enforcement was detaining him because he was an illegal immigrant," NBC reports.
Caraballo spent the weekend in the custody of federal immigration agents. When he presented them with ID and his birth certificate, he says officials were skeptical: "Because of the way I look, I have Mexican features, they pretty much assumed that my papers were fake."
Only after his congressman interceded was Caraballo set free.
Rep. Gutierrez, a Chicagoan who is himself of Puerto Rican descent, is a long-time advocate of immigration reform. He was one of the first and loudest voices on the Hill to speak out against the Arizona immigration law, and he was recently arrested at a protest demanding fairer treatment for immigrants and their families.
"It gets worse," Gutierrez said in an interview. "We know of instances in which young people in his same situation are actually taken to the border and deported from the United States.
Not surprisingly, the nine-term Democratic congressman saw a disturbing connection to the situation in the Grand Canyon State.
"In Arizona, they want everybody to be able to prove they're legally in the country. They want everybody to prove that they're an American citizen. Here we had an American citizen, that the federal government... could not determine, for more than three days, his status as an American citizen. It's very, very, very dangerous ground to tread."
According to NBC Chicago, Caraballo "is considering legal action." Meanwhile, he and his congressman hope the incident will open people's eyes to the dangers of profiling.
Last week, NBC reports that he was arrested in connection with a stolen car in Berwyn. Caraballo maintains his innocence. LOL. Typical. Most criminals loudly proclaim they're innocent.

Caraballo spent the weekend in the custody of federal immigration agents. When he presented them with ID and his birth certificate, he says officials were skeptical: "Because of the way I look, I have Mexican features, they pretty much assumed that my papers were fake."How nice to have ESP and be able to read other folks minds. I find that in most of life it's best not to "assume" ANYTHING.
Only after his congressman interceded was Caraballo set free.

"It gets worse," Gutierrez said in an interview. "We know of instances in which young people in his same situation are actually taken to the border and deported from the United States.Wow! Care to share documentation of these "instances"??
Not surprisingly, the nine-term Democratic congressman saw a disturbing connection to the situation in the Grand Canyon State.What's disturbing is that Phoenix is the number one place in America for the crime of kidnapping, attributed to illegal immigrants. And the second most dangerous place in the entire WORLD!
"In Arizona, they want everybody to be able to prove they're legally in the country. They want everybody to prove that they're an American citizen. Here we had an American citizen, that the federal government... could not determine, for more than three days, his status as an American citizen. It's very, very, very dangerous ground to tread."Too bad it's come to this. THANK YOU ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!
According to NBC Chicago, Caraballo "is considering legal action.Why am I not surprised? I'm sure millions of our tax dollars will "ease his pain".Meanwhile, he and his congressman hope the incident will open people's eyes to the dangers of profiling.And hopefully open peoples eyes to the dangers of hordes of illegal immigrants crossing our borders, bankrupting states such as California.[/quote]

P.S. I thought you wanted to end this thread.
boardman's Avatar
Eduardo Caraballo, a U.S. citizen born in the United States, was detained for over three days on suspicion of being an illegal immigrant.
Despite presenting identifying documents and even his birth certificate, Caraballo was held by federal immigration authorities over the weekend and threatened with deportation, according to an NBC Chicago report. He was only released when his congressman, Luis Gutierrez -- a vocal supporter of immigration reform -- intervened on his behalf.
Caraballo was born in Puerto Rico, making him a natural-born citizen of the United States. He moved to the mainland as an infant, and now lives in Chicago.
Last week, NBC reports that he was arrested in connection with a stolen car in Berwyn. Caraballo maintains his innocence. In any case, when his mother posted bail on Friday, he was not freed.
"Instead of being released, he was told by authorities that Immigration and Customs Enforcement was detaining him because he was an illegal immigrant," NBC reports.
Caraballo spent the weekend in the custody of federal immigration agents. When he presented them with ID and his birth certificate, he says officials were skeptical: "Because of the way I look, I have Mexican features, they pretty much assumed that my papers were fake."
Only after his congressman interceded was Caraballo set free.
Rep. Gutierrez, a Chicagoan who is himself of Puerto Rican descent, is a long-time advocate of immigration reform. He was one of the first and loudest voices on the Hill to speak out against the Arizona immigration law, and he was recently arrested at a protest demanding fairer treatment for immigrants and their families.
"It gets worse," Gutierrez said in an interview. "We know of instances in which young people in his same situation are actually taken to the border and deported from the United States.
Not surprisingly, the nine-term Democratic congressman saw a disturbing connection to the situation in the Grand Canyon State.
"In Arizona, they want everybody to be able to prove they're legally in the country. They want everybody to prove that they're an American citizen. Here we had an American citizen, that the federal government... could not determine, for more than three days, his status as an American citizen. It's very, very, very dangerous ground to tread."
According to NBC Chicago, Caraballo "is considering legal action." Meanwhile, he and his congressman hope the incident will open people's eyes to the dangers of profiling. Originally Posted by xxr76xx
This incident happened over the past weekend. A Google seach of the name Eduardo Caraballo brings up numerous links to left wing blogs and such. The only notable exception is a brief write up in The Huffington Post(Which I don't really consider an legitimate news source)
Searches for Eduardo Caraballo on CBS news, ABC news, FOX news, CNN, The NY Times, The Chicago Sun Times and more return nothing. MSNBC does get a hit from the Local Chicago NBC affiliate where the original "story" appears to have come from. Even a search of the mentioned Representatives website turns up nothing.
Furthermore, Chicago is one of 31 self proclaimed sanctuary cities. Cook County, Illinois is the first County in the US to proclaim itself a sancturary county. So just who reported him to ICE?
Sorry, but there is more to this story than the facts stated above or the media would have been all over it.
ness's Avatar
  • ness
  • 06-07-2010, 01:33 AM
Wake the f*ck up ! While you're arguing over who's at fault, Democrats or Republicans, the globalist bankers are bankrupting the country...

LS Originally Posted by LittleSpike
Really how? I know the games that federal bankers play, but if they can't appropriate money how can they bankrupt a country? I know the answer, we can't be the ones ultimately responsible, it hast to be $SOMEONE_ELSE, it has to be $THEM whoever that happens to be. Being in a representative republic is a bitch, some times you gotta man up and take your medicine if you want anything to change.

The answer to my question of when the last Democrat controled House of Representatives passed a balanced budged was 1969.