IRS Lawyer Admitted Lois Lerner’s ‘Lost’ Emails Were Backed Up

"Lois Lerner’s Blackberry was intentionally destroyed after Congress had begun its probe into IRS targeting of conservative groups, a senior IRS lawyer acknowledged in a sworn declaration." Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Extraordinarily damning
boardman's Avatar
I bet Oliver North is pissed!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
He's deliberately been misquoting every source to which he links that refers to our President.

That makes him a

FUCKING LIAR Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It is not lying, it is obvious satirical smearing of the President.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Agreed, if that's your idea of Satire, but not in the context of quoting sources like and the BBC verbatim.

Then it's a deliberate misquote; a deception and a lie.

And YOU claim to have been an attorney?

Everybody hates you except IBIdiot and Slobbrin. I hope you trip on a Popsicle stick and BLA BLA BLA..
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Agreed, if that's your idea of Satire, but not in the context of quoting sources like and the BBC verbatim.

Then it's a deliberate misquote; a deception and a lie.

And YOU claim to have been an attorney?

Everybody hates you except IBIdiot and Slobbrin. I hope you trip on a Popsicle stick and BLA BLA BLA.. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Any reasonable person can see it is an intentional misquote, therefore not a lie.

Sort of like making a movie about Abe Lincoln as a vampire slayer. Everyone knows it wasn't a lie even though Lincoln didn't actually go slay vampires, in the literal sense.

The only solution for people like you is wiring your mouth shut, dripping honey on you, chaining you to an ant pile for three days, then asking you to pledge to improve your interactions with your superiors - which is everyone short of the inmates on death row.

I hope you can get better with medication and counseling, but I'm through with you. FUCK OFF AND DIE!!!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Hope you get better for everyone else's sake....otherwise, FUCK OFF AND DIE!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-28-2014, 02:10 PM
Sort of like making a movie about Abe Lincoln as a vampire slayer. Everyone knows it wasn't a lie even though Lincoln didn't actually go slay vampires, in the literal sense. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
What are you saying?!?!? That was such a believable movie. Are you now telling me it DIDN'T happen that way?

I am crestfallen.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
What are you saying?!?!? That was such a believable movie. Are you now telling me it DIDN'T happen that way?

I am crestfallen. Originally Posted by Old-T
Just one of those unfortunate things in life we have to face!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Any reasonable person can see it is an intentional misquote, therefore not a lie.

Sort of like making a movie about Abe Lincoln as a vampire slayer. Everyone knows it wasn't a lie even though Lincoln didn't actually go slay vampires, in the literal sense.

The only solution for people like you is wiring your mouth shut, dripping honey on you, chaining you to an ant pile for three days, then asking you to pledge to improve your interactions with your superiors - which is everyone short of the inmates on death row.

I hope you can get better with medication and counseling, but I'm through with you. FUCK OFF AND DIE!!! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
ITS TWOOO! ITS TWOO! He weally ist channelling ze IBIdiot!

Holy shit. Ant pile? WOW! You've fucking lost it haven't you BJerk?


On Wednesday, a senior IRS lawyer acknowledged in a sworn declaration that Lerner’s Blackberry was intentionally destroyed after Congress had begun investigating the IRS targeting of conservative groups.

Award-winning investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson was a guest on Fox News’ Lou Dobbs Tonight on Tuesday to discuss these revelations confirming the existence of Lois Lerner’s “missing” emails. She told Dobbs that the DOJ is in a potential conflict of interest with the IRS:

“The Department of Justice was representing the IRS in this phone call, basically defending the IRS in court in the civil case with Judicial Watch suing them. The Department of Justice is also investigating the IRS. So at the same time it’s supposed to conduct a fair and impartial investigation on the one hand, and it is saying that it can, it is defending the IRS in court on the other hand on the missing document cases. I think there is a potential appearance of a conflict of interest there.”
Dobbs mentions that Andrew Strelka used to work under Lois Lerner at the IRS, but now works in the tax division of the Justice Department. Attkisson said that Strelka was part of a discussion about focusing on Tea Party cases. And now, he is part of the department investigating it. Dobbs credits Judicial Watch and the Oversight Committee for their persistence in searching out the truth in these scandals.

“I mean everywhere we turn there seems to be an Obama appointee who is effectively blocking the progress for the search for truth. Without Judicial Watch, without the Oversight committee in particular we wouldn’t know what the hell is going on in this government at all, would we?”
Attkisson said:

“Perhaps not….When John Koskinen was brought in to basically, we were told, to get at the bottom of things and get at the truth, based on his actions in his testimony to Congress it seems as though his edict, at least in the action that he’s given, was more about protecting the IRS, not necessarily getting to the truth.”

I B Hankering's Avatar
President Odumbo regularly claims that he oversees the most honest and transparent administration in history. But when it comes to Congressional investigators looking into the IRS scandal and other issues, it is funny how often the administration hits the delete button....

Explanations regarding Lerner's thousands of missing emails have always been hard to swallow. The initial story was that the records were accidentally lost when Lerner's desktop computer crashed. But given the nature of networked and cloud computing, as well as government requirements for redundant email backup systems, this account never made sense....

To believe that the IRS scandal is the creation of President Odumbo's political opponents you have to believe an amazing series of events is just coincidence. That takes a more partisan cast of mind than to wonder whether this might be circumstantial evidence of a desperate effort to obstruct justice.


On Wednesday, a senior IRS lawyer acknowledged in a sworn declaration that Lerner’s Blackberry was intentionally destroyed after Congress had begun investigating the IRS targeting of conservative groups.

Award-winning investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson was a guest on Fox News’ Lou Dobbs Tonight on Tuesday to discuss these revelations confirming the existence of Lois Lerner’s “missing” emails. She told Dobbs that the DOJ is in a potential conflict of interest with the IRS:

“The Department of Justice was representing the IRS in this phone call, basically defending the IRS in court in the civil case with Judicial Watch suing them. The Department of Justice is also investigating the IRS. So at the same time it’s supposed to conduct a fair and impartial investigation on the one hand, and it is saying that it can, it is defending the IRS in court on the other hand on the missing document cases. I think there is a potential appearance of a conflict of interest there.”
Dobbs mentions that Andrew Strelka used to work under Lois Lerner at the IRS, but now works in the tax division of the Justice Department. Attkisson said that Strelka was part of a discussion about focusing on Tea Party cases. And now, he is part of the department investigating it. Dobbs credits Judicial Watch and the Oversight Committee for their persistence in searching out the truth in these scandals.

“I mean everywhere we turn there seems to be an Obama appointee who is effectively blocking the progress for the search for truth. Without Judicial Watch, without the Oversight committee in particular we wouldn’t know what the hell is going on in this government at all, would we?”
Attkisson said:

“Perhaps not….When John Koskinen was brought in to basically, we were told, to get at the bottom of things and get at the truth, based on his actions in his testimony to Congress it seems as though his edict, at least in the action that he’s given, was more about protecting the IRS, not necessarily getting to the truth.”

Read more at Originally Posted by gnadfly
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Another misquoted link from the clown prince of liars. I clicked on the link and didn't find a single mention of "Odumbo."

Pity you have no name, face or accountability for the bullshit you fabricate. (well, except of course to the NSA, who I understand is developing a strategy for identifying dipshits)

I'm willing to bet the only provided references you can get are from Slobbrin, IBHomo and Whir-LIE-turd. ONLY GOD KNOWS HOW MANY TIMES YOU HAVE JERKED EACH OTHER OFF!
I B Hankering's Avatar
The IRS's Friend at Justice
More on the lawyer who did double duty on tax-exempt abuse cases.

"Congressional investigators have been finding more breadcrumbs on the trail of Andrew Strelka, the former IRS Exempt Organizations staffer who later became the Justice Department's attorney handling one of the viewpoint discrimination cases against the IRS.

"We told you recently about Mr. Strelka's sudden withdrawal as Justice's lead attorney on the suit brought by Z Street, a Philadelphia pro-Israel group that says it was told its tax-exempt application was delayed because a special unit in Washington was reviewing groups with missions that might conflict with Odumbo's Administration policies. Mr. Strelka was a White House management fellow assigned to the IRS when the targeting was underway, so at Justice he was handling a case to which he was potentially a witness.

"Now Mr. Strelka's personal knowledge of policies in the Exempt Organizations unit run by Lois Lerner is turning up in emails found by the House Oversight Committee. In March 2010 IRS manager Ronald Shoemaker emailed a group including Mr. Strelka instructing them to 'Be on the lookout for a tea party case. If you have received or do receive a case in the future involving an exemption for an organization having to do with tea party, let me know.'

"That falls squarely into the period when the IRS was developing its policies for handling the tax-exempt applications of conservative groups and other groups like Z Street whose missions received additional scrutiny. The Oversight Committee also noted in a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder that Mr. Strelka kept in touch with his former IRS colleagues after he left, a fact which may have given him continued awareness of their actions."
I wonder the disposition of Mr Strelka's emails and email media.
Onotasmidgen... is the LIAR... Spam Writer