Global warming/climate change hoax exposed...

There has been enough evidence showing data is manipulated in order to get the desired results. This is a money grab plan and simple. If you are so sure that man is causing "climate change" then please explain the changes that took place millions of years ago. You can't have it both ways. Originally Posted by Budman
A money grab? Remind me again who profits in the $billions every year by selling a product that pumps poison into the air you and I breathe? Versus what? Government and private study grants that the nerdy climatologists get? There is a money grab alright, but it's not the one you refer to.

Don't try to pretend that your opinion is based on anything other than political ideology.

And, I'll say something else I've said many times....I don't profess to know. Unlike you, I'm not prepared to dispute the scientific consensus on the issue. Or to dispute that there is a scientific consensus.
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  • Old-T
  • 09-25-2015, 09:34 AM
For 2015 the statistical margin of error was bigger than the alleged increase by between 1.5-4 times.
And it's worth repeating that NOAA claimed 2014 was the hottest on record and then came out the next day and said they could only put a 38% degree of certainty behind that claim. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
I am actually going to use this quote the next time I teach a stats class--it is near perfect!

It demonstrates the wonderful misuse of statistical analysis: don't like what hundreds of data points say, well pick apart individual ones. Ignore trends and look at a single instantiation.

The data trends in temperature, storms, migratory patters, ice formation, etc., etc., are all there. But the fools point to the anomalies and say there is no change.

Argue about how to respond, but that is a separate thing from acknowledging what is happening.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
climate has been changing since the earth was formed and will continue to do so with or without the input of humans.
Climate change/global warming is big business and to perpetuate the myth that man is making a difference just adds to the coffers of those that cook the books in order to ensure the cash keeps coming in. There is no money in proving them wrong.
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  • Old-T
  • 09-25-2015, 11:59 AM
The issue is not whether it is changing.

The issues are:
--How, and in what ways?
--How fast?
--How will that impact us as a human race?
--What do we do about it?

To stop at "It has always been changing" is very myopic.
  • DSK
  • 09-25-2015, 12:23 PM
You're not qualified to offer psychoanalytical or climatological opinions moron. And, you clearly don't understand how the climatologists view the potential threat.

So, go fucking educate yourself about what an existential threat means and then bone up on climate change. Then, come back and tell us why your opinion regarding either means jack-fucking-shit. Originally Posted by timpage
This is not a court of law - a place where you undoubtedly get your ass handed to you if anyone is moronic enough to put you out there - and therefore I do not have to offer any qualifications.

Nevertheless, there is substantial evidence of massive sea level changes throughout history, so take your 2-3 inches of sea level rise, assuming anyone can prove measurement accuracy that finely, and stick it up your faggotty ass.
climate has been changing since the earth was formed and will continue to do so with or without the input of humans.
Climate change/global warming is big business and to perpetuate the myth that man is making a difference just adds to the coffers of those that cook the books in order to ensure the cash keeps coming in. There is no money in proving them wrong. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
That's right it's big business just like the war on poverty. We still have poor people and always will. Politicians need something market. I bet they are having some knee slapping moments every time they hear about stupid asses all concerned about Climate Change.

This is not a court of law - a place where you undoubtedly get your ass handed to you if anyone is moronic enough to put you out there - and therefore I do not have to offer any qualifications.

Nevertheless, there is substantial evidence of massive sea level changes throughout history, so take your 2-3 inches of sea level rise, assuming anyone can prove measurement accuracy that finely, and stick it up your faggotty ass. Originally Posted by DSK
Your anger issues are undoubtedly rooted in some traumatic childhood experience.......I suspect bedwetting is also part of your problem? You would benefit from some therapy and a battery of psychotropic medications.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
To believe that man can stop the change in climate is the fodder of comic books.
Budman's Avatar
A money grab? Remind me again who profits in the $billions every year by selling a product that pumps poison into the air you and I breathe? Versus what? Government and private study grants that the nerdy climatologists get? There is a money grab alright, but it's not the one you refer to.

Don't try to pretend that your opinion is based on anything other than political ideology.

And, I'll say something else I've said many times....I don't profess to know. Unlike you, I'm not prepared to dispute the scientific consensus on the issue. Or to dispute that there is a scientific consensus. Originally Posted by timpage

You ignored the question. Please explain the changes in the climate prior to man being here to destroy it?

The money grab isn't about a few climatologist getting bought off. It's about governments want to tax everything that uses fossil fuel.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-25-2015, 05:45 PM
To believe that man can stop the change in climate is the fodder of comic books. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Actually, the data says man does impact it. "How much" is the question. Some of the most revealing data was from the three days after 9/11 when there were no flights over the US. Take a look at it.
A money grab? Remind me again who profits in the $billions every year by selling a product that pumps poison into the air you and I breathe? Versus what? Government and private study grants that the nerdy climatologists get? There is a money grab alright, but it's not the one you refer to.

Don't try to pretend that your opinion is based on anything other than political ideology.

And, I'll say something else I've said many times....I don't profess to know. Unlike you, I'm not prepared to dispute the scientific consensus on the issue. Or to dispute that there is a scientific consensus. Originally Posted by timpage
Hippycrit... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Is that one of woomby's "relatives" playing the skin flute on that song ?
  • shanm
  • 09-25-2015, 06:28 PM
A money grab? Remind me again who profits in the $billions every year by selling a product that pumps poison into the air you and I breathe? Versus what? Government and private study grants that the nerdy climatologists get? There is a money grab alright, but it's not the one you refer to.

Don't try to pretend that your opinion is based on anything other than political ideology.

And, I'll say something else I've said many times....I don't profess to know. Unlike you, I'm not prepared to dispute the scientific consensus on the issue. Or to dispute that there is a scientific consensus. Originally Posted by timpage
A "money grab" is quite literally the most pathetic excuse that RW nuts give. Where the FUCK is the money going?

On the other hand you have multi billion dollar oil and energy industries who stand to profit from a misguided public perception. "Money grab" my ass.
A "money grab" is quite literally the most pathetic excuse that RW nuts give. Where the FUCK is the money going?

On the other hand you have multi billion dollar oil and energy industries who stand to profit from a misguided public perception. "Money grab" my ass. Originally Posted by shanm

Ain't nobody going to "grab your ass" 0boy...
  • DSK
  • 09-25-2015, 07:28 PM
Your anger issues are undoubtedly rooted in some traumatic childhood experience.......I suspect bedwetting is also part of your problem? You would benefit from some therapy and a battery of psychotropic medications. Originally Posted by timpage
You are the one with the anger issues, and I suspect you wet your bed, start fires, and are cruel to animals. Lame attempt at deflection, you miserable cock sucker.