Tucker Carlson reports

  • oeb11
  • 04-18-2020, 09:44 AM
Happy to have bwk on Ignore!
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
You mean like the rest of the world? Originally Posted by gnadfly
The US numbers of victims of the virus are the highest in the world.

There’s a good reason for that.

The whole of the a Trump Administration ignored the early warning signs and Trumps total incompetence at recognizing the looming epidemic.
Even Israeli Intelligence warned him but he just laughed it off
He’s called it a hoax and so did his buddy Ron Paul.
Trump has zero interest in saving lives because he’s selfish, greedy and ignorant of what’s going on in the real world.
He has the empathy of a crocodile
Now he claims Testing is not necessary
That’s about the stupidest comment I’ve come across so far.
So you lot had better get used to this lasting for a lot longer, unless Trump Changes his mind....maybe you fools should go up to Michigan and protest with the rest of those red necks....they claim it’s a LIE too.
Get a nice dose of the COVID-19 I’ve heard it’s a life changer !!!
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
You mean like the rest of the world? Originally Posted by gnadfly
The US numbers of victims of the virus are the highest in the world.

There’s a good reason for that.

The whole of the a Trump Administration ignored the early warning signs and Trumps total incompetence at recognizing the looming epidemic.
Even Israeli Intelligence warned him but he just laughed it off
He’s called it a hoax and so did his buddy Ron Paul.
Trump has zero interest in saving lives because he’s selfish, greedy and ignorant of what’s going on in the real world.
You only have to look at his demeanor for it to be confirmed in spades.
He has the empathy of a crocodile
Now he claims Testing is not necessary
That’s about the stupidest comment I’ve come across so far.
So you lot had better get used to this lasting for a lot longer, unless Trump Changes his mind....maybe you fools should go up to Michigan and protest with the rest of those red necks....they claim it’s a LIE too.
Get a nice dose of the COVID-19 I’ve heard it’s a life changer !!!
HedonistForever's Avatar
When you claim that’s the best news available, then no wonder you continue to be ignorant and stupid Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss

You are entitled to your opinion but why won't you answer a simple question. You say you "dig" for information before you decide what is true.

I'm asking where you "dug" this up.

So far because he ignored the pandemic experts, inc Israeli intelligence, no less
Who alerted him way back in November,

Yes, I could be wrong but I'm no coward like you who has never to my knowledge, sourced anything you have written and I'm wondering why? Is it because you can't take the criticism from people like yourself who will laugh at you when you tell us where you read that because if you are un-willing to tell us where you "dug that up", you are a coward.

I suspect you got it from an Alex Jones website or some such person.

So come on, prove to us that you aren't a coward. Tell us where you got that one specific piece of "intelligence" and alerted him to what exactly? That a pandemic of a virus never seen before was coming to America and that he should have ordered every state to shut down which you say he doesn't have the right to do? Or perhaps he should have ordered a billion face masks that may or may not work and many people wearing masks have died/

Trump should have been prepared when no other leader in the world was prepared?

I suspect the reason you are un-willing to debate me is because you know you can't and would further expose your "short comings".

I admit that I could be wrong about this but what I am not afraid to do is say where I get my information from and anybody that is afraid to say where they got their information from is a coward.

So once again, where did you dig it up?
HedonistForever's Avatar
Yes, I could be wrong but I'm no coward like you who has never to my knowledge, sourced anything you have written and I'm wondering why? Is it because you can't take the criticism from people like yourself who will laugh at you when you tell us where you read that because if you are un-willing to tell us where you "dug that up", you are a coward.

I suspect you got it from an Alex Jones website or some such person.

So come on, prove to us that you aren't a coward. Tell us where you got that one specific piece of "intelligence" and alerted him to what exactly? That a pandemic of a virus never seen before was coming to America and that he should have ordered every state to shut down which you say he doesn't have the right to do? Or perhaps he should have ordered a billion face masks that may or may not work and many people wearing masks have died/

Trump should have been prepared when no other leader in the world was prepared?

I suspect the reason you are un-willing to debate me is because you know you can't and would further expose your "short comings".

I admit that I could be wrong about this but what I am not afraid to do is say where I get my information from and anybody that is afraid to say where they got their information from is a coward.

So once again, where did you dig it up?
HedonistForever's Avatar
Yes, I could be wrong but I'm no coward like you who has never to my knowledge, sourced anything you have written and I'm wondering why? Is it because you can't take the criticism from people like yourself who will laugh at you when you tell us where you read that because if you are un-willing to tell us where you "dug that up", you are a coward.

I suspect you got it from an Alex Jones website or some such person.

So come on, prove to us that you aren't a coward. Tell us where you got that one specific piece of "intelligence" and alerted him to what exactly? That a pandemic of a virus never seen before was coming to America and that he should have ordered every state to shut down which you say he doesn't have the right to do? Or perhaps he should have ordered a billion face masks that may or may not work and many people wearing masks have died/

Trump should have been prepared when no other leader in the world was prepared?

I suspect the reason you are un-willing to debate me is because you know you can't and would further expose your "short comings".

I admit that I could be wrong about this but what I am not afraid to do is say where I get my information from and anybody that is afraid to say where they got their information from is a coward.

So once again, where did you dig it up?
HoeHummer's Avatar
So the answer is that you’re frightened of war with China. I had suspected that. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I am concerned with any war, especially one that doesn’t concern Canada.

Let me guess, yous aren’t afraid of anything, eh?
HoeHummer's Avatar
So the answer is that you’re frightened of war with China. I had suspected that. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Why would I be frightened by a war between the US and China? But I oppose all wars.

Let me guess, yous aren’t afraid of anything.
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
No, actually you wouldn't. Plenty of people just like you, ignorant, hateful people have told him. I'll be waiting to hear your ignorant comments when our intelligence agencies confirm that the Wuhan virus most likely came from the Wuhan lab.

I use to think Jaxson was the biggest idiot on the board but man, you have surpassed him by a mile. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
A message to that HeadCaseForever. I couldn’t say it any better, that your ignorance is self contained. I can’t help it if you display your own unique version of stupidity. Luckily it’s not contagious to folks like me who obviously have more knowledge than you pea brains can handle

Attachment 871978
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Carlson could easily be outdone but nobody seems to give AF as doing so goes against the narrative that President Trump for everything since the Big Bang. It’s called willful blindness.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Carlson could easily be outdone but nobody seems to give AF as doing so goes against the narrative that President Trump for everything since the Big Bang. It’s called willful blindness.
I just don’t get all these people defending China, at best they were completely negligent and tried to cover it up. It’s like defending Hitler or Ho Chi-Minh. If you don’t like President Trump, fine, vote for the other guy, but siding with a genocidal communist dictatorship who just caused the death of tens of thousands of your own people, and hundreds of thousands worldwide, is beyond comprehension. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Damn right!
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
It's a shame. When I first got here, you and I had some pretty good debates. Now you are relegated to a poor sense of humor instead of willing to tackle any of these issues.

Why can't you tell me what you think of my post in words? Why can't you tell me what was wrong or what you disagreed with in the piece? Instead you prove you have nothing to say, nothing to add and that's to bad. What a spectacular fall from grace. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Your comments are just as toxic and garbage, so you’ve got no room to talk. How can anyone with intelligence debate anyone that has a very low IQ and is brainwashed by ultra Reich wing propaganda. The trouble with folks like you HeadCaseForever is you can’t handle or accept the truth. Trump is God and nobody is going to change your mind even though he doesn’t give a shit about punks like you. Everything is WRONG about you. Too bad
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
LexusLover's Avatar
When you claim that’s the best news available, ..... Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
... generally those three SHOW video with audio to reveal what someone said with sufficient cuts before and after to put it in context and so demonstrate it wasn't altered before it aired ....

... as opposed to some hysterical LOON paraphrasing what someone said with their obligatory remark ... "I'm sure that's what he (or she) meant"!

I don't like to hear an alleged "news" person's opinion ... about anything ... unless they PREFACE it verbally and on the screen with some disclaimer as it being "news" .... and it wouldn't hurt if they added ..... and you can go take a piss for the next 3-5 minutes while I jack my jaws!