
Smith and Wesson and Colt make superior weapons, but this should be a fair fight.
Both sell hand cannons, but this is about the S and W model 29 (Dirty Harry weapon) and the Colt Anaconda. The Colt is a couple hundred bucks over the model 29, but that was for a stainless model vs. the black model 29. IMHO the Colt is a beautiful weapon while the model 29 is a brute. Both are .44 magnum.
Anybody a gun nut and have any thoughts?
Colt Anaconda is on top, while the bottom is a S and W model 629, a very close cousin to the 29.
Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Attachment 882739 Originally Posted by R.M.If the lady is wearing her holster and gun only... now THAT is SEXY!
I have a pair of the walnut stock Diablos. Just beautiful workmanship. Quit carrying Sig semi-auto from Sherriff Deputy mate's advice. Leave shell casings at the scene. Snub nose 357 loaded with 38 special hollow points, but a Diablo in the vehicle also.
Need to get some in the woods. Would love to get my dick sucked while firing a few rounds.
Cheers Originally Posted by Sig9er
I have a pair of the walnut stock Diablos. Just beautiful workmanship. Quit carrying Sig semi-auto from Sherriff Deputy mate's advice. Leave shell casings at the scene. Snub nose 357 loaded with 38 special hollow points, but a Diablo in the vehicle also.
Need to get some in the woods. Would love to get my dick sucked while firing a few rounds.
Cheers Originally Posted by Sig9er