Left wing moron ID'd in Berkeley attack...warrant sought for his arrest.

I B Hankering's Avatar
The only outing on here has been you and Moscow Ellen being outed for being Liars. I cant help that you MAGA lovers are scardy cats afraid to leave home. Oh yes, Trump has recently been outed. That's ok though because Moscow Ellen Loves gay people Originally Posted by themystic

You're the liar, Jussie. Lying is what has made you so infamous, Jussie.

Speaking of being too afraid of leaving the house, Jussie, it's your unemployed ilk that's still living in their mothers' basements. And when they do go out they attack women, children and old men, Jussie.
lustylad's Avatar
I cant help that you MAGA lovers are scardy cats... Originally Posted by themystic
Pray tell... what's a "scardy cat"? A cat with a lot of scars? How is that appropriate?