Bashing Leslie Lane

I can't speak for anyone other than myself but..........

I am hoping to spend quality time with Leslie as soon as possible.

I will leave the LL bashing to others!
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Just staggering by for no particular reason and noticed all the hilarity. This chick must be solid fine to set all you hens acluckin' like this. And she's already quitting? Before I ever even heard of her? Crap!

Let me translate.... "Retired, until my eccie SD's get tired of me" or "Retired, unless I don't live up to my first appointments expectations"

Originally Posted by Elephant
how can you retire before you ever start?
thats called enemployed
Nope....I'm retired. No sd for me. You gentlemen are stuck with me until December 1, 2010. Let the countdown begin.... Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
what happens dec 1st? is that how much longer the doc gave you to live??
Elephant's Avatar
how can you retire before you ever start? thats called enemployed Originally Posted by bubbaJay
Not sure yet... I'm still working out the math on this one...

I wonder if Leslie double O's during a 90min session..... Originally Posted by Elephant
why, who cares??? you will only get a drink if you are lucky
I can't speak for anyone other than myself but..........

I am hoping to spend quality time with Leslie as soon as possible.

I will leave the LL bashing to others! Originally Posted by bigtex

wow...even one of her is still only 'HOPING' to spend time wither her one day. Guess she doesnt have her appointments set. I suggest you hope in one hand..and put soe lube in the other...and see which one gets you off better.
Leslie Lane's Avatar
Oh, Lil Bubba....

You are so right. I just couldn't get ANYONE to pay my ridiculous price. That's why when it was 5+ then shot up to 7+ berries...and now I'm retiring.

I owe you a box of wine. I couldn't have done it without you. Cheers!!

*It was a goooood morning!!! A mighty gOOOOOd morning!!! Thank you.

nuglet's Avatar
Prick tease-----------<<<<<<<<
Not calling names, just putting a handle on a technique..
Not that I'm the type to say :I told you so......
Leslie Lane's Avatar
Bulldogs....has it ever occured to any of you that I am UTR for a reason?? No reviews....does not mean....No clients. So simple, yet.... such a foreign concept for some.

Elephant's Avatar

*It was a goooood morning!!! A mighty gOOOOOd morning!!! Thank you. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
ooooooo... I wonder which one of our Athletic Ekky Studs laid the pipe to Miss Leslie this morn.

Now I'm patiently waiting on that review or backchannel chatter....

Tell me how magnificent her breasts are... Nice Nips?

Is she a NQNS good girl? ... I gotta know.

Hows that ass? Can a playa hit it from the back?
LatinMan's Avatar
Leslie, I like your beauty wit and charm but today i read this and you are a total contradiction. Make up your mind and decide whether you want to stay or go. It comes off as crazy an annoying. I have little patience these days and I'm probably not your type or have the deep pockets which you seek. If you'd have me at 3-4 bills, I could probably see you. You have fans so dont ruin it. From what I see you look gorgeous and I am sure you can command a lot more but save the drama for your mama.
Hi, my name's "007"...Leslie "007" Lane, not to be confused with Leslie Lane. She's gone fishing.

I'm here to assure you that security was Leslie Lane's top priority and still is. That's why Lil Bubba was denied and didn't pass Leslie Lane's screening. Ooops...was that supposed to be you and L.L.'s little secret???

Who's your granny???

"edm_fw".....It sounds like 2007 was a good year. PM me...let's see if we can make 2010 even better. At my introductory rate of course....I guess it doesn't suck being you after all!!!

**Offer exclusive only to edm_fw...WHY, you ask?? Because I can, I will, and I just did. And because I can make and break my own rules. There's meaning behind this....THINK. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
Leslie Lane's Avatar

Those who have met me...know my situation and know that I will be retiring from the hobby and the boards in December.

As far as posting, well that I can't help. I want to stop, I do...but if a gent I know sends me a pm...and I look on the board, sometimes I can't help it!!! I guess the first step is to admit I have a problem.

I do see how I can come across as flaky. But the reality is, I'm still learning as I go. And you gentlemen have been on this journey with me. I had no master plan...This started and will now end in a span of less than a month. That's why it seems crazy. That and I guess I am a little coo koo. But that's the dork in me. Please know it's all fun and games.

** wouldn't happen to be upset because YOU didn't get a discount?? I mean for 3 or 4 bills it seems like you would be okay with my drama.???? I've declined three sessions....that's 15+ berries. And if you were serious...and I would see you for 4...that would be 19+ berries I could have put in my basket. But...nope.

This goes beyond money gentlemen. The name's 007...Leslie 007 Lane...Oh, wait no. Ummm....It's Lane...Leslie Lane.

LatinMan's Avatar
It's annoying not awesome. She's hot we get it but fucking with my big head is only going to turn me off. What does Whispers have to do with this?
Fucking awe-sum.

I'm freaking speechless.

You, girl make the rules, then break them, and remake them. You are totally fucking with the industry, and I like it.

Who here is ready to cast the next stone?

C'mon Whispers... What say ye to Leslie 007?..... Originally Posted by Damon Bradley
LatinMan's Avatar
I understand. Didn't mean up be harsh.

Those who have met me...know my situation and know that I will be retiring from the hobby and the boards in December.

As far as posting, well that I can't help. I want to stop, I do...but if a gent I know sends me a pm...and I look on the board, sometimes I can't help it!!! I guess the first step is to admit I have a problem.

I do see how I can come across as flaky. But the reality is, I'm still learning as I go. And you gentlemen have been on this journey with me. I had no master plan...This started and will now end in a span of less than a month. That's why it seems crazy. That and I guess I am a little coo koo. But that's the dork in me. Please know it's all fun and games.

**Shhh...I actually don't even exist. Don't tell anyone. Some of these guys actually think I'm for real. Seriously!!


L.L. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane