Is it just me....

Well I ain't sure if I'll be doin' much reviewin' And as bad as I suck I am damn sure I don't wanna be reviewed...

Ladies, I welcome the banter anyways.. and y'all can say what a bad lay I wus anytime...
I would prefer to do what I would prefer to do.

My preference is to send a draft review to the providers that I think are good so that they can comment on changes they think should be made. I'm accountable for everything I post and everything is true. This has worked well in my opinion because I learned things I would not have otherwise learned about discretion and also about openness. ON the openness front, some of the crazy shit I've written, I've been told things like "You're a gentlemen" or "thanks. it's perfect." or "please make the location more general."

However, if we want to have TOFTT reviews, the perception of anonymity needs to be maintained.

The cost of having providers read their reviews and comment is it will inevitably dumb down the reviews for providers that may deserve a barb.
To pick up on ID22 and GP...

I found writing reviews to be fun. I'm probably a better writer then a lover. If you take my creative writing from me, I'm simply boring two groups of people at two different times.

As far as writing multiple reviews on the same provider, my general rule of thumbs are:

- I ask the provider, "Do you want a review on this?" If she says no, then I don't. If she says yes, I have.

- Unless something is different in the engagement, I can't find a motivation to write.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I am sorry LillyLilly I was thinking you where the same lilly as on another board. I see that I am wrong. Please forgive me. We do not see eye to eye and that is ok by me. Thankyou for your kind PM's. May we get to know each other better on this board if not in person. Or maybe in person someday.

offshoredrilling's Avatar
I find I like doing the review as much as date. My style may not be liked by all and that is ok. I find I like to do a setup and sometimes a review may be linked to prior posts if doing a fun read review. As in "Shave and haircut" now long lost to the big bit bin. I do have the BCD draft on my harddrive. Of when I had hunter shaved me. She did trim my beard, and cut my hair. But that is not where she shaved me. Ahhhhhh a provider has a sharp razer next to my "fill in the blank"

And a few providers are more to me than a provider. But if you see someone 10, or 20 years or more. It is hard not to.

And if I see a hunter review for daytime 01/08 friday. I want a free turkey from you. ohwell was not your falt.

Tallman: I bet If you put your mind to it. You could have a great fun read type review. I know just form your posts.
cnym's Avatar
  • cnym
  • 01-09-2010, 10:09 AM
Lilly Lilly,
Agree with a lot of what you are saying.

[QUOTE=LillyLilly;34212]This is not a dating site. That is what escorting is all about. It's a business. It's a business helping others find satisfaction.

I do agree with you that cancelling an appointment with you in order to see someone else is not right. I don't see many "emergencies" in this biz where you have to cancel an appointment to help someone else!!! LOL
jokacz's Avatar
LilyLily, with all due respect, could you tell us how you would describe yourself. You make provider-like noises but yet you are not verified, reviewed or have a website. You would have more cred in my view if we knew where you were coming from.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 01-09-2010, 11:49 AM
I agree with Hanna, leave it alone. If there must be a change then maybe no replies to reviews by anyone!!!!! All this patting each other on the back seems a bit ridiculous....just my 2 cents Originally Posted by viviantonight
Couldn't agree more. Not to be off putting, but sometimes i really think we at times go a bit overboard with the "nice review of a truly awesome lady" comments. When i click on a review thread, i'm hoping to get some additional follow up information. Not a repeated comment of what the same person said in in response to the last 4 reviews of the same provider.

That said, i would like to see a mechanism set up to where ladies are able to respond to review comments - perhaps requiring her response to go through a moderator before being posted to insure it's an attempt to address an honest disagreement.
Doove, nice point on a truly awesome topic. (-:
offshoredrilling's Avatar
ok looking at for the pic in landmark thread. I started looking at the reviews of a few I was thinking in the past where a "?". And GP was right when he told me that they no longer let providers delete reviews. Some that never had a bad review have many now.

And I have always thought. The better providers have few or none bad reviews lots of good ones. And escort now has more bad reviews than where ever on aspd and now eccie for most of us. Some of them have half of the reviews bad now. Where before they had few but all good.

So is how they do it good or bad for the provider and Hobbiest?
Or to soon to tell weeding out bad apples with letting providers delete reviews in the past? Apples that never made it to aspd or eccie.

I still think good as is. As the owners of eccie have it now.
About the same as was with aspd.
And good to have both on the web. As done here and on escorts
sunfish's Avatar

thats for sure
LilyLily, with all due respect, could you tell us how you would describe yourself. You make provider-like noises but yet you are not verified, reviewed or have a website. You would have more cred in my view if we knew where you were coming from. Originally Posted by jokacz

I don't know what you are questioning.
jokacz's Avatar
Just wondering if you are a provider or just a woman who posts or if in fact you are a woman - I just assumed given your name.