The Best Advise I Ever Got Was...

You are 50 now, buddie, never ever, ever waste a hard-on.
Admiral Nelson's Avatar
Keep dry and away from children.

--Side of a box of matches.
Don't shit where you eat.
chrome's Avatar
THINK before you speak! Best advice in the world. No matter the circumstances you will always benefit from it. Just a little thought about the consequences of what you are about to say makes all the difference in the world. Originally Posted by Tooly
Thinking before you speak is like wiping your ass before you shit. Doesn't make sense to us impulsives.
Never take on 7 men to a gun fight when all you are carrying is a 6 shooter.
Hardallnight's Avatar
Life is like a dogsled team, if you ain't the lead dog the scenery never changes.
Pearl Man's Avatar
Don't shit where you eat. Originally Posted by txcwby6
Don't eat where you shit. (For all you DATO lovers out there, LOL)
Bestman200600's Avatar
When she said she wanted it very slow and soft between her legs in Daty.
notdeadyet's Avatar
"Never do or say anything that you wouldn't want to be printed on the front page of the New York Times."

Great advice -- I've ignored it on more than one occasion, but it's still great advice.
"If you want something done right, do it yourself"

"Trust no one"
Keep the shiny side up and the rubber side down....

Rinse, lather, repeat - Head and Shoulders

Not for internal use - Preparation H

Not for use in Shower - Hairdryer

It ain't gonna lick itself - Carlie Donovan, or at least her T-shirt
Will Boner's Avatar
Don't take yourself too one else does.
It's funny how most of the best advice in the world can be conveyed in a single sentence. Ben Franklin would have loved it!
lilsmurf's Avatar
Best hooby advice? = Its probably best we don't communicate anymore.
"Act like a lady, dress like a lady, THiNK LiKE a MAN" --My Mom