How old were YOU your 1st time ? When did you have your "BIG O"?

eewok's Avatar
  • eewok
  • 07-15-2010, 05:30 PM
Lost my virginity when I was 28 on my honeymoon. My wife was a divorcee that had been married for 11 years previously. I pretty just did what she told me to do. Actually I still do. That has carried over into my sessions with providers. I just do what they tell me.
I was 3 years-old. My girlfriend at the time was 30. I remember pulling down my big boy pants and tappin' that ass.
shizzle10......u wish.

I was probably @ 15 with some hellifide hand action. Lost the the big V @ 17 and i did bust in the jimmy hat. Nothing to memorable because she had already been fucking so there was no holding back.
Kayla, I can't remember anything when I was 4, except walking barefoot on raw wood floors getting splinters on the bottom of my feet. I tip my hat to you for being sensuous at 4, thank goodness you didn't know what it was then. Better to appreciate things as we get older.
Redsan's Avatar
(Quote by Dannie)
If things continue along this path, I will be dangerous when I am in the nursing home

Sure hope that I am in the same nursing home as Dannie !!!!!!!!!!!
Charlie Brown's Avatar
Oh yes, it was a found memory. I was 13 and she was 14, a much older woman - I'll just call her Lucy to protect her honor.

The guys at the park were all talking about hearing she would do stuff but no one had the guts to approach her. On a dare I went over and began talking to her as if we were only friends and nothing more. As it neared dusk, she asked if I wanted to walk her home......and I did.

Along the way we took a short cut by cutting down the back alley drive way between two rows of homes. It had already started to get dark and I put my arm around her waist. At that point she asked if I wanted sit down on the grass and rest. One thing lead to another and after some inexperienced foreplay she pulled her pants down and I got on top of her. It must have taken all of maybe 4 seconds and I'm spraying everywhere like any healthy 13 year old kid. I'm not sure I ever got it in but I know to this day I count that as my first time.

I was so amazed at what just happened I wanted to make sure she understood I was an honorable one so as we pulled up our pants I asked her if she got pregnant. She said she didn't know right then but she would know tomorrow and I should just ask her at school.
mrod's Avatar
  • mrod
  • 07-16-2010, 04:20 PM
My first time was with my wife present but it wasnt my wife...

i was 17 and my gf and her friends always hung out... We all sneeked into my bedroom one night and my bro and his girl went to the next room... My gf and her friend (wife) stayed in my room.. we all slept on the floor.

I started making out with my gf and next thing you know i was pulling her clothes off. My (wife) was about 4 feet away and could hear us making out... She would ocassionally say to keep it down she couldnt sleep... It started out with some DATY and then pulled out my junk and hit it missionary.. She was all hot and wet... We really tried to keep the noise down.. so i would slow down the pumping even though my only thought was to pump at super sonic speeds. Suddenly my DAD knocks on the door and said "Hey its time for you to go to work".... DAMN... i came about 2 seconds after i said OK... im getting up... I got up and got dressed for work and left both my GF and my future wife in my bedroom...

We did it a few more time after that.. I dont think i ever gave her an O.. i was too inexperienced... 10 years later i hook up with my now wife... To this day she thinks all we did was make out.. She thinks we never had sex.. Everytime my ex gf comes to visit us... i always get a little wink... but i think its better to keep it that way..