Jon Solomon releasing more J6 video!!!

That’s a reasonable argument for an unreasonable situation. The underlying issue is why one side is able to get away with it, and the other pursued with unprecedented zeal. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
... You and I and Bambino have mentioned that
for a long time, mate... The White House attack
and the burning of the Church have surely been
glossed-over and "forgotten" by the liberal media
- just as they've "forgotten" the BLM "protests"...

And yes, there were lads protesting on 6 Jan
who fought with the police - and SHOULD be
held to accounte for it. ... No disputing that.

But the FBI and DOJ have surely been corrupted
by The Democrat party and are now politicised
beyonde control.

Time to clean it out... And Congress should
start right now.

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
That is where we are today. And sadly there are so many ill informed leftists out there that just fall in line with whatever the DNC and DNC media say

We saw it on all of this J6 stuff, especially with the leftists soviet style show trial farce
berryberry's Avatar
When did entering a building through an open door become worthy of jail time? That’s trespassing, a minor issue that gets a fine, a few hours community service or, more commonly, nothing. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

the laws would have to be applied evenly. They’re not. Sentencing today is wholly dependent on how the person votes. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Anyone with any modicum of intelligence knows that the laws are no longer being applied equally in this country. One set of rules for conservatives, one for crazy ass leftists. Just look at the disparate treatment of those who walked in doors held open for them by police on Jan 6 versus the BLM leftist thugs who burned, looted, destroyed cities for weeks on end.
When did entering a building through an open door become worthy of jail time? That’s trespassing, a minor issue that gets a fine, a few hours community service or, more commonly, nothing. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
If I’m not mistaken isn’t that The Peoples House not Pelosi’s?
Wonder when Solomon will get audited by the IRS and or the FBI raiding his home, he may be a “Domestic Terrorist”!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
If I’m not mistaken isn’t that The Peoples House not Pelosi’s? Originally Posted by Chase7
It’s still a secure government building. Those guys shouldn’t have been in there, but the punishment should fit the crime. It doesn’t.
berryberry's Avatar
It’s still a secure government building. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Well, not so sure about the "secure" part.

Jan 6 Unmasked: Security footage confirms Senate door opened, allowing 300 to enter Capitol freely

And in related news - 65% Now Suspect Feds Provoked Jan 6 Riot - and that figure will be climbing.
berryberry's Avatar
BREAKING: Undercover video of Nancy Pelosi’s daughter Alexandra discussing Jan 6 where they discuss how:

-J6ers can’t get fair trial in DC

-Media overhyped it

-J6 had “no guns, no plans…just people taking selfies”

-No actual insurrection


Short highlights

Long version