Mob Mentality / Lynch Mobs / Crowd Hysteria

Still Looking's Avatar
[QUOTE=Whispers;1056225272]Come on Rick... Someone SAYING it does not make it so.... And someone coming back from a banned handle does not qualify for outing does it?

Gloating? I don't read his responses as anything more than immature bravado from someone being hounded.

I highly doubt ztonk is going through that thread by himself....[/QUOTE]

That's for DAMN sure!
Whispers's Avatar
I know he's not because I RTM my post to make sure.

You are conveniently leaving out the multiple gun violence and death threats! Originally Posted by rockerrick
are you referring to the remarks from the provider who spoke of being armed and what she might do to the guy? Oh...wait.... No one saw her comments out of line...I guess you are referring to the comment the kid made in regards to what might happen on his own private property if someone were to come looking for him to try to hurt him....

you do realize you can find hundreds of examples of guys saying the exact same thing in the political section every day right?
First off get things straight, he is not a kid! He is an adult, and chooses not to act as one. Paint him innocent all you wish, he brought it on himself. I know you hope no one acts out as a result of your inflammatory threads, but that's something you'll have to reconcile with your own conscience if it does happen. Because with that thread gone, your's are the only ones drawing attention to kingman!
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Ahem! (tap, tap, tap)
Is this thing on?

While I'll agree, this should have been handled in private, I would also like to edit my previous reply.

I said, "Fuck 'em", and that was wrong. For that I apologize.

What I really meant to say was,

Fuck 'em and feed the wormy bastard fish dicks!

Thanck you.



Whispers's Avatar
First off get things straight, he is not a kid! He is an adult, and chooses not to act as one. Paint him innocent all you wish, he brought it on himself. I know you hope no one acts out as a result of your inflammatory threads, but that's something you'll have to reconcile with your own conscience if it does happen. Because with that thread gone, your's are the only ones drawing attention to kingman! Originally Posted by rockerrick
you're the one that insists on naming people in this thread.

I have never suggested he was innocent. I wasn't there, so I don't know and neither do most of the people intend on crucifying someone.

this thread is not aboit what the kid, young man, man did or do not do.

this thread is about people intentionally outing someone and providers sharing information they were provided for screening purposes with hobbyists...

this thread is about how a couple of people can leak a lot of information and rally a bunch of people to want to crucify somebody

about people advocating the destruction of a young man's life over something he may or may not have done.

it's about people advocating a punishment that far outweighs the crime, if in fact there ever was a crime. None of us really know.
Therein lies the difference, you want to grandstand and pretend you care about this "kid" as you call him.
And I simply don't give a shit about the thief

And you didn't comment on the fact it isn't setting precedent like you claim, I provided proof of that?

Some people are just bad, and bring shit upon themselves.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
just going with the paradoxicalish theme of this thread here. that's all. Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
You mean the paradox that this is in fact through multiple threads and callings-outs and innumerable logical fallacies and bunk arguments it is quickly becoming apparent to anyone with half a brain that this is just reverse vigilantism, the old shuck and jive, hysteria, attention grabbing, chest puffery and grandstanding that is driving wedges between comrades and into the crossfire some have unwittingly wandered?

That paradox?

(ironic hilarity continues)

Bread and Circuses, my beloveds, panem et circenses
Whispers's Avatar
Therein lies the difference, you want to grandstand and pretend you care about this "kid" as you call him.
And I simply don't give a shit about the thief

And you didn't comment on the fact it isn't setting precedent like you claim, I provided proof of that?

Some people are just bad, and bring shit upon themselves. Originally Posted by rockerrick
Why do you assume I care about the guy?

I care about the precedent being set that it is OK as a community for people come together to out a member and destroy his personal life based on what a couple of other members say they did.

Had he committed the exact same crime he is accused of by having some person show up at his location to paint a room for $300 and then did not pay them, had they called the police to report the crime, EVEN if charged (there is no real evidence is there?) the odds of getting any punishment more serious then a misdemeanor and probation should he choose to plead is highly unlikely...... They don't tend to prosecute based on he said she said evidence....

This is about a punishment that does not fit a crime that nobody really knows occurred....

I care about the precedent being set that it is OK for a Provider to email copies of a guys ID to whomever asks when the Provider was not involved in any manner and was not wronged in any way by the guy....

What else?

Oh... A guy feeling threatened states that if you come on his property looking for him he will defend himself busting a cap in your ass = mentally unstable terrorist threatening to kill people.....


A provider discussing how she and others is "carrying" and how SHE/THEY will take similar action = You Go Girl

Come On RR..... You've been preaching outing as a solution for too long now.... You need to let that go and find better ways to deal with things....
Once again it's a position where they can't go to the police without involving all of Eccie, and possibly getting this site shut down.
If it were a BP incident? Go to the police report the crime, it doesn't effect Eccie, so who cares?
Whispers's Avatar
You mean the paradox that this is in fact through multiple threads and callings-outs and innumerable logical fallacies and bunk and double-blind arguments it is quickly becoming apparent to anyone with half a brain that this is just reverse vigilantism, the old shuck and jive, hysteria, attention grabbing, chest puffery and grandstanding between the titans of the that is driving wedges between comrades and into the crossfire the rest of have unwittingly wandered?

That paradox?

Bread and Circuses, my beloveds, panem et circenses Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
Are you suggesting that it is not fun to be the subject of a witch hunt? That is not what this is.

This is not a mob of people tossing around personal information trying to judge anyone for something they truly do not know occurred.

These are the views of one man asking questions regarding something that DID occur in full public view for all that happened to look.

You are one of the more intelligent and better spoken ladies here..... I expected a better reply to be honest.

I have asked that we discuss the general concepts here of outing people and a group of people determining what punishment fits a crime..... I have not tried to make this about individuals.

There are 2 other threads where I specifically address two different individuals.

Asking for an explanation of comments they publicly made.

No where in what I have posted am I in any way calling for any court of peers to convict and punish those involved.

I am not forming conclusions as to something that MIGHT have happened.

This is about something that DID happen.

A persons Real World Information was posted in enough detail that knowing who he is was readily available. His NAME was used. His Age was Posted. Information as to where to look for his picture was provided. Where his parents lived and that he had siblings was posted. The people at his school to contact and information on how to do so was provided.It all stemmed from a provider sharing his ID with guys on this board in a thread where a lady first stated he showed up, was creepy, was asked to leave and although he hesitated he left. No one was hurt. No one was robbed. The OP even asked for people to chill out...... More information and accusations came out but nothing more than he said she said exists......

The guys life has already been opened up for anyone that was reading the thread. Who knows what some other member with the information might actually do with it... Especially since we had a member instructing people on what and how to out him to family and school..... How to destroy his future....

ALL OF THIS DID HAPPEN.... and more...

You make an interesting comment regarding how some may have unwittingly wandered into all of this....

I agree.... Some got caught up in the excitement .... That's what happens when Mob Mentality is in play.....

There are a couple that are ultimately responsible.....

I hope on reflection people see the error of their actions..... They can't be undone...

We can learn from this though.
Whispers's Avatar
Once again it's a position where they can't go to the police without involving all of Eccie, and possibly getting this site shut down.
If it were a BP incident? Go to the police report the crime, it doesn't effect Eccie, so who cares? Originally Posted by rockerrick
You are trying to cloud it all RockerRick...Your statements are becoming less and less rationale..... You are grabbing at straws.....

IN what way does a lady in a hotel or her home have to "involve all of ECCIE" to make out a report that she was robbed?

How does a lady reporting that a guy robbed her result in ECCIE being shut down?

You do realize that anything a lady MIGHT have said to LE had they reported it has far been exceeded here in the thread that was removed.....

or are you in the camp that thinks LE does not read things posted on the board?
No I do believe they read what's on the board, and why the filing of a police report would pinpoint the provider and Eccie!
You are really grasping!
Whispers's Avatar
No I do believe they read what's on the board, and why the filing of a police report would pinpoint the provider and Eccie!
You are really grasping! Originally Posted by rockerrick
LOL... You need to make your edits faster!

ECCIE had no involvement in any of it.... The Provider pinpoints herself every time she runs an ad.

Keep in mind..... We are referring to a provider and other providers that did not screen..... right? The thread and all the grandstanding by you and others shines a light on a few ladies that would, among other things, have probably been pretty easy to bust....

You do not have to admit you were wrong Rick to discuss why you feel it is OK to out a member..... or how the statement of a couple of ladies and zero proof of any wrong doing justifies outing him.

Outing or threatening to out seems to be your "go to idea" on how to deal with things for a while now.

I would really like to see you get down off that podium and find other solutions. It is not wrong that you want to help people out. I think in the long run though you are doing more damage.....
Maybe if you keep posting, eventually someone will care!
I doubt it. lol
Whispers's Avatar
Maybe if you keep posting, eventually someone will care!
I doubt it. lol Originally Posted by rockerrick
There are already a lot of people that care....

I believe you care Rick. There was a time when you didn't....

But for a while now I have not ever discredited that you believe in and care about ome things and some people.....

I just think you let your emotions get in the way amd that you get resckless when they do......

Nothing I have posted attacks you as a person Rick..... Nor have singled you out in any manner......

In THIS case... In the thread we are referring to.... I think too many people got too emotionally worked up and got way to wreckless......

And I am trying to focus on a couple of the aspects of what was discussed and what was shared and why I believe it was wrong.