The Rates are too Dam High Party

JohnnyCap's Avatar
Are you serious with this line of argument? I'm making the point that you, as a provider, agree to have sex with them sight unseen. Is that better?

Good grief already. Originally Posted by Doove
I read the words you write. Sometimes better than others. Sometimes it bites my ass. Yes, your point is more clear now.

I will not at any point maintain or agree that a provider or a john should have to carry on should they finally see their partner to be and decide to out. At the same time I'll admit my standards may be a little lower because I refuse to pay a deposit or pre-book.

Money aside, I mean no disrespect, but with every transaction there is a point at which one decides to proceed. Prior to that point, there is an option, to not proceed. After that point, the decision has been made, to suck the cock, or what have you.

Lexxxy I don't want to alienate you but I'm not going to allow you for one second let me believe you wouldn't talk to me in a bar in a million years. With humility, I think enough of myself to be insulted by that. Your very statements exhibit a complete lack of respect for your johns. You've said the scariest thing I've ever read on these boards: "all is fair in love, war, and business.' One can't do business with a person who has that attitude, certainly is putting himself at great risk. We've gotten along well and I appreciate our talks but if I were seeing you and I read the statement referenced above I would stop. With great predjudice.
iscrewedmeganfox's Avatar
Doove and Elisabeth have it right 100%.
"snap back to reality" some lose touch with the fact that they are paying someone that they would never in a million years EVER have the opportunity to ever even talk to them under any other circumstances let alone be intimate with.
It does boil down to the money and money alone in some circumstances like that Game "how much would you have to get paid to do...?" Well the answer is the donation asked for. Originally Posted by Lexxxy
So every single guy you see is a disgusting, cretinous, piece of shit who you need to stifle the urge to vomit around? And they are all blessed to be in your presence? This whole thread is ridiculous. Is whoring a good job? Fuck no! Is being a john a fulfilling, happy existence? Not for me. The whole situation is sick and fucked from the get go. BOTH sides get victimized and NO ONE WINS IN THE END!! My point is that it should be not so fucking adversarial. Lexxy and whats her name are quite brave to come right out and say how disgusting and verminous they find all their johns. I admire someone who can come out and tell the truth even when it can cause them difficulties. Bottom line: charge whatever the fuck you want to gals, just don't get all fucking butthurt when all the homely, scumbag, cheapskate, CUSTOMERS of yours don't rush to the phone to set up a visit. This is the whole reason BP gals get so much business. At least you know on BP what to expect.
Doove and Elisabeth have it right 100%.
"snap back to reality" some lose touch with the fact that they are paying someone that they would never in a million years EVER have the opportunity to ever even talk to them under any other circumstances let alone be intimate with.
It does boil down to the money and money alone in some circumstances like that Game "how much would you have to get paid to do...?" Well the answer is the donation asked for. Originally Posted by Lexxxy
I realize that you have your "BBW" aka, fat but comfortable with the idea, fans, but seriously? You have the gall to say that , and even say it with caps, that you and your sisterhood are so far above us that you wouldn't chat with us if we didn't hand you a wad of cash first? Screw that. I wouldn't spend time with you if you were paying me, and I guess that makes Doove's point as to how small a percentage of our population is actually fuckable. I hobby because I am too damned busy to spend the time seeking sex in the conventional way, not because I'm a one eyed misfit who can't otherwise get pussy.

All that said, I have no problem with women charging whatever they feel they need to do the job and let the chips fall where they may. I just take exception to that superior attitude.
offshoredrilling's Avatar

come on sweet summer rain errr or a foot in a hour snow.

What a joke *dies laughing* look at your reviews bwaahahaha Originally Posted by Lexxxy
hehehe So what is wrong with my reviews girl,just askin
you guys are just figuring this shit out about her now?

a little late to the party..better late than never.....i guess...
dooves a joke

the biggest fan of redistribution on the planet

these chicks pay NO self employment taxes based on their real income

no workers comp, no liability there is no "giving back" to the "community" here

and these chicks want to compare hotel expenses and condoms

to say any plumber that needs to maintain at minimum a couple of trucks and employees

an auto repair shop that charges maybe .80 per hour labor and gets raked over the coals for trying to charge that rate

when he has a whole fucking building to the constant regulations..ehhh..arguments disgusting

amy one ever check the insurance rates to be a roofer these days,, then having to look over your shoulder for osha every fuckin minute?

you think when that guy runs around for DAYS giving estimates , then gets maybe 1 outta five jobs hes happy? prolly a whole lot more thankfull than what you see from these whores

you cant even paint a fuckin house without worrying about loosing your ass ..

id worry a whole lot more about the epa than le on that one..... clueless

just find any minimalist example of a "business" trying to operate in this state

and these guys are whats reading these chicks complaining and just shaking their heads

you chicks cannot win on this arguement and you dont help yourselves opining on it..

just simple advice..ijs

its laughable

listen to doove for advice or come out of fantasy land where the guys that actually have to EARN the money

to pay your bills reside ..
I havent had a say on this thread so i guess i should since i did see my handle in it..
what i charge for my time is for both the clients and myself..i like to cater to those that otherwise might not be able to hobby due to
the higher rates and for those that can hobby on a reg because
my rates are pretty decent and abit lower than rates
are lower for me because quite frankly..i gotta live too..I have rent
to pay and food to buy...and the rent is due baby!!

Now I also will put an ad on bp because some of those folks cannot find the time to put iinto eccie and honestly do not know about it...and to be
honest with you..its a tool i use for my advertising..plain and simple..

I am in no way collecting food stamps or any other help from the gov. I have no boyfriend lurkin in the hall or closet and i do not have a pimp.

My clients range from 30 and older there have been a few that Ive seen under 30 because of their approach to me was very much that of a
gentleman and they didnt try to scam me outa my fee or hit me up for a discount right off the bat..not that I give discounts because my rate is
pretty good.. although my monthly rate is really good however most dont like to prepay as they have been ripped off in the past and this lady
is paying for those ladies behavior issues..

I dont have any habits due to pt or being drunk and passing out on a client when he arrives at my location..i find that tobe classless and
i need my mind to be straight when im

my clients ..well i dont usually judge the way they look physically because well i understand how it feels to be on that end of the stick and how just insulting it is as a human to be under the harsh scrutiny of and let live...give respect get respect.
Now there is an occasional gent hat will show up his hygiene is bad , breathe a blaze and he's not very pretty to look at..thats where the baby wipes come in he's gonna be a covered client and i just wont kiss him on the mouth, i will
give him a couple of good huggs and if doable some kisses on his cheeks as even he deserves some im sure thats why he's there and not getting it from home situations..

Im the lady that does say hello to you as we're passing by or in the store i will smile at you and nod my head..just because thats the kinda lady i am..and thats the southern in me coming just happens i dont plan for it.

now i understand some of ya'll may think my consideration may be too high and others may think its to low and some think its right on time... I like to
build up a clientele and consider them my regulars..however I know in this type of hobby men love different spices and im just one of the spices
they have a craving for and thats fine.

my suggestion to those that think the rates are too high and the ladies arent pretty enough for those rates they can command perhaps you should take the suga daddy route as it may be more comprable to what your looking for..
I have had the pleasure of meeting a gents suga baby and she was as sweet and the word describes and very pretty she could command a high rate and folks be very happy to donate it to her..

I loook at it like this..if you continue to dabble with the girls with the pt , dishonesty, rippen ya off situations..and expect different results than your need to change your plan up just abit.. and to come on the board and rant and rave about the rates and about how this girl was so out of it..and disgusting and smelled and passed out on ya halfway through..your a want to save them..understand there is no saving them..they have to want to do that are an enabler are helping them to continue their habit and that is what is keeping them in this biz..because you are supporting them instead of just bypassing them.

.im not judging anyone just offering a bit of knowledge in a 3rd person sort of way...You get out of it what you put into it..

there are ladies that are respectable and dependable and are decent at every rate just have to sidestep the bullshit and see things for what they really are...

Now i know Im not the prettiest lady in town..I have never tried to market myself in that manor..however I am cute..have a great body because i work out 5 to 6 days a week..i do take breaks when my body needs it and i do have a clean place..I cannot controle whats goin on outside my door and in the street, however I do controle what goes on in my place and i am very sweet as its in my nature to be that way.
Now my posts may be abit in your face at times, whos isnt. Generally though im pretty down to earth and i can hold a convo, If i dont have any idea what the heck your talking about, cuz im just that dumb ill just simply nod smile and
try to understand the words that are coming from you..

i dont know..i guess thats about all i have to say about this.

keep smilen and dont let the lil things controle your actions.


my disclaimer: in no way was this post meant to offend anyone, if so, my apologies, ill choose my words abit more carefully next time.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 10-13-2013, 06:12 AM
and these guys are whats reading these chicks complaining and just shaking their heads Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Where are they complaining? If anyone's complaining, it's you. And JC of course. All they're doing is pointing out what goes into being in the business. Kind of like it sounded like you were trying to do with your incoherent little rambling.

you chicks cannot win on this arguement and you dont help yourselves opining on it..

just simple advice..ijs

its laughable
And just for the record JB, your entire post is pretty much what people say when they're truly jealous of how much someone else makes.

dooves a joke
I'm pretty comfortable with the idea that people know who the real "joke" is around here.
pyramider's Avatar
It amuses me immensely when fucktards break out the calculator and try to figure out what a lady makes or applies normal economics to the hobby.
ill choose my words abit more carefully next time. Originally Posted by aj14620
aj, thanks for your sincere and heartfelt post.

And just for the record JB, your entire post is pretty much what people say when they're truly jealous of how much someone else makes.

then you would have to check my reviews where i usually over pay for the norm or the usual activities and most instances alot less activities for the norm

I love paying women, and do it alot more frequently than you if only going off review frequency

your going to have to quote me where im saying their getting paid too much

your way off as usual

I'm pretty comfortable with the idea that people know who the real "joke" is around here. Originally Posted by Doove
yup...... me too ..LOL
aj, thanks for your sincere and heartfelt post. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
your very welcome suga..
cowboy8055's Avatar
I can't recall one pro I've seen without voice contact. I don't consider it debatable. I turned around and cancelled on a girl this summer that refused to talk on the phone. You have no basis for this statement. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
I think the idea of hearing a voice on the phone is a bit overrated. It's no guarantee you'll see the gal on the phone. And it's certainly no guarantee you'll see the gal in the ad with all the stolen pics around.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
aj, thanks for your sincere and heartfelt post. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
I second that and thank Anita for taking the time to write it. She is paying for the negative actions of others, and hers is a reasonable rate; I believe she roams the Earth aware of others and has concern. That makes her a superstar to me.

I don't know what doove keeps going on about, what my specific complaint is other than that there is an amount I get to consider too high. It isn't just about the ladies.

I maintain that a man who overpays for sex is far more likely to be someone who doesn't actually work, just collects salary to push paper, as opposed to an honest worker who puts on a roof, paints, actually performs function. But there are no absolutes; not every high rate john is in this category.

If I'm insulting a fucktard who is a banker/politician/C_O/insurance exec/stockbroker, good. I don't believe I've insulted any ladies, so what the fuck is doove droning on about? Bank closed? Can't swindle anyone on Columbus Day?
JohnnyCap's Avatar
I think the idea of hearing a voice on the phone is a bit overrated. It's no guarantee you'll see the gal on the phone. And it's certainly no guarantee you'll see the gal in the ad with all the stolen pics around. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
From a ladies' perspective: I have a john at noon. He's rude. I service him, but he's unhappy and leaves rudely. Not going to see him again, I tell him as he leaves. He's angry, looks mean. By 2pm he can be texting me from a different phone and email. But I'd know his voice.

My perspective: I'm going to see a lady. I've set the appointment, and confirmed. I text 45 minutes prior to reconfirm. She goes off via text: 'you're supposed to text an hour prior, I don't even start showering without that!' I call to set it straight, she won't answer. Why would I go spend on a nagging bitch? If she answered the phone and said, in a half pleasant tone, "hey sweetie I need an hour to get ready, can we start then?" she would have my $180 right now. No voice, I turned around.

I believe, hobby aside, the rampant change away from personal, verbal communication will have negative implications on everyday life. Already has.