Seriously, People Voted For This Moron?

waverunner234's Avatar
I'd rather see a 2011 report in stead of this old stuff
Sa_artman's Avatar
Stupid bastard, Munch. The pipeline will go to Vancouver, and then be shipped to China. The important thing, that you choose to overlook, is that by turning down the pipeline here, we are losing at least 20,000 jobs and billions of dollars, and roughly 30 years of guaranteed work in Houston. But go ahead and focus on my shorthand, it will prevent you from addressing the real issue. And the real issue is that our President does not have the best interests of America at heart. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Oh look, I'm a link whore like you. Give your Google finger a rest and change your bedpan.

Given the hundreds of thousands of jobs the Repubes have been aiming for recently, 20k is a drop in the bucket. Maybe all the out of work Govt workers can take up pipeline work. I think you need to change your name to SenileOldGuy. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Wave, you continue to be an idiot. Do you ever check anything out before you respond? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
this article is dated.. 5 years old. they haven't started drilling during this period. I think they started this year.

it takes at least 10 years before any company sees a drop of oil.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Sa, wow! You corrected by citing a bunch of liberal slanted sites! I'm impressed! Not that they have an agenda or anything, Besides, I don't like Republicans either. However, the pipeline jobs are real, not accounting figures or estimates. It's stupid policy to block the pipeline.

Dil, Wave said such a thought was ridiculous. I just proved it wasn't. Damn you people are hard to educate! This WILL be on the test!
Sa_artman's Avatar
Sa, wow! You corrected by citing a bunch of liberal slanted sites! I'm impressed! Not that they have an agenda or anything, Besides, I don't like Republicans either. However, the pipeline jobs are real, not accounting figures or estimates. It's stupid policy to block the pipeline.

Dil, Wave said such a thought was ridiculous. I just proved it wasn't. Damn you people are hard to educate! This WILL be on the test! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Too easy.

Liberal smiberal. Laying a pipeline would obviously entail a lot more bureaucratic red tape, not to mention I'm sure the policy is going to create some kind of vast program/agency to oversee the logistics. Isn't that contrary to the Conservative bitching? Bigger government...hmm...sounds like more Government in peoples lives, a lot of imminent domain lawsuits, and we're going to put a lot more undocumented workers to good use. Yee haw. I think you're a closet liberal SenileOldGuy!
joe bloe's Avatar
I'd rather see a 2011 report in stead of this old stuff Originally Posted by waverunner234
If you'd bother to actually read what I wrote, you'd understand that I said the Chinese will be ABLE to steal our oil by slant drilling not that they are stealing it.

It's not a good idea for someone like yourself to call people idiots. You know what they say about people who live in glass houses, or perhaps you don't.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Sa, you really don't understand, do you? But the funny part is you think you do. That's why I love this place.

joe bloe's Avatar
Sa, you really don't understand, do you? But the funny part is you think you do. That's why I love this place.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I give up. What is it I don't understand? From what I've read, there's been speculation that the Chinese may slant drill off of Cuba. I haven't read anything that seems to confirm that they have.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Sorry Joe, the comment was meant for Sa.
joe bloe's Avatar
No problem