Ted Cruz ,Tea Party favorite spends like a liberal!

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  • 08-14-2014, 11:40 AM
If Cruz is supporting the cutting of spending then it would stand to reason that the Senate office budgets will get cut as a part of his plan. So, in a way he is trying to reduce his spending.

. Originally Posted by boardman
You do realize that he is in complete control of his spending? If he were wanting to reduce his spending , all he would have to do is do so.

I'm guessing the reason you aren't getting any response in opposition or support is that everyone sees your argument as silly and not worth their time. . Originally Posted by boardman
Well if we are speculating , I'm speculating that the reason folks aren't defending this is because it is indefensible. As you are proving with each excuse...

I'm the only one dumb enough . Originally Posted by boardman
I will not argue with you on this point.

to continue pointing out it is a non-issue to someone who doesn't take this seriously. Originally Posted by boardman
I do not take politics seriously on a hooker board, you are right about that. Well except board politics....proving the old adage about all politics be local, quite true.

All I am doing is making fun of the Tea'billies in this thread and one of their leaders, renounced Canadian Teddy Cruz!
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
And his buddy Rick Perry was indicted today on 2 felony counts
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  • 08-15-2014, 07:33 PM
They aren't buddies, Cruz is having a drink over this indictment!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
But they BOTH like it in the ass.
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  • 08-16-2014, 10:58 AM
Whirly....why has Ted Cruz spent as much as the RINO Senator here in Texas?

You and JD are the head Tea Turkeys in this forum and you're from this state. Can you explain it to this simple minded liberal!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Actually, I think JD, expert that he is on all things Texas, is from Kansas.
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  • 08-16-2014, 01:36 PM
Actually, I think JD, expert that he is on all things Texas, is from Kansas. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Whirly is from here....of course JD is from Kansas, that high heel red ruby shoe wearing twinkle toe'd Queen couldn't be from anywhere else.

They wrote a book about him

''What's a matter with Kansas?"!