Different Breeds Of Hobbyists..😍🤗😘

Anyway, I'm just going to be straightforward and not candy coat an issue that has me a little bit upset.

Then after having 1 orgasm I insisted he leave it was unbearable staying sweet for that long..why would he want to see me after posting negative remarks towards my posts ?

Then come back and post in the mens licker room? Not so nice things..I had a regular mention it.
It has not hurt my business I do have regulars ��..but what about a hot pair of sweet balls and squeaky clean been that may have read that?!,�� Originally Posted by VENUSNOVA

Venus, need to hear from you concerning the comments in red. Respond to my pm
boardman's Avatar
I love reading your post , and as usual you bring in "something new" to consider. You are right ! I think its 100% the right of a provider to provide different levels of service. I'm not saying bad or sub-par service.
Lets be honest , not all of us ( Lord know not me ) look like Richard Gere in Pretty Women. We come from all areas of life, tall,short,med,fat,chubby,skin ny, built etc ...and lets face it..smell different too..some people just have a natural odor that might not be that pleasant while others fart roses....just saying.... Originally Posted by TheTexasDriller
I love this comment! Lol
CurvyKatie's Avatar
Originally Posted by boardman
Oh wow, she actually got the ban hammer.
FindumFuccemFleem's Avatar
When keeping it real goes wrong

Well this took a turn. At least it's not another ISO or threAD. JFS.

Here's the delio. It's pointless to argue about opinions. It's like an asshole. We all got em. Some stink but they are all different. Some may have similarities but ultimately you are not gonna change someone else's asshole. It is what it is.

Like I could say that SC criticizing T boners finding real friends on here is a lot like SC picking fights and arguing with " people he met on the net". Maybe you can't or haven't found real friends SC but some have. Is it really any different than a person meeting their future spouse at a bar while they are both shitfaced. Do they remember much about this meeting? Prob not. At least here you talk. Maybe move your PMs. Than texts than face to face. I've hung out with more than one guy from here. On occasios 2 or more dudes. Had a few beers. Caught a ballgame. Believe it or not it's just like handing with someone u meet in a bar or even a dating site. If meeting RW friends here isn't real cu it's the internet than why are so many damn people on the hundreds of dating sites on the net!

Every dude has his own way of picking his chick. Just like all us girls have our own way of deciding if we will see a dude or not. I know I'm picky. But I'm not high volume. If I don't enjoy the encounter I won't see em again.
Different strokes for different folks. Life is full of choices. From Ice cream flavors to Pussy. It's a very individual choice. U may get advice. Read reviews. Read their posts. But u r gonna pick who u want. Good thing there is a lot of choices. If at first you don't succeed try try again. It takes all kinds of kinds and there is someone here for everyone. Weather you pick one chick and stick with her or you like trying new things all the time

So arguing over opinions goes nowhere but it's pretty fawking entertaining to read so carry on!
Good post Z
Good post Z Originally Posted by tbone2u
Thanks. Sometimes ya gotta break it down and simplify things like mamma did for forest Gump. Ya know?? Lol.
Slitlikr's Avatar

Go Astros!
boardman's Avatar
Well this took a turn. At least it's not another ISO or threAD. JFS.

Here's the delio. It's pointless to argue about opinions. It's like an asshole. We all got em. Some stink but they are all different. Some may have similarities but ultimately you are not gonna change someone else's asshole. It is what it is.

Like I could say that SC criticizing T boners finding real friends on here is a lot like SC picking fights and arguing with " people he met on the net". Maybe you can't or haven't found real friends SC but some have. Is it really any different than a person meeting their future spouse at a bar while they are both shitfaced. Do they remember much about this meeting? Prob not. At least here you talk. Maybe move your PMs. Than texts than face to face. I've hung out with more than one guy from here. On occasios 2 or more dudes. Had a few beers. Caught a ballgame. Believe it or not it's just like handing with someone u meet in a bar or even a dating site. If meeting RW friends here isn't real cu it's the internet than why are so many damn people on the hundreds of dating sites on the net!

Every dude has his own way of picking his chick. Just like all us girls have our own way of deciding if we will see a dude or not. I know I'm picky. But I'm not high volume. If I don't enjoy the encounter I won't see em again.
Different strokes for different folks. Life is full of choices. From Ice cream flavors to Pussy. It's a very individual choice. U may get advice. Read reviews. Read their posts. But u r gonna pick who u want. Good thing there is a lot of choices. If at first you don't succeed try try again. It takes all kinds of kinds and there is someone here for everyone. Weather you pick one chick and stick with her or you like trying new things all the time

So arguing over opinions goes nowhere but it's pretty fawking entertaining to read so carry on! Originally Posted by ZantannaParella

Damn good post ZP

For me it's about the pussy but entertainment runs a close second place.
If it weren't for over inflated egos and stupidity this place would be kind of dull.
Damn good post ZP

For me it's about the pussy but entertainment runs a close second place.
If it weren't for over inflated egos and stupidity this place would be kind of dull. Originally Posted by boardman
Thanks. Common sense shit really
Ms. Athena's Avatar
I so agree. Im more comfortable hanging out with hobbyist then going on a RW date. I have hobbyiest friends in each town I toured and always made time to grab a bite, go riding, gamble ect. Many I may not have seen for a playtime that visit. Its all about the comfort level and being yourself, being free to talk about anything. Which is sad to say my RW friends really dont get the hobby.And I do have provider friends I meet outside work but thats a different vibe.
The best thing about about having female hobby friends is there are no games. They are fun to be around. A good looking girl walks by and we BOTH look.
Well I know I’m fun AF to be around lol. I love hanging out with certain guys I met here. Can talk freely and no BS and drama. Have a few female friends I met here too.

Go Astros! Originally Posted by Slitlikr
I call BS slit!! I know you read every word!! Stop playin!! Lol

Go Stros!