Hobbyist Provider Romance

TexTushHog's Avatar
You’re on Eccie but never saw the most popular hooker movie of all time??? Originally Posted by B Three
I thought Belle de Jour was the most popular hooker movie of all time. First runner up Mighty Aphrodite or Taxi Driver.

Other candidates Klute, Pretty Baby, Leaving Las Vegas, Midnight Cowboy, And Risky Business.
Tom Jickery's Avatar
I thought Belle de Jour was the most popular hooker movie of all time. First runner up Mighty Aphrodite or Taxi Driver.

Other candidates Klute, Pretty Baby, Leaving Las Vegas, Midnight Cowboy, And Risky Business. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Please do not hijack derail the thread. This is about the OP getting played by a hooker. Not a fucking movie.
Say What's Avatar
I have a very close friend that was a provider when I met her. Our situation is very different than the one you're contemplating, but similar enough that I think it's worth mentioning.

The fact that my friend was a provider doesn't make her a con artist. She's just like anyone else you might know. She started to make ends meet and used the hobby to secure certain things for her family. She had goals, met them, and walked away when she was ready.

Use your best judgement. Be cautious. Enjoy.
Be careful but it is possible......I was in a similar situation that lasted close to 2 yrs but, alas I had to transfer and she wasn't able to follow due to some Mom/Son situations. After that we kept in touch, but it went away after her son died.
Be real and careful.
OP, I have a friend who had a similar, albeit different in that he was in-town as was the girl, situation. While it can be a thrill to find someone who is into you as much as you are into her, just realize that not all is going to be on the up and up from the other side. In my friend’s case, he had been seeing this girl for four months multiple times a month at her home. Their first meeting was at a notel motel and she asked him within the first 10 minutes of meeting if he was married… should have been a red flag for him, and it was, but he ignored it because she was someone he wanted to be with. On the second meeting, she had him come to her real home which was within a mile of where he lived, which surprised him as she was so close. They would spend all night together and she only wanted him to pay her for the hour. After four months of this, she told him she was in love with him and wanted to know if he loved her. It got real complicated at that point as he was married but started pursuing a divorce because of her lying... I know, both were lying but that is an aside.

Move forward a couple of years after not seeing each other they get back together for a week. He made the mistake of trusting her but she had become an obsessed, cyber-stalking wench and he did not see the signs. Long story made short, even after 10 years of not seeing each other face to face except in court to get her to stop her harassment, she gets married and yet still is obsessed with him which he has documented evidence to support.

Be very careful OP. I am not indicting all girls in this business are mentally unbalanced, but a lot are. Sometimes a guy with means and status is exactly what those girls who do not have good self-image and self-esteem are seeking for whatever reason they have convinced themselves of being their reason.

What you have may seem like a dream come true, but do your background work to ensure she is on the up and up, and don't allow yourself to believe things that are said but not supported by actions.
Thanks to you all for the continued feedback. It definitely helps.
I think it’s easy to overlook the obvious OP. Do you or at some point in the future expect her to stop providing? If she does how does she support herself? Aye you going to support her? I think it’s very wrong to judge these women for being hookers bc we like having sex with them. We like them serving our wants and desires but if it does not work out it’s all too easy for a man to go back to his life and it’s not so easy for her even if she can make a lot more money.
Wingman07's Avatar
Here I am thinking the most popular escorting movie was monster lol
Ronin3's Avatar
In my experience Provider Romance is an oxymoron. Good luck
Been there, still doing that.

I live in Dallas, I’ve been working in another country since 2013
I go there for a couple months at a time, come home for a couple weeks. Then repeat.
Four years ago, I met up for an hour of fun with a provider in said country.
We had a great time and seemed to have a lot in common.

I saw her again a few weeks later.
We started to text one another regularly and she ended up inviting me to her place to have drinks and watch a football game. I was never a football fan until then, so I guess she converted me as I now watch when our team is playing.

I ended up staying the weekend. I tried to give her some money, she gave it back.
It wasn’t long after that she gave me a set of keys to her apartment.
I come and go, as I work on the road in that other country too.

She’s in the business because her ex fucked her over and she is trying to get out of debt.
There are no bad habits, no pimp hiding in the background taking all her money.
She is honest, caring, has a big heart, and kids that are grown and on their own.
She doesn’t have any alterior motives of trying to take me for all I’m worth, outing me to family, friends or employer.

She has never met any of my family or friends. I haven’t met hers either but she has asked me to accompany her on family visits in the past.

We are the same age, have lots in common, get along great, we both swore in the past that we would never get into a committed relationship again.

She doesn’t expect me to quit seeing other providers in my travels, but told me that I was all hers when I was back in her town. I don’t expect her to quit providing either, she’ll quit when she is ready.

I never expected this to last 4 years, but it’s fun, the sex is great. We text one another every day, we have never talked on the phone.

I’m enjoying it while it lasts, you should do the same.
Actually my all time favorite girl in the business is the most honest person I know and she and I are emotionally compatible. She actually went into the business for reasonable economic considerations and has good character IMHO in spite of society's view of prostitution - which should be legal anyway.

Setting aside the sexual part of the relationship you should take time to get to know the other person and make sure you have many compatibilities and common interests. I couldn't begin to trust anyone I haven't known for at least a year - they have to prove themselves over time.

I don't see the benefit of marriage these days and I would definitely protect my assets and would always want to play around with other women no matter what so in such a situation I would put all that out front to limit the damage if it all goes bad.
The maturity and proessionalism and frankly the stability of the provider in question will have a lot to do with this being mutually beneficial relationship or a complete nightmare. For example, when I observe providers like Berkligh, Bandy69, and Jules (and I’m leaving dozens out) I assume they really have their shit together. Stable and almost drama free at least from what I have observed. Then I observe other providers which are by definition a shit show.
Randall Creed's Avatar
The maturity and proessionalism and frankly the stability of the provider in question will have a lot to do with this being mutually beneficial relationship or a complete nightmare. For example, when I observe providers like Berkligh, Bandy69, and Jules (and I’m leaving dozens out) I assume they really have their shit together. Stable and almost drama free at least from what I have observed. Then I observe other providers which are by definition a shit show. Originally Posted by FunMonday
OMG, you misspelled Berkleigh's name, dude. That is so gross, and takes away from the awesomeness of her name.

I think you owe Berkleigh an apology.

Geez, you butchered Brandee69's name, too, fwiw.

What, are you typing while driving, in a snowstorm, at night with, no headlights, while holding a beer??
Omg. Obviously you understood. Fuck me for typo.
Dogberry's Avatar
Omg. Obviously you understood. Fuck me for typo. Originally Posted by FunMonday
Just don't let it happen again.