Who played sports

Kelly TNT's Avatar
I was in Sport Fucking my senior year.

Oh, Wait.....that was Drill Team! (Same Diff...)
It was Awesome.


Oh, and Tennis!

~Kelly TNT
Oh, I didn't play these in school, but outside of school I played basketball and football with my two brothers and all the neighborhood boys growing up. I was such a tomboy...but hey, I kicked ass!

And let's not forget about TEATHERBALL!!!!! lmao

And I agree, threads like this are cool.... =)
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Baseball and basketball...some in college too. A few inches too short and a few steps too slow but, hey, weren't those cheerleaders great?
St.Mateo's Avatar
Basketball,Football and Baseball.

And I was on the Chess team lol I guess its the part nerd I am waaaay deep down inside!!!
1thatgotaway's Avatar
I was in Sport Fucking my senior year.

Oh, Wait.....that was Drill Team! (Same Diff...)
It was Awesome.


Oh, and Tennis!

~Kelly TNT Originally Posted by Kelly TNT
Still have the uniform?
Football, Baseball, Golf..Rugby while in the Army...softball and golf til present
MarieLynn of DFW's Avatar
Softball, volleyball, basketball, and the dance team (shakin' my booty LOL)...
countryplayboy's Avatar
In highschool; football, baseball, and golf. In college; 4 years of football. Presently, softball 2 nights a week, and golf at least 3 times a week.
cheatercheater's Avatar
does pocket pool count?

I still play that everyday
lax (lacrosse) and soccer.
LOL, no sports, but did go to the state finals in both persuasive speaking and one-act play (and was named to the state all-star cast).
CSI's Avatar
  • CSI
  • 07-30-2009, 11:06 PM
High school: Football, basketball, wresling, track. Was on a undefeated state football team rated 4th. (no playoffs) Was damn fast in track with a lot of 1st in different several races.

Not a sport, but, was student council Pres and VP and soph. class Pres, too.

College: Because I got so busted up in HS, I went to bowling , golf, fraternity, and chasing women, and getting educated for my profession.

Now: Scuba diving, sky diving, some golf, skeet shooting and pistol shooting. Hunt when I can. I go to the gym as possible. But, now, I'm catching the ladies when I can. What fun the hobby has become.

KMBA1's Avatar
  • KMBA1
  • 10-22-2009, 10:25 AM
Lacrosse, baseball, golf, & tennis
I was one of the art people...my "sports" involved skipping class, drinking cherry vodka and coke and playing in cars in the parking lot!

I like sports NOW though!
OldGrump's Avatar

After meeting you (yes, my knees are still shaky) I can see you as an artist.

I was in ROTC and carried a slide rule (we called them slip sticks back then - a term that could be updated with a little massage oil). I started playing soccer at age 29 and continued playing, coaching, and refereeing it for 20 years).

Now I bat a mouse around the pad and am a master remote operator.