Remember, back in the day, when Obama said that Syria had no more WMDs?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I guess I know as much about chemistry as you know about military strategy.
lustylad's Avatar
Obama has been out of office since January 20, 2017. I am much more concerned on what Trump will do concerning Syria than argue about what Obama did or did not do in Syria... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Let's see... Bush was out of office for at least 6 years before Obama eased up on blaming his predecessor for everything bad that happened on his watch. Yet you want us to ignore how the Syrian mess originated and grew to its current catastrophic dimensions under Obama's spectacularly inept foreign policy stewardship?

We're less than 100 days into a new administration, and you want us to zip it and not ask any questions that might make Dems uncomfortable, like - "how the fuck did the new POTUS inherit such a godawful mess?"

Can you say double standard?
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  • 04-10-2017, 12:24 PM
Let's see... Bush was out of office for at least 6 years before Obama eased up on blaming his predecessor for everything bad that happened on his watch. Yet you want us to ignore how the Syrian mess originated and grew to its current catastrophic dimensions under Obama's spectacularly inept foreign policy stewardship?

We're less than 100 days into a new administration, and you want us to zip it and not ask any questions that might make Dems uncomfortable, like - "how the fuck did the new POTUS inherit such a godawful mess?"

Can you say double standard? Originally Posted by lustylad
Actually Al queda/ISIS grew out of the 2003 Bush invasion! So Bush is not out of the woodshed just yet!

Hell we can trace much of it back to Carter and Reagan arming the rebels in Afghanistan.

Imho minding our own business would pay off in the long run. Nation building is a costly proposition
lustylad's Avatar
Actually Al queda/ISIS grew out of the 2003 Bush invasion! So Bush is not out of the woodshed just yet!

Hell we can trace much of it back to Carter and Reagan arming the rebels in Afghanistan.

Imho minding our own business would pay off in the long run. Nation building is a costly proposition Originally Posted by WTF

You obviously didn't complete your reading assignment from iffy:

Your darling baby killer Assad created ISIS. He emptied his jails of jihadists and helped them flourish, so he could then turn around and present himself to the West as the lesser of two evils!

And yeah, minding our own business has worked out sooo well. Everywhere we leave a vacuum, look what fills it. ISIS is like Alex in Fatal Attraction... "I'm NOT going to be IGNORED!" And you want us to sit back and let millions of refugees overrun Europe. You want us to do nothing while terrorists blow us up, spray us with AK-47s in our theaters, and turn trucks into mass-murder weapons. You twiddle your thumbs while all of this weakens and destabilizes Western democracies, making it easier for Putin to act with impunity in Europe.

And fuck you with your straw-man concerns about nation-building. Syria is not another Iraq. We don't need to pour in troops to shape events. Minding our own business means turning Syria over to the Russians and the Iranian militias, who brought us the humanitarian disaster in Aleppo. Minding our own business means letting ISIS expand unchecked into dozens of additional countries. Minding our own business is how we got where we are today. And still, you haven't learned a thing. You're just a card-carrying member of the War Resisters League, who is too much of a fucking simpleton to acknowledge there are times in our history when military force is necessary and morally justified. The world is constantly changing, but your knee-jerk, simple-minded, unnuanced reaction never changes.
lustylad's Avatar
A legacy of "moral depravity"?

"...internal critics of Obama’s policy were so aware of its folly that they are now embracing Trump for conducting the airstrikes that their former boss refused:

This shows the moral depravity of the last administration,” said one former Obama administration official. 'I am stunned.'

'Many of us are pretty darned happy about this,' said a second former administration official. 'This is the action that many of us were hoping for years ago.'

Paging President Obama: are you still 'very proud' of walking back from your red line?"
Hell we can trace much of it back to Carter and Reagan arming the rebels in Afghanistan.
Originally Posted by WTF
you can trace it back to about 607 A.D.
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  • 04-10-2017, 04:08 PM
you can trace it back to about 607 A.D. Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Tell that Snowflaking, neoconic , liberal nation building , baby loving lustyladyboy.

We have plenty of oil.. let Russia and Europe figure it out. Shit taint our business. If they haven't figured it out since 607 , forgive me for my pessimism

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  • 04-10-2017, 04:15 PM
And still, you haven't learned a thing. You're just a card-carrying member of the War Resisters League, who is too much of a fucking simpleton to acknowledge there are times in our history when military force is necessary and morally justified. The world is constantly changing, but your knee-jerk, simple-minded, unnuanced reaction never changes. Originally Posted by lustylad
I have no problem with you gathering up all your money, arms and friends to go fight for Syrian babies. Just quit taking from my SS and Medicare to do so.

Syria was no more a threat to this country now than it was in 2013.


Says that Russia had a drone circling a nearby hospital. Once victims came into the hospital for help, a Russian jet bombed the hospital.

lustylad's Avatar
you can trace it back to about 607 A.D. Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Fagboy thinks any Muslim who ever had a jihadist thought is a progenitor of ISIS.

Does anyone remember when the Arab Spring first started back in 2011? All of the libtards - Obama, Hillary, Ben Rhodes & Co. - were patting themselves on the back. They said the Arab Spring was led by liberal-minded pro-Westerners. They said it was based on peaceful civil disobedience and a rejection of al queda and terrorist methods. They knew this because they wanted to believe it. Revolutions never eat their children. They even said it proved the folly of Bush's Iraq invasion - if we had only waited a few years, the Arab Spring would have overthrown Saddam!

Once it became apparent that the Arab Spring was being hijacked by jihadists and the region was descending into a dark Arab Winter, the libtards switched back to blaming the whole mess on Bush.

Makes perfect sense. The last thing a libtard wants to do is admit to being naive.

Does anyone remember when Hillary was sending emails to her staff in late 2011 instructing them to make sure the media gave her proper "credit" for eliminating Qaddafi?

Less than a year later, she was in damage-control mode over Benghazi!
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  • 04-10-2017, 05:00 PM

Does anyone remember when Hillary was sending emails to her staff in late 2011 instructing them to make sure the media gave her proper "credit" for eliminating Qaddafi?

Less than a year later, she was in damage-control mode over Benghazi! Originally Posted by lustylad
Which is wtf is gonna happen to Trump by taking out Assad.

No matter wtf happens over there, we will be blamed ... so just leave the region alone.

If it wasn't for the oil and the Jews....we'd been gone a long time ago!

Have you donated to the Syrian Baby fund here on eccie....each of you pro baby posters send me 100k and I'll see what I can do ....

lustylad's Avatar
Which is wtf is gonna happen to Trump by taking out Assad. Originally Posted by WTF
Nope. Pay attention. Here's what Secretary Rex Tillerson said yesterday:

"...we’ve seen what violent regime change looks like in Libya and -- and the kind of chaos that can be unleashed. And, indeed, the kind of misery that it enacts on its own people. I think what we’re hopeful is through this Syrian process... we can navigate a political outcome in which the Syrian people, in fact, will determine Bashar al-Assad’s fate."

No matter wtf happens over there, we will be blamed ... so just let my pal Assad keep gassing babies to death. Originally Posted by WTF
FTFY, fagboy. We already put you down on the "moral depravity" side. Instead of being ashamed, you act obscenely proud of it. Why else would you keep bringing it up?
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  • 04-11-2017, 07:31 AM
Nope. Pay attention. Here's what Secretary Rex Tillerson said yesterday:

"...we’ve seen what violent regime change looks like in Libya and -- and the kind of chaos that can be unleashed. And, indeed, the kind of misery that it enacts on its own people. I think what we’re hopeful is through this Syrian process... we can navigate a political outcome in which the Syrian people, in fact, will determine Bashar al-Assad’s fate."

? Originally Posted by lustylad
So we say he must go and the Syrian people will determine his fate...the Syrian rebels we arm!

Yes and in Iraq the people will welcome us with open arms and set up a pro American Democracy! Oh wait....that did not happen like we were told. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

the winners will be the radical Muslims who hate Christians, the one's who support Assad right now you uninformed Snowflake.
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  • 04-11-2017, 07:34 AM
Yep, those were the good ole days when Obama negoiated with the Russian (?) to rid Syria of ALL their weapons of mass destruction. Russia said Okay, and Syria said OK, and Obama said Oh boy and told us all that the crisis was over. . Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Apparently EVA doesn't keep up...
Russia release 100 page report on rebels possession of chemical weapons.
Russians: Rebels used Sarin in Aleppo. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Remember back in the day when you told us that the Rebel's were the one's with sarin gas?

I'm so confused....who is gassing whom?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Where is Obama anyway?

One of the local landmarks on Obama's Island.