Trumpf shot

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txdot-guy's Avatar
From Monday

Biden told donors on a private call this afternoon: ‘It’s time to put Trump in the bullseye,'Kenneth P. Vogel, a reporter with the New York Times, wrote in a post on Monday.

And now this , why would Biden do that?

That's the reaction of a person who is guilty or plagued by guilt .

Originally Posted by CG2014
Your correct that democrats and Biden also hold a little blame as well. The difference is that Biden actually has the ability and self reflection to understand his part in this tragedy. Ol Schitzenpants is going to lie his self deluded ass off and blame anyone but himself.

I expect campaign materials to be distributed shortly from the Trump campaign about how manly he was. Because that’s what douche bag “alpha males” do.

See the “Undeniably Manly” thread.
Originally Posted by CG2014
HA. That's hilarious. Please keep posting your fairy tale stuff. I haven't laughed this hard in a week.

Also, you should probably upgrade your iphone.
CG2014's Avatar
Wow. Just wow. I am shocked. SHOCKED I tell you, that these MAGA snowflakes can, without any self-awareness whatsoever, go on about how something someone said could be taken out of context. Originally Posted by Diligaf
Biden, Pelosi and all the democrats and left media like CNN been doing that to President Trump for over 8 years now. Constantly taking anything he said out of context and spinning it for their own narrative.

But of course Biden and Democrats think they are above the law, the laws that they so vehemently want applied to everyone who is not a Democrat do not apply to them.
Most of you are something to behold.

Not only did Trump get shot, a person in the stands was as shot dead, plus a secret service agent shot the shooter.

That is straight from CNN.

My only objection to the reporting is they calling it an “incident. No. It was an assasination attempt.

Two more inches to the right and we have a remake of the Zabruder Film.
CG2014's Avatar
If some idiot in Georgia like Fani Willis can bring bs charges against Trump or the other idiot Bragg in NYC can also bring bs charges against Trump, why can't a DA in PA bring charges against Biden?

Or that moron Letitia James. You could see the hate on her face when she sat in the courtroom Trump was. Just pure anger and hate!

She ran her campaign for NY AG on the platform of she's going to get Trump.

Not that she's going to reduce violent crimes in the State of NY or she's going to make the lives of all New York State residents better.

Two tier justices system in favor of the democrats, always!

Rules for thee but not for them Democrats.

You need to wake up!
Biden, Pelosi and all the democrats and left media like CNN been doing that to President Trump for over 8 years now. Constantly taking anything he said out of context and spinning it for their own narrative.

But of course Biden and Democrats think they are above the law, the laws that they so vehemently want applied to everyone who is not a Democrat do not apply to them. Originally Posted by CG2014
Is some idiot in Georgia like Fani Willis can bring bs charges against Trump or the other idiot Bragg in NYC can also bring bs charges against Trump, why can't a DA in PA bring charges against Biden?

Two tier justices system in favor of the democrats, always!

Rules for thee but not for them Democrats.

You need to wake up! Originally Posted by CG2014

CG2014's Avatar
Biden is going to federal prison

He doesn't need to have given a direct order to be tried under federal law regarding threat to President and former President

If Biden can say Trump speech incited an insurrection on January 6th, then the same applies to what Biden has said in the past about how he will stop Trump at all cost and that all cost includes assassination.

CG2014's Avatar
Trump releases statement from hospital saying he was shot in ear, exactly as seen by his reaction of putting his hand on his ear after the sound of a gunshot in the video
Dumb as F, that is about all I can see to most of these posts.

1. There was a shooting at a Trump rally at former President Trump, which would count as an assassination attempt
2. The shooter and one person in the stands were killed.

Everything else posted is speculation and just plain stupidity. While the facts will come out, it will take several hours for the Secret Service to analyze the scene and sort out facts from well meaning misinformation.

Turn the news off and wait till tomorrow morning and read more of the facts.
Dumb as F, that is about all I can see to most of these posts. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Good idea. Everyone, we should defer to farmstud60's thoughts about Dumb as F posts. He is an expert, after all.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Ah hell, the MAGA conspiracy theorist geniuses have already solved the case.

Maybe I am just weird, but I'd rather wait for the actual facts to come out, so I don't sound like a damn fool while posting shit I know absolutely nothing about factually.

I expected someone to take a shot at him for quite some time now. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Same here. And that was even before he ran for POTUS. When you file for bankruptcy 6 times, just think about how many people were wronged.

I remember years ago when I heard boxing promoter Bob Arum talking about what a piece of shit Trump was when it came to fucking people over to benefit himself and everyone else be damned. Now, Bob Arum is not Don King level crooked, but he is about as close as it gets. My only thought at the time was, "if this crooked asshole who made a fortune from fucking over boxers questions your morals, how really fucked up is Trump?" Haha
Your correct that democrats and Biden also hold a little blame as well. The difference is that Biden actually has the ability and self reflection to understand his part in this tragedy. Ol Schitzenpants is going to lie his self deluded ass off and blame anyone but himself.

I expect campaign materials to be distributed shortly from the Trump campaign about how manly he was. Because that’s what douche bag “alpha males” do.

See the “Undeniably Manly” thread. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Oh yes! It’s already been reported the speakers for the Republican National Convention are changing their speeches. Politics is nastier than its ever been.
I don't know about that, but I agree with the incompetence. I shoot a good bit at a hot range, and I see plenty of MAGA LARPers out there that would have their gun shoved right up their ass.

But you make a fair point. Originally Posted by Diligaf
Oh is that so. Are you asking people what their political leanings are at the Shooting Range?
Oh is that so. Are you asking people what their political leanings are at the Shooting Range? Originally Posted by Levianon17
I don't have to. MAGAts tend to be loud in their opinions, and come complete with flags, bumper stickers and apparel stating their rage against the unfair machine. Basically, they say the sort of silly shit you do. Dead giveway.