Can't stand it....going back to NBA

Honey, Jessica, my questions were not to blame, point fingers, etc at you. I for one, support ladies as I can. you make choices I can understand, but never truly face the results of those choices.

I asked.because I really think a little more information others understand this issue better. You may be surprised at the support you might get for being more open and willing to see guys regardless of race

I can infer from your statement that you do not really support a NBA policy but you are being pressured into it with the threat of loss of income as the big stick. It is easy to say stand by your principals when one does not have to deal with the realities. clearly you are update or you would not have posted.

Please consider posting handles of these bigots. They may find other ladies will not see them. They will face others on here who do not support them. And you may find many guys and not a few ladies that will support your stand against bigotry.

Don't let them win, please

She stated in the most unequivocal terms that she didn't want to discuss it and yet a bunch of people keep pressuring her to discuss what happened or her reasons or who knows what shit. Pretty much everyone after the OP (except me) is an idiot and guilty of their OWN form of harassment - she said she DIDN'T CARE TO TALK ABOUT IT. So unless your *intention* is to harass her for your own agendas, leave her the hell alone. Geez. Originally Posted by Bobave
Hey man, come back to earth..

She stated in the most unequivocal terms that she didn't want to discuss it and yet a bunch of people keep pressuring her to discuss what happened or her reasons or who knows what shit. Pretty much everyone after the OP (except me) is an idiot and guilty of their OWN form of harassment - she said she DIDN'T CARE TO TALK ABOUT IT. So unless your *intention* is to harass her for your own agendas, leave her the hell alone. Geez. Originally Posted by Bobave
I think we found our culprit. J/k, seriously though, what are you her father?
suiram77's Avatar
Been getting harassed about relaxing my policy and can't take the heat. Going back to NBA = No AA.

You may comment and say anything you want, call me everything you want, curse me out or do whatever but after this but I am going to make a point NOT to check this thread after submit this post. Originally Posted by honeydavis
Honeydavis I am sorry this has happen to you
and you have a right to see who ever you want to
see no matter what. best of wishes to you.
dallasfan's Avatar
Is this an ad?
Been getting harassed about relaxing my policy and can't take the heat. Going back to NBA = No AA.

You may comment and say anything you want, call me everything you want, curse me out or do whatever but after this but I am going to make a point NOT to check this thread after submit this post. Originally Posted by honeydavis
First, I think it was already pointed out that any harassment towards Honey Davis (or any provider or hobbyist) is unacceptable. And most of the responses have been fairly supportive of HD.

Honey. If you are gonna come on here and make a statement such as a huge policy change why not at least say why. You could have just put it in your profile/sig line and not made a big show of it. Especially if you are being harassed. Why draw more attention to yourself over it? Good luck either way. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
^^ What she said ^^

HD, NBA Policy / No NBA Policy, that's your prerogative plain and simple. You should do whatever you're comfortable with. But would it not have been easier to make these policy change notifications to your signature line, profile and screen process as THN suggested? This a discussion board. If you start a thread in Coed, you are inviting discussion (good, bad or ugly). Maybe I'm just dumb and don't get it, but why start this thread to begin with?


She stated in the most unequivocal terms that she didn't want to discuss it and yet a bunch of people keep pressuring her to discuss what happened or her reasons or who knows what shit. Pretty much everyone after the OP (except me) is an idiot and guilty of their OWN form of harassment - she said she DIDN'T CARE TO TALK ABOUT IT. So unless your *intention* is to harass her for your own agendas, leave her the hell alone. Geez. Originally Posted by Bobave
Dude, calm down. Most posts have been supportive. And as she stated, she plans to ignore this thread anyways.

thechocolatebanana's Avatar
I hope curiosity gets the better of her and she does read the posts and if nothing else, reports the individual(s) to the Mods if they are a member(s). I wonder how many ladies are getting this kind of harassment and NOT reporting it. Call 'em out, public or private. Bullies don't need to roam freely without penalty of their actions.
I hope curiosity gets the better of her and she does read the posts and if nothing else, reports the individual(s) to the Mods if they are a member(s). I wonder how many ladies are getting this kind of harassment and NOT reporting it. Call 'em out, public or private. Bullies don't need to roam freely without penalty of their actions. Originally Posted by thechocolatebanana
Exactly. The more that report this kind of problem, the more that will be willing to come forward. And the less these assholes will be able to get away with it.
theboss21422's Avatar
Just shows how weak minded she is, so who cares, unless it was a AA gentleman harassing for something she doesn't provide then sorry you been pushed into a corner
The Proper Stranger's Avatar

She stated in the most unequivocal terms that she didn't want to discuss it and yet a bunch of people keep pressuring her to discuss what happened or her reasons or who knows what shit. Pretty much everyone after the OP (except me) is an idiot and guilty of their OWN form of harassment - she said she DIDN'T CARE TO TALK ABOUT IT. So unless your *intention* is to harass her for your own agendas, leave her the hell alone. Geez. Originally Posted by Bobave
Of course. A discussion thread in the Coed Discussions forum shouldn't be expected to start a discussion. That would be ridiculous.

She stated in the most unequivocal terms that she didn't want to discuss it and yet a bunch of people keep pressuring her to discuss what happened or her reasons or who knows what shit. Pretty much everyone after the OP (except me) is an idiot and guilty of their OWN form of harassment - she said she DIDN'T CARE TO TALK ABOUT IT. So unless your *intention* is to harass her for your own agendas, leave her the hell alone. Geez. Originally Posted by Bobave
Ok, let me get this straight, you are berating everyone for participating, posting, and perpetuating a discussion that was started on a discussion board by participating, posting, and perpetuating the thread yourself? In my medical studies I have ran across a condition that is descriptive of one who exhibits the aforementioned behavior. Fucktardinism, you should get checked out, the sooner they diagnose it, the sooner they can prevent it from growing into something more serious like LAS (living asshole syndrome).
TinMan's Avatar
I seem to recall recently seeing another white woman post about harassing PMs over her decision to see black men. Is this the beginning of a trend? Any other ladies care to report similar instances?
honeydavis, the NBA was never a really big deal to me....I am an NFL/NASCAR type of guy and after the Clippers owners comments my interest in the NBA was even less!
That said I fully support your choice to be an NBA fan......
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 06-11-2014, 11:13 PM
So... not to hate on Honey (we have always had great interactions)... but this whole thing screams to me false, attention craving made upedness. Her slew of recent semi pointless threADs kinda leans towards that. She is too savvy to put up with that shit. Then again... guess not.

Another thing is - maybe she doesn't have the thickest of skins. She could have gotten one of those hate emails that has been going around from some scumbucket mental case preaching gawd and hatred in the same thing about fucking outside your race.


She shouldn't have started this if she didn't want attention or to discuss it.
TinMan's Avatar
Another thing is - maybe she doesn't have the thickest of skins. She could have gotten one of those hate emails that has been going around from some scumbucket mental case preaching gawd and hatred in the same thing about fucking outside your race.
Originally Posted by ~Ze~
Is it just one guy, or do we have a little Aryan Nation action going on around here? The level of angst surrounding this issue appears to have risen recently. Is there really an increase in activity, or is this just the conflict of the month?