Dynamic NCNS, why don't say "hey I'm sorry I can't make it" No reasons needed...

FatDad's Avatar
I always text few hrs ahead if I can't make it to the appointment, cause I do understand what we are doing here is not charity. Time is money for most of us & I expect providers do the same.
This weekend had an appointment scheduled with a provider and she went silent before the appointment time and after 6hrs she said some lame excuse and asked me to reschedule, as I did reschedule to next day she did the same thing.
Well all I wanna say is it doesn't matter whether it's a provider or a John, a little heads up before pulling ncns shit would be great.
All you need to say is 'I'm sorry I can't make it. If you don't mind Let's reschedule'
Gabi's Avatar
  • Gabi
  • 09-06-2017, 09:50 PM
It is so inconsiderate. It literally takes 10 seconds to send an "I can't make it" text. I understand things happen and I have had clients text me hours later apologizing and explaining. Yeah, it doesn't fix it but it shows respect and I am willing to see them again.
But to me, the absolute worst is to text saying "I am on my way",then never show up and not reply after that. Not to mention the ones that go mia, do not reply to any, zero, of the messages following ncns and then try to book an appointment days later like it never happened. Ugh.