Is it bigotry or irrational to be wary of someone who has sworn to kill you? Originally Posted by Jackie SIs that really what you extracted from my statement? Really?
You seem to possess that same unique combination of naiveté and stupidity that the entire Obama Administration exhibits when it comes to Islamic Terrorist.Your perception of what I stated is completely on you and has zero nutritional value at this point.
Its not bigotry sweetheart. Its reality. You can kiss Muslim ass til your lips fall off. They will still bury you up to your waist, tie your hands at your side, and stone you to death. Or simply behead you. Or pour gas on you and set you on fire. Its what they do. Its what they have done for over 1,000 years. Its what they will still be doing 1,000 years from now.Pot. Kettle. Black. Can the histrionics. I made a statement of fact. It doesn't mean I am not aware of the risks or dismissing valid concerns. Did you know that it is possible to consider multiple, even opposing views, in any given situation? Clearly an alien concept for some of you. Don't try this at home. You might blue screen.
There is nothing new under the sun, and what Islamists (notice I don't bother with the word 'radical') are doing today is following the very playbook written by Mohammed himself. Today's refugees brag about 'breeding' out the local population. Guess who's idea that was? Mohammed's.
The so-called 'radical' Muslims are NOT in fact radical, they are the ones who adhere letter by letter to what the Koran tells them to do. But don't worry, the so-called 'moderate' Muslims also have their role, also as written in the Koran. They are halves of one whole.
You can deny, bluster, and brand others as xenophobic, bigots, and racists all you like. Until you READ the Koran, cover to cover, you are just an ignorant dumb ass speaking about what you do not know. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Viv,I am aware. I actually get the fear. I also recognize when it is unreasonable and counterproductive.
There are a group of posters who think nothing of sending our soldiers to die in the Middle East but are scared shitless of a orphaned 12 year old and their family coming to this country. Originally Posted by WTF