Do you believe in Sharia?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I guess I have to repeat myself for the third time on this thread. The only way, THE ONLY WAY, for a student to attend an Indonesian Muslim school was to be A MUSLIM. This is all public knowledge and on record. Like so many other religions there is no requirement to attend organized services so I don't know why you keep bringing that up...unless you have nothing else or you are a broken record...a broken record...a broken record... I wish you would get over your anti-Mormon bigotry and I don't care about Joseph Smith or his church. You see, they don't want to stone me or cut my head off for expressing myself. Since you opened that can of worms; can you tell what church Obama attends regularly in DC. Remember you brought it up.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I guess I have to repeat myself for the third time on this thread. The only way, THE ONLY WAY, for a student to attend an Indonesian Muslim school was to be A MUSLIM. This is all public knowledge and on record. Like so many other religions there is no requirement to attend organized services so I don't know why you keep bringing that up...unless you have nothing else or you are a broken record...a broken record...a broken record... I wish you would get over your anti-Mormon bigotry and I don't care about Joseph Smith or his church. You see, they don't want to stone me or cut my head off for expressing myself. Since you opened that can of worms; can you tell what church Obama attends regularly in DC. Remember you brought it up. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Talk about broken records. You seize any straw to pretend you have anything about you that measures up to Obama. Religion is always the last gasp of a coward.

But you knew that.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I guess I have to repeat myself for the third time on this thread. The only way, THE ONLY WAY, for a student to attend an Indonesian Muslim school was to be A MUSLIM. This is all public knowledge and on record. Like so many other religions there is no requirement to attend organized services so I don't know why you keep bringing that up...unless you have nothing else or you are a broken record...a broken record...a broken record... I wish you would get over your anti-Mormon bigotry and I don't care about Joseph Smith or his church. You see, they don't want to stone me or cut my head off for expressing myself. Since you opened that can of worms; can you tell what church Obama attends regularly in DC. Remember you brought it up. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You dumb fuck- produce the facts: While in Jakarta, Indonesia, Obama attended the following schools:
St. Francis Assisi Catholic school, a private Catholic school, for his first 3 years
SDN Menteng 1, a secular, government-run school, for his 4th year

At this point Obama returned with his mother to Honolulu, Hawaii, where he attended the following school:
Punahou School, a private college preparatory school, from the fifth grade until his graduation in 1979.

As far as Churches he attends in D.C: St. John’s Episcopal Church and Shiloh Baptist church.

Now can you tell me the name of the Mosque Obama attended in Chicago or Indonesia?

If you open up your closed mind- nations like Indonesia, Saudia Arabia and Iran just to name a few do have Christians who attend their schools just as you have Christians who serve in the military in those respective nations- or in political office. Now again tell me the Mosque Obama attended in Chicago- even before he became President- can you name it for me?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Only Timpage suggested that Obama attended a mosque in Chicago. Ask him.

Let me see yours first...oh, and how often does he attend church. You did bring it up.

By the way, the quote is "patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel."

I know this is taxing but could you stop with "dumb fuck" stuff, The repetition is getting tedious. I can give you a whole list of other words to use if you care to use them.
You dumb fuck- produce the facts: While in Jakarta, Indonesia, Obama attended the following schools:
St. Francis Assisi Catholic school, a private Catholic school, for his first 3 years
SDN Menteng 1, a secular, government-run school, for his 4th year

At this point Obama returned with his mother to Honolulu, Hawaii, where he attended the following school:
Punahou School, a private college preparatory school, from the fifth grade until his graduation in 1979.

As far as Churches he attends in D.C: St. John’s Episcopal Church and Shiloh Baptist church.

Now can you tell me the name of the Mosque Obama attended in Chicago or Indonesia?

If you open up your closed mind- nations like Indonesia, Saudia Arabia and Iran just to name a few do have Christians who attend their schools just as you have Christians who serve in the military in those respective nations- or in political office. Now again tell me the Mosque Obama attended in Chicago- even before he became President- can you name it for me? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Obama did attend a Catholic School in Indonesia. There is a reason for that and it's not because he was Catholic. Catholic Schools in Indonesia will typically allow non-catholics to enroll. Barack was enrolled as a Muslim student and was exempt from the school's religious classes.
joe bloe's Avatar
You dumb fuck- produce the facts: While in Jakarta, Indonesia, Obama attended the following schools:
St. Francis Assisi Catholic school, a private Catholic school, for his first 3 years
SDN Menteng 1, a secular, government-run school, for his 4th year

At this point Obama returned with his mother to Honolulu, Hawaii, where he attended the following school:
Punahou School, a private college preparatory school, from the fifth grade until his graduation in 1979.

As far as Churches he attends in D.C: St. John’s Episcopal Church and Shiloh Baptist church.

Now can you tell me the name of the Mosque Obama attended in Chicago or Indonesia?

If you open up your closed mind- nations like Indonesia, Saudia Arabia and Iran just to name a few do have Christians who attend their schools just as you have Christians who serve in the military in those respective nations- or in political office. Now again tell me the Mosque Obama attended in Chicago- even before he became President- can you name it for me? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Obama attended Jeremiah Wright's racist hate cult for twenty years, until it became too much of a political liability. Wright's church is based on the teachings of James Cone.

Here are some quotes from James Cone.

"White religionists are not capable of perceiving the blackness of God, because their satanic whiteness is a denial of the very essence of divinity. That is why whites are finding and will continue to find the black experience a disturbing reality."

"In contrast to this racist view of God, black theology proclaims God's blackness. Those who want to know who God is and what God is doing must know who black persons are and what they are doing. "

"God comes to us in God's blackness, which is wholly unlike whiteness. To receive God's revelation is to become black with God by joining God in the work of liberation.... Becoming one of God's disciples means rejecting whiteness and accepting themselves as they are in all their physical blackness."

"God is black because God loves us; and God loves us because we are black. Righteousness is that side of God which expresses itself through black liberation. God makes black what humans have made white.... Love is a refusal to accept whiteness."

Above are quotes from James H. Cone, A Black Theology of Liberation ~ a book sold in Obama's church's bookstore the entire 20-years he attended.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Go away.
Go away. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Make that Go far, far away.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Only Timpage suggested that Obama attended a mosque in Chicago. Ask him.

Let me see yours first...oh, and how often does he attend church. You did bring it up.

By the way, the quote is "patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel." Just because it's a quote doesn't make it true' The word "religion" works better in that quote too. Just ask Jimmy Swaggart.

I know this is taxing but could you stop with "dumb fuck" stuff, The repetition is getting tedious. I can give you a whole list of other words to use if you care to use them. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
No, the quote is "Religion is always the last gasp of a coward." I know it is because I made it.
You know I made it too but you couldn't resist the chance to "paraphrase" what I said in that "change the meaning of my statement" way you have adopted.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Obama attended Jeremiah Wright's racist hate cult for twenty years, until it became too much of a political liability. Wright's church is based on the teachings of James Cone.

Here are some quotes from James Cone.

"White religionists are not capable of perceiving the blackness of God, because their satanic whiteness is a denial of the very essence of divinity. That is why whites are finding and will continue to find the black experience a disturbing reality."

"In contrast to this racist view of God, black theology proclaims God's blackness. Those who want to know who God is and what God is doing must know who black persons are and what they are doing. "

"God comes to us in God's blackness, which is wholly unlike whiteness. To receive God's revelation is to become black with God by joining God in the work of liberation.... Becoming one of God's disciples means rejecting whiteness and accepting themselves as they are in all their physical blackness."

"God is black because God loves us; and God loves us because we are black. Righteousness is that side of God which expresses itself through black liberation. God makes black what humans have made white.... Love is a refusal to accept whiteness."

Above are quotes from James H. Cone, A Black Theology of Liberation ~ a book sold in Obama's church's bookstore the entire 20-years he attended. Originally Posted by joe bloe
His hate is "black" based.

Your hate is "conservative" based.

You and he are 2 peas in a pod.
The only difference between him and you is that he got paid and you didn't.

Too fucking bad. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

PS Neither of you have the prevalent feelings of the groups you claim to represent.
Your hate beams have no effect on this forum. Run away before we destroy you for our own amusement. You try our patience.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Only Timpage suggested that Obama attended a mosque in Chicago. Ask him.

Let me see yours first...oh, and how often does he attend church. You did bring it up.

By the way, the quote is "patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel."

I know this is taxing but could you stop with "dumb fuck" stuff, The repetition is getting tedious. I can give you a whole list of other words to use if you care to use them. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
WTF does it matter how many times he attend church??? Do you know the difference between someone being religious and someone being spiritual???? I know people who drink, cuss and party at a club every Saturday and yet attend church every Sunday- does that make them "better" or "holier" than someone who doesn't cuss, drink, and party and rarely goes to church?????
And you are a dumb Fuck- I call it the way I see it. You are a religious bigot- what if he were Muslim- are you saying a person who is Muslim should not run for President- hmmmm and you were supposed to be this die-hard republican- hmmm I thought the constitution allowed religious tolerance. And if you actually think every Muslim is a terrorist than you are a sick DUMB FUCK- you ever heard of the Crusades- read up on the crusades and tell me how many innocent people Christians killed during the crusades. Do you remember the IRA during the 80's- how many bombs were they setting off and killing innocent people- weren't both sides "Christians"
You are more than likely closed racist and a religious bigot- which is funny since you claimed to be an atheist.
I am still waiting for you to answer my question- Was God a pedophile when he got Mary pregnant? Why don't you go to a Catholic Church and tell Catholics that you think God is a pedophile- and go ahead do your research all you want-as I mentioned Mary was between the ages of 12 to 15- there's not a scholar who will dispute that- so how is it you call Muhammad a pedophile but will not call God one when both had would you consider a woman at a very young age.
However, if you half of a Brain you dumb fuck- you would realize that when a woman reached mid 20's in those days- it would be equivalent to a woman reaching her 50's nowadays and they would hve been too old to have a child. Back in Jesus days it was very common for a woman to Mary as young as 12- you ignorant fuck.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You really have a comprehension problem don't you. If I am to answer your question then I have to believe that it happened. You don't understand that do you? This is your problem and not mine. As for Barack and his attendance, someone did say that he was a regular church goer. So the question of frequencey comes into play. I didn't start the question, I am just using the same standard already set.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
But JD, you ARE a dumb fuck!

You're making this argument about religion, right? Well why not talk about all of 'em?
Yssup...he can't make that argument...'cause he is a dumb fuck,lol
Easy way to make joe blown go away...just like the other thread, challenge him to put is $$$ where his ideas are, in his posts.

Then you get the sound of crickets