It's time for a change in my life, too.

MojoR's Avatar
  • MojoR
  • 08-10-2013, 07:25 AM
Hendricks is infused with cucumber. Regardless of your sweet/dry preference, that flavor matters in every cocktail mentioned.

Hell...we aren't even talking about the differences between Genever, old tom, and London dry, let alone pot stills vs. modern stills, etc. All gin ain't created equal. They are as varied as "whiskey" when you get past the martini crowd.

Those who will talk about the topic, instead of talking about their other favorite spirits, are dicing about brand, rather than type. Which, I can understand, to some extent. If you are a Bombay vs. Beefeater person, that's one thing. They are both London drys.

But Hendricks, even as a dry, has a flavor component that throws it into a different class, IMO.

Tinman: if you just want a different London dry, my suggestion is Plymouth. It's a great staple at my bar.

Also, Grace gets -5 Internets for only being exposed to gins that have juniper in them, hence the "pine" problem. There are several styles that don't feature that at all. :P

TThog is also -5 Internets for being so myopic as to think that gin should be limited to quinine-infused beverages for the prevention of malaria. There is much more to the history of this spirit than just some Colonial mischief on the sub-continent.

For those that would rather just drink, explore and learn about why gin can be awesome: google is your friend on: The Pegu Club Cocktail, Corpse Reviver #2, and the Negroni. Originally Posted by Duke of G
Nice suggestions, I'm going to try the Pegu and Negroni these. For those to lazy here you go:

The Pegu Cocktail:
2 oz gin
3/4 oz orange liqueur
1/2 oz lime juice
2 dashes Angostura bitters
lime wedge or peel for garnish

Pour the ingredients into a cocktail shaker filled with ice.
Shake really well (we are talking frostbite on your hands)
Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
Garnish with a lime wedge or peel.

Corpse Reviver #2:

1 ounce gin
1 ounce Lillet Blanc
1 ounce fresh squeezed lime juice
1 ounce orange liqueur (i.e. Cointreau)
1 drop absinthe
Cherry for garnish

Pour the ingredients into a cocktail shaker filled with ice.
Shake well.
Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
Garnish with a cherry.


1 1/2 oz sweet vermouth
1 1/2 oz Campari
1 1/2 oz gin
Orange slice or twist for garnish

Pour the ingredients into an old-fashioned glass with ice cubes.
Stir well.
Garnish with the orange slice.
Pistol Man's Avatar
Tin Man:

I was so inspired by your change of spirit that I am at the moment on the patio enjoying a fine cigar and forsaking my beloved spirit of aged Kentuckians for the ever popular negroni with, of course, the rangpur base. I garnish with a wedge of lime rather than the ubiquitois orange wheel. All that I now require is a warm and willing woman! Any volunteers?
I am very impressed with everyone's civility on this topic. Usually by page 4 someone is calling someone a pervert, WK, liberal/right wing wacko. I offered my suggestion in the spirit of a kindred gin drinker. It's like most things, everyone likes different things. You have done the most important thing already, elevated the choosing to the same level as matters of gravest importance.
Cheers mate.

PS Whatever you decide it will go down much better sharing it with thathotnurse.
TinMan's Avatar
I think everyone can agree on that last point, slowmover!
I just hope thathotnurse remembers me and my favorite drink.

As for all you WK political wackos out there, I could care less if she remembers your drink.
I'm just selfish sometimes.