Jealousy - Why we feel the need to be #1?

What, ya never been fearful of Love! Originally Posted by WTF

I'm deathly afraid of love...
I'm deathly afraid of love... Originally Posted by AidanMacKenna
So, does that mean you'll live as long as you don't fall in love????
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  • WTF
  • 02-13-2010, 02:15 PM
I have been thinking the same thing. I thought we were talking about the demimonde world. Then love was thrown into the mix. Aren't those two separate subjects? Originally Posted by Ansley
There is onlt room for jealousy and not love in this little world?
There is onlt room for jealousy and not love in this little world? Originally Posted by WTF
Well in Ansley's perfect little world Never mind we won't go there. I was trying to say that Nicolette brought up jealousy in the dm world. Somewhere along the line and the subject of love was brought up. Two different subjects in my mind.
Somewhere along the line and the subject of love was brought up. Two different subjects in my mind. Originally Posted by Ansley
Indeed they are.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Don't forget lovey dovey day tomorrow.
I'm deathly afraid of love... Originally Posted by AidanMacKenna
The Allure Of Love

Someone who does not run
toward the allure of love walks
a road where nothing lives.

But this dove here senses
the love-hawk floating above
and waits and will not be driven
or scared to safety.


Don't forget lovey dovey day tomorrow. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
I have never celebrated Vday, unless it was with a Demiland gent who really wanted to do something for me. But then... I don't celebrate Christmas, my birthday or any other holiday lol
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  • WTF
  • 02-13-2010, 02:55 PM
Well in Ansley's perfect little world Never mind we won't go there. I was trying to say that Nicolette brought up jealousy in the dm world. Somewhere along the line and the subject of love was brought up. Two different subjects in my mind. Originally Posted by Ansley
Can't have one without the other...............sorry there is no perfect world. Except for mine and even at that, I get tired of always being right.
Can't have one without the other...............sorry there is no perfect world. Except for mine and even at that, I get tired of always being right. Originally Posted by WTF
I'm thinking that most of the people on this forum know what I am talking about. So WTF, STFU!
Can't have one without the other...............sorry there is no perfect world. Except for mine and even at that, I get tired of always being right. Originally Posted by WTF
Sure you can. One can be jealous over someone they have no real emotional inclinations toward other then physical attraction. I've seen scores of women jealous that some guy they've never even talked to is flirting with other women. One can be jealous of people they hate.

Jealousy is a personal fault that often has nothing to do with the person the caustic emotion is associated with.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Tomorrow is just another day for me as well.
I suppose I get jealous for a bit when our ladies here spend time with other fellas.
But I say to myself "Be happy for them." Then I pick up the phone and dial 1-800-WHAA.
Just one more day w/o the SO here. No different than all the others.
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  • WTF
  • 02-13-2010, 04:22 PM
One can be jealous of people they hate. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
Nit picky are ya? Of course they can hate some one and be jealous of them...What you failed to mention is they love something that the other person has. Be it wit or looks or a fat wallet of a GTP, big hooters you name it somebody is Jealous of something another has. Something as simple as attention.

Sure you can. One can be jealous over someone they have no real emotional inclinations toward other then physical attraction. I've seen scores of women jealous that some guy they've never even talked to is flirting with other women. One can be jealous of people they hate.

Jealousy is a personal fault that often has nothing to do with the person the caustic emotion is associated with. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
Love and Jealousy are part of life. It is very difficult to discuss one without the least properly.

You two feel free to though. Be like talking about hunting and not talking about weapons. Fire away ladies, show us what ya got!

Yet he was jealous, though he did not show it, For jealousy dislikes the world to know it”
Lord Byron quotes (English Romantic poet and satirist, 1788-1824)

Jealousy, that dragon which slays love under the pretence of keeping it alive.”
Havelock Ellis quotes (British psychologist and author 1859-1939)

Jealousy is always born with love, but does not always die with it”
François de la Rochefoucauld quotes (French classical author, leading exponent of the Maxime, 1613-1680)

I'm thinking that most of the people on this forum know what I am talking about. So WTF, STFU! Originally Posted by Ansley
Please Mods, do not point the little Southern girl from atlanta, she's just jealous that I know so much about love and Jealousy!
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Well there's no conceit in WTF's family, he got it all.
Please Mods, do not point the little Southern girl from atlanta, she's just jealous that I know so much about love and Jealousy! Originally Posted by WTF
Why would they point me? For telling you to be quite? I don't think so.

Nicolette started this thread about clients and jealousy. She never mentioned love in her post. If y'all want to discuss love and jealousy, go for it. I was hoping to read about jealousy.