Mavericktravis steady uploading videos without consent

You couldn't afford to hire me to represent you in your illicit substances case, even with the discount I offer the elderly. Originally Posted by ShysterJon
Maybe I wouldn't hire you because your insults and allegations don't apply to me?

Go back to representing (and taking advantage of) pimped out, drugged out ladies who don't know how to screen.

If you have to post constantly on ECCIE to get business, something is telling me that you failed.
PeterBota's Avatar
Dayum ^^^^^^^* it's like that huh
A motherfucker can only take so much . . .
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
ShysterJon loves his racist comments. I'm black, not hispanic. But I don't like racism of any form. Just because you claim to be a "lawyer" doesn't give you the right to throw around racial slurs on this site. Besides, not all Hispanics came off the "banana boat." It's 2017. Who says things like that anymore? Sad!! Originally Posted by MW76
God damn son, you are an idiot... And now you're black, too?

because you were a middle aged white guy in post #241 here.

If you were a bit better at being a troll you still wouldn't be worth a fuck at it!

Now go crawl back under whatever rock you came out from, fucking worm.

needingmilking's Avatar
This guy loves throwing insults and constantly calling people idiots. He claims to be a "lawyer", but he's making posts on this website all day long. Last time I checked lawyers work during the day and aren't able to post to escort sites 24/7. The timing of his posts make me wonder if he's really a lawyer. We really have no way to verify. I could say I'm a doctor just as easily as he can continue to say he's a "lawyer". I'm not saying he isn't a "lawyer". But it does look suspect based on the timing of his posts and his racist comments. Real lawyers don't make racist comments. Originally Posted by MW76
Arent you tired of your troll ways?

You dont even have your imaginary persona ready. So black? white? big dick? vanilla? what is it now?

We are not talking about !V buddy...
God damn son, you are an idiot... And now you're black, too?

because you were a middle aged white guy in post #241 here.

If you were a bit better at being a troll you still wouldn't be worth a fuck at it!

Now go crawl back under whatever rock you came out from, fucking worm.

. Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat
I told y'all he had black dick envy!
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
I told y'all he had black dick envy! Originally Posted by Adrienne Baptiste
If you think that ho is a he, I've got some land to sell ya

  • MW76
  • 09-28-2017, 04:38 PM
Arent you tired of your troll ways?

You dont even have your imaginary persona ready. So black? white? big dick? vanilla? what is it now?

We are not talking about !V buddy... Originally Posted by needingmilking
What does any of this have to do with ShysterJon making racist comments and condoning hobbyists secretly filming women and posting videos online?????
  • MW76
  • 09-28-2017, 04:40 PM
I would never put that buffoon on retainer. Originally Posted by Adrienne Baptiste
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 09-28-2017, 05:15 PM
Maybe I wouldn't hire you because your insults and allegations don't apply to me?

Go back to representing (and taking advantage of) pimped out, drugged out ladies who don't know how to screen.

If you have to post constantly on ECCIE to get business, something is telling me that you failed. Originally Posted by Adrienne Baptiste
Expect a subpoena now, YOU fucked up lol
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
And this is why I don’t allow photos or videos in session
TheEccie214's Avatar
I’ve been very vocal against Jon in the past and while I do not like him, I missed where he said anything remotely racist.

Love all the likes AB is getting for speaking against him - I’ve seen nothing to indicate he’s racist but he’s very much confirmed he’s a cocky know-it-all that loves putting others down.
ShysterJon's Avatar
In July 2017, there was a post in the Alerts-Dallas Forum about hobbyists being photographed outside AMPs:

"Amp city photographer !!!"

In the 26th post in that thread, in his first post after joing Eccie, MW76 revealed he makes a living photographing hobbyists' vehicles outside AMPs, then he blackmails them by sending the images to the address shown as the owner of the vehicle by the license plate. This is what MW76 wrote:

"It's a numbers game. If we take enough license plate pics at whorehouses and send them to johns, someone will pony up the cash. It may only be 1 in 10 johns. But if we take enough pics in a day law of averages say one John will send us our $300 caught you at a whorehouse fee. Not all amp johns are Joe Six Pack. A lot of amp johns are married and have professional careers. These amp johns will gladly pay a couple hundred dollars for their pics to disappear. We're always people of our word. We always delete the photos when amp johns pony up. However, we still reserve the right to take pics again if they show back up at whorehouse."

Sounds very familiar... check this post history.