CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Gawd, your comprehension is getting worse all the time. I was mimicking Timmy. You know what I think of the Constitution. The fact that so many of you ignore and disrespect it is appalling.

Please, take that course. You would sound so much less stupid. I think.
Like everything else in modern day politics, it looks great on paper. The proof is in the pudding, it's what actually takes place is what really counts. Iam not counting on much in the next four years,mainly because of substantially high unemployment, with many of those are unemployable, unbalanced budget and debt low trade value of the Dollar and war.
Iam not counting on much in the next four years,mainly because of substantially high unemployment, with many of those are unemployable, unbalanced budget and debt low trade value of the Dollar and war. Originally Posted by acp5762
All brought about by the last POTUS that you actually voted for!

Que sera!
OK, here it goes, we'll see if I get the talking points right:

a. Eliminate the Constitution
b. Eliminate Congress
c. Eliminate the SC
d. Become King Obama who'll rule the United States of America for ever and ever
e. Free food, cars, housing, and scholarships to all the Ivy League schools for blacks and hispanics (takers)
f. White people need to work and will be taxed at 90% (makers).
g. Citizenship for every one in Latin America. Well, now he's King Obama, so there are no more elections, but he will still try to make whites minorities by opening the borders.
h. Islam will be the only religion allowed. Christians churches will be shut down.
i. The White House will no longer be white, it'll be pink. Just for fun.
j. Washington will be renamed to Obamaton.
k. All guns from private citizens will be confiscated.
l. All Bibles will be confiscated and replaced with the Kuran.
m. Anyone who speaks against King Obama will be incarcerated.
n. All the right wing billionaires will have their businesses conficasted and run by Acorn organizers.
o. Chavez, Castro, Morales, Ortega, Ahmadinejad, Kim Jong-un will have their own bedrooms in the White House.
p. The U.N. will be headquartered in the previous Capitol building.
q. He'll give all our nuclear warheads to every one in the Middle East.
r. He'll replace the US Dollar with the Euro or the Yuan.
s. The Chinese will become U.S. Citizens, since we owe them so much money.
t. All registered Republicans and their descendants will have to work 100 hours a week. All Democrats can stay home and watch TV all day, waiting for their food to be delivered by the Republicans.

Did I miss anything? Now back to watching Fox News, where we'll scare the shit out of you!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You got it, ICIP.
You got it, ICIP. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
StupidOldFart, did you give it to him? For his sake, I hope it is something that penicillin will cure!
All brought about by the last POTUS that you actually voted for!

Que sera! Originally Posted by bigtex
The last puppet you mean, I didn't vote for him.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Hey Asstin, where exactly did I say that Reagan won the cold war by himself? I didn't and you are a liar. Many people won the cold war including Reagan and Bush. Many others tried to lose it like Carter.

I wonder if you understand the term secession as well. If a state secedes then they take their state with them. What is so hard to understand. You are talking about self exile. You see...exile and secede are not the same thing. So far 21 states have petitions for peaceful secession. Don't forget to sign yours.
Looks like the second term agenda is working the right is getting hot they will melt down soon...
markroxny's Avatar
Looks like the second term agenda is working the right is getting hot they will melt down soon... Originally Posted by ekim008