How Long Before Democrats Drive The Country Off A Cliff?

Now the Dems are opening an investigation into Trump's Inaugural campaign. Why? Because Russia? Ludicrous. The Dems want to get more testimony, turn it over to Mueller, keep the investigation going - so he can look for process crimes. In the meantime, it's an intimidation tactic to keep anyone reasonable for working for President Trump.

Cohen has "postponed" his testimony again. He's sees what's up.
bamscram's Avatar
Now the Dems are opening an investigation into Trump's Inaugural campaign. Why? Because Russia? Ludicrous. The Dems want to get more testimony, turn it over to Mueller, keep the investigation going - so he can look for process crimes. In the meantime, it's an intimidation tactic to keep anyone reasonable for working for President Trump.

Cohen has "postponed" his testimony again. He's sees what's up. Originally Posted by gnadfly

Hadn't heard about that, thought it was about this.

Impeachment inquiry based on a phone call the witness didn't witness, refuses to testify in person and Piece of Schiff rattles off made up phone call in front of the cameras.

Pelosi doesn't pick up USMCA agreement even though she has votes.

Dims meet with Chinese and tell them to "wait for regime change."

Russian Collusion delusion fails but Dim flood airways everynight with made up lies from behind closed doors hoping media cohorts can get Republicans to rebuke Trump.

Unemployment is at record low. GDP still very good. Interest rates low despite the Fed. Housing picking up and very strong in some areas.

But Dims can't stand it. Lets keep driving the country in a ditch until every transgender can compete in high school girl track and use their bathroom afterwards.

I can hardly wait until Big T debates Warren. He'll mop the floor with her.

What happened to Bamscram? Check that. Good Riddance.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Its just more of the Washington Permanent Class ( swamp) trying to Butplug the drain ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
12 more legislative days left this year and Nancy hasn't picked up the USMCA.

She's betting it all on impeachment.

A deal getting done with China won't get past her. The Dims have already gone to the Chinese and told them to wait for "regime change." The only reason Chinese are talking are tariffs or threats of tariffs.

Republicans aren't doing a good job of framing this. Was watching TV and some official said the USMCA is five times bigger than China deal.

The Dims are more concerned about quid pro Joe. So what's it going to be? Legislate or vote at Christmas to impeach?
rexdutchman's Avatar
Well and maybe they should look into all the money Mitchy and is wife made from the Chinese ship building corp ? Sooo the dim wits are in high gear now But wait The Russians are coming ?????
Ridiculous. What's the worst thing? The Bidens may have been investigated for crimes they committed and Ukraine didn't get it's money for week?

Seriously? The Dims are putting the country through this for that worse case scenario.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The Cliff is when Nancy sends this crap to the senate and the hole thing blows up in there faces
Chung Tran's Avatar
Ridiculous. What's the worst thing? The Bidens may have been investigated for crimes they committed and Ukraine didn't get it's money for week?

Seriously? The Dims are putting the country through this for that worse case scenario. Originally Posted by gnadfly
of course, the Dimrats were going to find ANY excuse to impeach. now they are getting theirs, Mitch will insist on "Coca-Cola Hunter" testifying, we'll get to see him squirm about the $78,000 a month he "earned" at Burisma, how he blew it on D.C. Strippers, and maybe get details about how good or bad his Brother's wife is in bed.
They didn't need impeachment to investigate Quid Pro Joe and Blow b4 Ho Biden.

What persona are you using? They are both so stupid I can't tell the difference.
Chung Tran's Avatar
They didn't need impeachment to investigate Quid Pro Joe and Blow b4 Ho Biden. Originally Posted by gnadfly
no kidding, Lefty numb nuts! I didn't say they did. your DPST brain is failing. Mighty Mitch WILL hang the Bidens, America's Mayor has been investigating for months, get your memory checked. Rudy is days away from exposing Biden and Son on National TV!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
You're blaming the dems for trump's inability to keep anybody "reasonable" from working for him?
What a load of bullshit.
trump hires and fires his picks. The ones he fires are trashed by trump if they won't lie for him. Plus most of the upper-level people are acting so they don't have to go through confirmation

In the meantime, it's an intimidation tactic to keep anyone reasonable for working for President Trump.

Cohen has "postponed" his testimony again. He's sees what's up. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Who pays tarrifs? American companies and consumers.
So trump is such a pussy that the Chinese listen to the dems?
And China won't hit us with more tariffs to retaliate?
Who said USMCA was 5 times bigger than the China deal? When we don't know what's in the China deal?

The world according to you. Your opinions are pretty funny.
To answer your question about whether to legislate or impeach, they did both.

Any other stupid questions?

12 more legislative days left this year and Nancy hasn't picked up the USMCA.

She's betting it all on impeachment.

A deal getting done with China won't get past her. The Dims have already gone to the Chinese and told them to wait for "regime change." The only reason Chinese are talking are tariffs or threats of tariffs.

Republicans aren't doing a good job of framing this. Was watching TV and some official said the USMCA is five times bigger than China deal.

The Dims are more concerned about quid pro Joe. So what's it going to be? Legislate or vote at Christmas to impeach?
Originally Posted by gnadfly
Why explain any aspect of the impeachment to a person who won't admit trump is a serial liar?
trump excuse after trump excuse for his behavior are disproved. You are still standing there with your hands over your ears, eyes clamped shut, and shaking your head going "nah, nah, nah, nah."
Every claim Biden is guilty of corruption has been debunked or has no evidence.
Most of the repubs that claimed trump would be a disaster have been proven correct and have walked back their claims because they're afraid trump will go after them using repub smearing tactics.
Tell a lie, double-down on the lie, project your bullshit on those who catch you in the act, then repeat.

Ridiculous. What's the worst thing? The Bidens may have been investigated for crimes they committed and Ukraine didn't get it's money for week?

Seriously? The Dims are putting the country through this for that worse case scenario. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Chung Tran's Avatar
I can't defend Gnadfly's positions, he is a RINO, spewing bile at both the left and right.. he is an Anarchist at his core.
I didn't say they did. your DPST brain is failing. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I didn't say you said it. Stop fantasizing!
Chung Tran's Avatar
I didn't say you said it. Stop fantasizing! Originally Posted by gnadfly
get your sexuality straightened out, then we can discuss politics, you faux-Republican anarchist!