Know-It-All's of Eccie

Bitch your face is Ghetto. Dont get put in your place now Mam whoever you are. I'm not going to do That though bc that's senior citizen abuse. But I certainly dont know you and you dont know me. I'm trying to be nice lol

If you dont like what topics I post dont comment. Simple. I practice that All the time. Seems to work for me. You should try it.

Of all the posts to say something on you pick this one. Bitches never have anything positive to say. Just as Miserable as their face...but it's okay bc I'm still pretty and Still happy ...oh and unbothered Also... How about you?

Oh and I'll still be unbothered if you post another comment.. I will show you just how unbothered I am..I'm not even responding to you after this comment...

And Moving Right on... Originally Posted by Lia88
Very unbothered by you...but i see you aren't making money cause your writing novels to whores....lmao..bitch please.

You'll keep replying cause ghetto bitches just can't help themselves.

You see when you post on a free speech board anyone can fucking reply and say whatever the fuck they want and you can't stop it....put me on ignore bitch...cause I ain't going anywhere and will continue to post whatever the fuck I want...make me stop posting

Edit:lmao senior citizen.. cant come up with a better insult than dealing with a fucking amateur here my don't realize the mature crowd here probably makes more than you do honestly....

Bitch you look like you were born in 1995....i have no respect for kids born in the 90s....pretty sure that would include you...
rate for a duo please?
not for me but askin
some sick fucker will want ta know Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Are you must be
ValentinaAmaro's Avatar
Lia88- girl I know you're dying with laughter cause I'm sure many of the people you had in mind chimed in on this thread just to "put you in your place" and call you a hater lmfao. I didn't even read the thread yet but my gut never lies when it comes to chisme lol
Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 02-09-2018, 03:02 PM
Lia88- girl I know you're dying with laughter cause I'm sure many of the people you had in mind chimed in on this thread just to "put you in your place" and call you a hater lmfao. I didn't even read the thread yet but my gut never lies when it comes to chisme lol Originally Posted by ValentinaAmaro
I really am. It's amazing how they try but dont usually succeed at it lol I'll give her a C for trying...

Stay tuned on the Next: Ghetto Fabolous Lia lmaooo

Still unbothered and ignoring her.
Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 02-09-2018, 03:10 PM

I just call 'em like I see 'em. But I do have a soft spot for loud & foolish. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
How can you be loud thru text sir?lol...just how is that possible? Please explain..
Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 02-09-2018, 03:13 PM
ok my SO says I know too much useless I am a trivia know-it-all! lol

I kept telling him "My legs have atrophied"...he made me prove it was a word! it means..
gradually decline in effectiveness or vigor due to underuse or neglect.

sorry I got off track Miss sexy OP....back to biz
Originally Posted by DallasRain
Your sexy Ass can always get off topic w/ me
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
How can you be loud thru text sir?lol...just how is that possible? Please explain.. Originally Posted by Lia88
Choices: subject matter; word choice; punctuation; font. All of these choices contribute to "tone," which can be "loud" or "soft" or "polite" or "harsh" or many other things.

Surely you know this already and just wanted to play some more?
Choices: subject matter; word choice; punctuation; font. All of these choices contribute to "tone," which can be "loud" or "soft" or "polite" or "harsh" or many other things.

Surely you know this already and just wanted to play some more? Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
She clearly doesnt know...she thinks being ghetto fabulous is actually becoming and that it will get her the clients she wants. I'm not new to this I'm true to this. I will let her continue to be ghetto and claim she is ignoring me...we all know she isnt and that she will reply again with her ghetto demeanor. Look at her post history on this site....lots of ghetto comments and statements....

Instead of trying to pull clients or make money she's posting bullshit threads in the main discussion board...abkut eccie know it really...thats what you care about is eccie know it alls....

Please go suck a dick a make some money..

This thread was not started with something positive in created this thread to bash eccie know it all's but want to say that im the negative one because I chose not to contribute a name or scenario where i think someone is a know it all...fuck that and fuck're extremely negative... including the private areas of the board where the men can't see what your writing. You're fake.
Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 02-09-2018, 04:51 PM
Choices: subject matter; word choice; punctuation; font. All of these choices contribute to "tone," which can be "loud" or "soft" or "polite" or "harsh" or many other things.

Surely you know this already and just wanted to play some more? Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks

Really. Lol
Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 02-09-2018, 04:54 PM
She clearly doesnt know...she thinks being ghetto fabulous is actually becoming and that it will get her the clients she wants. I'm not new to this I'm true to this. I will let her continue to be ghetto and claim she is ignoring me...we all know she isnt and that she will reply again with her ghetto demeanor. Look at her post history on this site....lots of ghetto comments and statements....

Instead of trying to pull clients or make money she's posting bullshit threads in the main discussion board...abkut eccie know it really...thats what you care about is eccie know it alls....

Please go suck a dick a make some money..

This thread was not started with something positive in created this thread to bash eccie know it all's but want to say that im the negative one because I chose not to contribute a name or scenario where i think someone is a know it all...fuck that and fuck're extremely negative... including the private areas of the board where the men can't see what your writing. You're fake. Originally Posted by Analeese
Maybe you should take your own advice on the go suck a dick remark sweetie ...yu must not be bc yu entertaing me lol yu dont know how business is for me. It's quite well thank run along..I see you changed that profile pic. I wasn't trying to make you self conscious hun lmao..
Wtf is wrong with posting on a forum? You think someone is incapable of shit posting and doing other things during the day? You can write several of these "novels" in the time it takes to sit down and shit. There should be more WHORES like Lia commenting and contributing to discussion.
Maybe you should take your own advice on the go suck a dick remark sweetie ...yu must not be bc yu entertaing me lol yu dont know how business is for me. It's quite well thank run along..I see you changed that profile pic. I wasn't trying to make you self conscious hun lmao.. Originally Posted by Lia88
I thought you weren't going to be replying to me anymore...yup..told ya..a ghetto bitch can't help herself....

I changed my profile puc..cause you can kiss my white ass...

Carry on
Wtf is wrong with posting on a forum? You think someone is incapable of shit posting and doing other things during the day? You can write several of these "novels" in the time it takes to sit down and shit. There should be more WHORES like Lia commenting and contributing to discussion. Originally Posted by yitzchak
I guess WALDT don't we...ghetto must do it for you...mote power to you hun
You's ain't all that.

pyramider's Avatar
Stick with the gay bikers, you are out of your lane replying to women.