
I've gotten really lazy about doing reviews since I've become a P411 member. I hated asking for references and a lot of girls were not good about responding. It's much easier on P411. On the downside, if a lady I want to see is not on P411 then I'm right back where I was. As a result I've only been seeing P411 girls.
I've gotten really lazy about doing reviews since I've become a P411 member. I hated asking for references and a lot of girls were not good about responding. It's much easier on P411. On the downside, if a lady I want to see is not on P411 then I'm right back where I was. As a result I've only been seeing P411 girls. Originally Posted by Napoleoninrags
P411 is literally the best. So much easier and in my opinion higher-quality on both sides.
starway's Avatar
I’m okay with lurkers. It’s always an assumption on my part that they are here.!!when I first joined Eccie I lurked for a time but had gotten a lot of info. Then I gave a lot of info. Now I am retired from the hobby but enjoy reading post from time to time.
I’m okay with lurkers. It’s always an assumption on my part that they are here.!!when I first joined Eccie I lurked for a time but had gotten a lot of info. Then I gave a lot of info. Now I am retired from the hobby but enjoy reading post from time to time. Originally Posted by starway
You have over 50 reviews. You are not a lurker.. retired but no lurker
Sunshine Lovely's Avatar
P411 is literally the best. So much easier and in my opinion higher-quality on both sides. Originally Posted by Sienna91

Feel like I should just say hello here... lol.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Feel like I should just say hello here... lol. Originally Posted by lurkerdude2
that's the least you can do!
breastfan's Avatar
I consider myself to be an "Active Lurker". That is, I hobby so rarely that I never have recent or reliable references. My lifestyle for the past ten or more yeasrs precludes regular outings due to limitations on my available hobby resources and the ability to schedule time-away, off-the- grid and UTR with regards to family. Originally Posted by ICU 812
I'm in a similar position as you which is why I don't like doing reviews but will post on the forum from time to time.
I'm an active member of P411 and have been for quite some time.
Because I hobby so infrequently now I still sometimes have problems with screening even with P411, and I get it as my ok's can be far apart time wise. It is what it is...…...

The only time I've ever requested real world info is when a guy had no references and no reviews they didn't mind giving that info because there would be no other way for verification. But that is very few and far in-between because I don't get many people like that.

Personally I would prefer everyone to be on p411. I don't like having to even ask for real world info. And most of my people now come from p411.

It's just a lot easier and you don't have to call around for references. Because some girls take days to reply back or don't reply back at all which is why references is one of my last resort screening methods I rather the person have reviews or p411because it's impossible to get a last-minute appointment when you have to do all this texting and emailing girls back and forth Originally Posted by Sienna91
I understand your sentiment but I refuse to give my personal info for reason stated in the first quote and the same reason you don't give yours out. It's all about privacy and safety for both of us. If a provider refuses to see me for not giving personal info I just move on no harm no foul as I will always respect her screening method.
Jadec5717's Avatar
I feel the exact same way. It doesn’t really bother me that they lurk, but once they try to book with me or are texting me non stop & will provide no references or screening that’s when it starts to really annoy me and I will not book with them what’s so ever.
I'm not super active, but I participate here and there. My problem is, the local area for me is dead (if ANY of the STG listings are not fake, I'd be amazed and there are only a few each day), plus I don't crap where I eat, know what I mean? And when I do go on trips, I'm not really looking for 5 different ladies ion 5 nights, I'd rather find one I click with and then be a repeat. Especially when if I DO find a good arrangement, I've got maybe 2-3 weeks at most and I will rarely be back in that town again, nature of my work. In a way it sucks, because everyone I got to see on my various trips last year, I would absolutely repeat again and again with. Between this virus and the fact that a major project was completed last year, there wasn't much travel scheduled for me this year anyway, because I was gone more than I was home.
hornyoldtoad's Avatar
the boards provide something for everyone - hopefully - and RW and HW balance isn't the same for everyone so each have to navigate this scene as smartly as they can...

some have the opportunity to see many and post alot - and some prolly sneak in here to just see what life outside their home life could be like if only - and everything in between...

each should just respect that everyone else is 'hopefully' hobbying as best and safely as they can - respect their ways and means - and if you don't jive, turn the page - there's enough 'types' on here that you will land somewhere you dig...
Big Ed's Avatar
I read this post awhile back and paid for a year of premium access. I've never paid a provider but I'm getting older and it is more effort to find a vanilla girlfriend on the side and keep her around than I can manage.

I figure sooner or later my little brain will find inspiration and I put some effort into finding a provider to screen me and I'll write a review or two. Should that happen least I will sort of know what I am doing. For now I am paying which means my cash helps keep this site up.
BJonesBaby's Avatar
Newbies may not want to expose themselves to the chorus of “boos” and bullying they get in some of the forums, and security may be even more sacred now than ever, since we know that our privacy is a greater risk than any time since WW2.

Society is a crippled mess right now and there’s not much to contribute that doesn’t offend the sensibilities. Look at the other fora. Talking about P4P is wishful thinking and memories, IMO.

I’d be happy to just get home, not have to wear a mask and go to a ballgame. And engage in sport Sex. Hope that day arrives soon.
burkalini's Avatar
It’s definitely worth it to go thru the screening process. I know it makes me feel more comfortable with the session.

It gets on my nerves when a guy tries to see me but isn’t willing to go thru screening. What are they so afraid of and if they are so torn about getting caught I don’t feel like they should even be on the website looking for girls & a lot of us girls shouldn’t give in to guys who aren’t verified hobbyists. Originally Posted by Sunshine Lovely
As your location says " Nun ya business"

offshoredrilling's Avatar
As your location says " Nun ya business"

Originally Posted by burkalini
but but but her reviews/reports are awesome