the Day the Music Died.. Michael Jackson Gone 10 Years Ago Today

rexdutchman's Avatar
^^^ yupper^^^ way too much " mock rock"
TexTushHog's Avatar
for the record, you meant to say "Aja", not post about "Asia", the ELP/Yes copycat band

TTH likes the Faces? pretty good Rolling Stones copycat band.. not exactly, but certainly influenced by the Glimmer Twins.

too bad Rod Stewart's voice didn't make it to age 30.. well it did, but it didn't REALLY.. I know people who love his 80's shit, I tell them Rod's early 70's stuff was 100 times better, they look at me like I'm some Relic, LOL Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Rod was the weak link in Faces. The would have done fine without him. But Ronnie Lane and Ronnie Wood were very good together. Ian McLagen was very underrated. Kenny Jones was excellent.
TinMan's Avatar
You mean, they did just fine as the Small Faces.

I didn’t think there was anything wrong with them when Rod started fronting the band. It was different, but still a great band. Wood probably had more to do with that than Stewart, but I still like Rod’s work from that time, as well as his first several solo albums thereafter.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I like Rod’s work with them well enough. It’s quite good. But it was Wood that kicked the band into an entirely different gear. And “weak link” is a relative term. They were just an amazing band.
BiggD6's Avatar
My late Mother was nutty about Michael Jackson. Me, I couldn't stand him. Frankly, he was a lewd, regardless if what was flying around was true or not. I remember him always grabbing his fucking balls and doing other disgusting things on stage. His music sucked big time. Hee Hee. Shamone, Shamone it. Fucking stupid.