Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 04-01-2022, 06:54 AM
Sadly, this is true. There are enough folks who vocally fit that stereotype to give those to the left of the political center plenty of fodder. It is then assumed there is some monolithic, all-or-nothing belief system to which everyone on the right subscribes. Same is true of old-fashioned liberals…their voices are rarely being heard, either. Originally Posted by TinMan
Sadly, what is even more true is that we have a culture in our nation that wants to shoehorn everyone into two simple labels, when the vast majority of people disagree with positions taken by "their side." Ignoring independents, moderates, and other political philosophies, such as libertarians (fiscally conservative, socially liberal), is tearing our country apart.

And OH2 is still unavailable.
ManSlut's Avatar
What was this threAD about again?

Oh yeh, OutingHome2 whores.

Bump dat bitch.
TinMan's Avatar
Sadly, what is even more true is that we have a culture in our nation that wants to shoehorn everyone into two simple labels, when the vast majority of people disagree with positions taken by "their side." Ignoring independents, moderates, and other political philosophies, such as libertarians (fiscally conservative, socially liberal), is tearing our country apart.

And OH2 is still unavailable. Originally Posted by Crock
Yep, and…

*checks OH2*

BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-01-2022, 03:24 PM
Yep, and…

*checks OH2*

…yep. Originally Posted by TinMan
Why are some whores and tricks claiming OH2 is fine? Are they that desperate to be on there knowing there's issues?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Because you've been propagandized to beleive conservatives are puritan school marms and old white dudes. Wake up. Originally Posted by CowboyDave
Sadly, this is true. There are enough folks who vocally fit that stereotype to give those to the left of the political center plenty of fodder. It is then assumed there is some monolithic, all-or-nothing belief system to which everyone on the right subscribes. Same is true of old-fashioned liberals…their voices are rarely being heard, either. Originally Posted by TinMan

the powers that be and their media allies are pushing an all or none narrative where either you are far right nazi racists or the woke new wave and only one is the future of America. neither are the future of America. the Democratic party is floundering and their support is leaving en masse because the vast bulk of real Democrats are not uber progressive socialists in the same way the vast bulk of Republicans aren't skinhead white supremacists.

the Democratic party is the party in serious trouble. they are pandering to less than 10 percent tops of their base and those are the idealist youth who actually think Che Guevara is a revolutionary hero. that leaves close to 90 percent who are now either becoming conservatives or independents/libertarians. not a good look with midterms looming.
corona's Avatar
Why are some whores and tricks claiming OH2 is fine? Are they that desperate to be on there knowing there's issues? Originally Posted by BLM69
Throughout this whole debacle, my access to OH2 has been pretty OK. I still get the security warning from time to time, but just bypass it.

There were outages and times when the site just wouldn't load, but when it would load, I was still logged into my own account and everything seemed OK. Maybe mine is the odd one out, I dunno.

I do see the reports of people saying that they would be asked to login, and when they did, it would be under someone else's account. That's pretty fucked.

I can't be the only one having minimal problems, because there's a group of all the same people posting over there somewhat regularly.
TinMan's Avatar
I’m pretty insistent on following my security protocols, which include private browser settings, logging out after every session, VPN and not bypassing my security warnings. Any or all of those things are contributing to my inability to log in, but I refuse to compromise on any of it.

The first time I didn’t get a security warning and tried to log in, I had to change my password and when I logged in under the temp password it was on another account. Next link I clicked took me back to the security warning, so I gave up for the day.

Interestingly, the next time I tried to log in under the temp password I got the “you’ve exceeded the number of failed log in attempts. Please wait 15 minutes and try again” message.

I’ve tried several times since then, when the security warning didn’t pop up, and I get the same message despite the fact it may have been 1-2 days since my prior attempt.

It’s broken, even if it isn’t broken for 100% of the membership.
Sunny Kaye's Avatar
Staff Edit
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-02-2022, 06:42 PM
Staff Edit Originally Posted by Sunny Kaye
What's this garbage? We don't need to infect our devices with the simp site links, this is a discussion thread
What's this garbage? We don't need to infect our devices with the simp site links, this is a discussion thread Originally Posted by BLM69

its an ad... Like a little tv commercial.
CowboyDave's Avatar
I’m pretty insistent on following my security protocols, which include private browser settings, logging out after every session, VPN and not bypassing my security warnings. Any or all of those things are contributing to my inability to log in, but I refuse to compromise on any of it. Originally Posted by TinMan

Same. Since the cert is not valid it could be anyone on the other end. And no one has heard an explanation/update from CK in weeks. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on that. But until that cert gets cleared up, I'm out (in my Mark Cuban voice).
Conservative does not mean we believe in imaginary friends and adhere to bible law.. let's just say that leftists screwed up the world past 120 years pretty darn well, and they are doing it smiling in ignorance
CK sent me a new password, and a message that folks had reporting being able to log in from browsers other than Microsoft, and by using the panel at the bottom of the screen. It worked fine for as long as I was logged in, now it's back to the same problems.
TinMan's Avatar
CK sent me a new password, and a message that folks had reporting being able to log in from browsers other than Microsoft, and by using the panel at the bottom of the screen. It worked fine for as long as I was logged in, now it's back to the same problems. Originally Posted by volantsolo
He’s doing the same for me. I noticed on his instructions he says not to log out, but just exit the screen. I guess I need to click the “remain logged in” button, which I assume isn’t impacted if I use my browser’s private settings (another recommendation made in the mass email sent out to users today).

At least membership is getting a bit more specific information today about what we should or shouldn’t do. That’s progress.
Worked for me few like 2 days now if I try to login it says I failed the login quota and need to try again.