Another old question:overnites

Wakeup's Avatar
I've posted a few dozen reviews since I started doing this. I've realized that the reviews are pretty much worthless on this, or any site. I got tired of telling the truth in my reviews and having everyone else toss out the "she has a perfect body", "I got her to cum fifteen times", "she's GFE" reviews and then find out from someone I trust later that she has stretch marks from four kids, can't cum because of nerve damage, and only does CBJ...

No reason to give out info to the fucktards if I'm not going to get it back. Now I just share with acquaintances and friends, no need to review anymore.

P.S.-Besides, the reviews I do post are a wealth of more useful info than most of the reviews on this site...
Great I don't eat at any of the places you reviewed. Seriously I get a kick out of your comments.
Mgm84's Avatar
  • Mgm84
  • 03-20-2013, 10:56 PM
I agree with part of your post as far as the lies that guys guys tell about their experiences with providers, but as far as being idiotic for spending cash on a certain provider for a certain amount of time it comes down to how much that person values the provider. The same applies to commerce and consuming in general. I can almost guarantee that you spend cash on services or products that some of the hobbist would think is "idiotic".

It is easy to demonized an addict until we realize our own addictions.
An overnite for me could be nice but too big of an envelope for me...
pyramider's Avatar
I do not do overnites with anyone any more. Its not fair to the ladies. I have been known to get wound up and fuck and taintalize for hours. My 1.3" of dangling death will just wear the poor darling out. Her taint will be sensitive for days. The lady's recovery time is days of blissful rest. That is not fair to the ladies I see.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 03-21-2013, 07:28 AM
Wakeup it is nice that there are only about six people on this site with your attitude. I have wondered why you never post any reviews. Are you not allowed out by your self? Originally Posted by tucson
Look at the evidence:
--almost 8,000 posts in just over 2 years
--no reviews
--primary contribution to the boards seems to be his commentary on things he hasn't done or won't share, i.e. lots of wind not backed up by any confirmed evidence that he knows what he is talking about
--closed minded attitude
--has a crush on one of the prototypical "good looks, sandpaper personality" ladies
--no indication he's ever ventured out of his mama's basement in Houston
--his "awesome" signature line: "Don't ask questions you're not prepared to hear the answers to, because I'm Wakeup, and I have no problem being the elephant out front shitting all over your parade." When the best thing you can say about yourself is that you are an expert at shitting on others, do you need to know more?

Draw your own conclusions. If YOU were a provider, would you voluntarily see someone like this?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 03-21-2013, 07:37 AM
I agree with part of your post as far as the lies that guys guys tell about their experiences with providers, but as far as being idiotic for spending cash on a certain provider for a certain amount of time it comes down to how much that person values the provider. The same applies to commerce and consuming in general. I can almost guarantee that you spend cash on services or products that some of the hobbist would think is "idiotic".

It is easy to demonized an addict until we realize our own addictions. Originally Posted by Mgm84
So true. I just came back from a week in Las Vegas--part work, part fun. I was with a medium sized group and saw exactly what you are saying:

--One guy must have dropped $10K at the craps tables, but refused to go to a decent ($30-ish) restaurant because he thought it was way too expensive; he litterally at at the casino buffet and McDonalds all week.

--Another hit every high end resaturant and ordered the top end steaks--I saw him drop $200+ for a steak, not counting whatever his bar tab was (and it wasn't small). But he passed on the escorts because they were overpriced at $400.

--Me, I spent a few wonderful evenings with a couple wonderful ladies, and never dropped a nickle into a slot machine because it isn't my thing.
I personally prefer an overnight rather than a wham bam, thank you ma’am type session, and overnights & weekends make up probably 90% + of all my hobby dates. I have even booked a full week with a provider for a vacation date. Unfortunately, she had some personal issues and had to cancel, but I wouldn’t hesitate to make the appointment again. I simply don’t have the time or patience for a real world relationship, but it’s nice to experience a little bit of intimacy from time to time, and then kiss and say farewell until next time.
I will have to agree that it’s a must that you enjoy each others company as an extended date with any lady has got to be with someone that you actually like and get along extremely well with. I think that most of the ladies that I do overnights with, actually enjoy themselves and will usually cut me a screaming deal on the donations after they get to know me, and realize that I will normally do a couple of extended dates every month.
I prefer a more mature provider, 35-50 years, as opposed to the young girls that have a case of GPS, and most times the donations range between $$$$$$ to 1k for the evening, with me picking up all expenses, but I personally wouldn’t put out 2k for an overnight.
Wakeup needs a defender about as much as he needs a hole in the head, but I don't get the position some of his detractors take.

"almost 8000 posts in 2 years"

He has 8000 posts. Big deal. He's heavily invested in this community. We don't have to like HOW he's invested himself in the community, but this place is important to him. The measurement of that investment can be seen in how much time he spends on this site, and how important it is to him to be noticed. Whether it's negative or positive doesn't matter.

no reviews

I don't get the obsession with reviews. The guy obviously knows what he's talking about. I've seen him mention several times why he doesn't write reviews. I don't really give a shit why he does or doesn't write reviews, but I do know his reasoning at least makes some sense to me. Some of the reviews written ARE absolute garbage. I'm never going to critique someone else's review, because I don't care enough, and I'll never have enough credibility (nor the interest in establishing it). Plus, I read the reviews for entertainment more than anything else.

But if there was no peer pressure to write accurate reviews, the people who get something out of them would have even LESS to work with. Because the incentive for most men is to a) get premium credit b) make sure no feathers are ruffled in the provider community. The fact there is a c) give a review that's not going to result in scathing feedback for how worthless it is --- often times is a primary motivating factor for giving some honest feedback.

I'm not terribly interested in writing reviews for my own purposes, which has little to do with Wakeup's, so that undoubtedly tinges my viewpoint. But from my perspective this obsession with Wakeup's lack of reviews seems silly.

primary contribution to the boards seems to be his commentary on things he hasn't done or won't share

Well, he's a gadfly. The more he shares, the more he makes himself vulnerable. If he's going to do this persona, he's much better off sharing as little as possible, being sphinx-like about his own endeavors, be mysterious, and therefore his shots are coming either sniper style or mortar style, with little return exposure.

If this is the persona he's going to employ, he's doing it exactly right. The key defense against somebody like that is to not give a shit what he has to say. But instead, you, and many people like you, go in the exact opposite direction. To me, it's as if you enjoy being mowed down.

For people who get their feelings hurt by Wakeup, responses like your's are important, because it makes them realize there are other people who feel the same way. This board would quickly become a more cruel and less fun place if we all cackled with glee at Wakeup's every broadside.

But I still don't agree with the perspective.

I'd rather have a resident asshole who actually cares about the community on some level, than a pure troll whose only motivation is getting as much negative attention as he can. Because there are plenty of those. And whatever Wakeup is, that isn't it.

closed minded attitude

I think there can be such a thing as too much tolerance. One of my favorite phrases is, "Don't keep such an open mind that your brain falls out."

If we all concentrate on being as tolerant as we possibly can be, then in the end, we don't believe in anything strongly enough. There are all kinds of unintended consequences that occur because of tolerance. Some of them are worth the price, but some of them we probably wouldn't pay if we realized the cost. I don't agree with everything Wakeup has to say, and I sure don't always agree with how he says it, but I also know that sometimes we need slaps upside our head to hear a message. When it happens to me, I don't always realize I needed the slap until after it has been administered.

Turds need to be thrown on the table. Wakeup is a professional turd tosser. IMO, it's his most valuable role here. As far as I'm concerned, he's a healthy dynamic for the board.

has a crush on one of the prototypical "good looks, sandpaper personality" ladies

I think Valerie is pretty funny and quick witted, actually. It's easy to see why the two of them would mesh. I enjoy their routine. Not sure why people get bent out of shape about it, really.

no indication he's ever ventured out of his mama's basement in Houston

Other than folks who travel, I'm not sure I can tell if ANYONE on here has ventured out of their mama's basement. But that's often true with message boards. It's a common attack. Especially against voluminous posters who also happen to be polarizing. It's an even easier attack here, because none of us want to divulge a lot of personal details.

He has plenty of defenders who obviously know him on a personal basis and have respect for him. That's enough for me. They wouldn't feel that way if he hadn't earned their respect in different ways. He doesn't have to prove anything to me in terms of how he manages in this world. Nor you. It's a petty shot, frankly.

his "awesome" signature line

It's his warning shot across the bow. To me it says to not take him so seriously. He's fueled in part by righteousness. It doesn't bother me the way it bothers you. I think it's funny!

Draw your own conclusions. If YOU were a provider, would you voluntarily see someone like this?

It's obvious providers do see him. One thing I know, if he sees someone and he tells them something, he's going to mean it. That can go a long way versus someone who always says nice things, to the point they have no credibility any more.

In conclusion, I like extended visits. Wakeup doesn't. Wakeup is dismissive of anyone who likes extended visits and pays for them. Personally, I don't give a shit. Not sure why so many people on this thread do. There are plenty of other guys being dismissive of enjoying an extended visit. Share some of the love. Pick on them, too, if you're so upset someone would disagree.
has a crush on one of the prototypical "good looks, sandpaper personality" ladies

I think Valerie is pretty funny and quick witted, actually. It's easy to see why the two of them would mesh. I enjoy their routine. Not sure why people get bent out of shape about it, really.
Originally Posted by proudoftexas
Finally someone who gets it ...I'm not sure why people get bent out of shape about it either, but quite frankly I don't care...

P.S.- The real reason he doesn't like overnights is because my taking over his side of the bed has traumatised him
Wakeup's Avatar
God damned right it did! That, and when I woke up, the Chinese food leftovers in my fridge were gone too! Cunt...
God damned right it did! That, and when I woke up, the Chinese food leftovers in my fridge were gone too! Cunt... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
I was merely looking out for your well-being by not allowing you to ingest such greasy food...And you love me
Eccie Addict's Avatar
It all totally makes sense now. Geez how would anyone feel if some chick swept in, took over your bedroom and fridge and then leaves to go back across the world where you can't do shit about it......
Wakeup's Avatar
Right! How can I have a California King Tempurpedic mattress and STILL end up on a sliver of it in the middle of the night??? It's a good thing she cooks dinner topless...don't know if I could put up with that shit any other way!
canuckvic's Avatar
I enjoy overnights...... with my atf Have a few with her and although she is very good and gentle to me in regards to the business side, we always have a ton of fun and really enjoy each others company. The sex is always amazing and the best part we don't put a time limit or expectation on it, we go with the flow and just know we'll be fucking like rabbits sometime through the night
Nice to be someone's bitch!
Perhaps we'll kick it up a notch soon