Ladies who charge 200 for hhr, how is business?

russellevans's Avatar
I'm not sure where your travels have actually led you or where you're finding these great deals.. but as a whole, Texas, Austin included, has some of the lowest overall rates in the nation. Now, pricing in Berlin and Amsterdam is absolutely cheaper than Austin overall. London, not so much-- heck, I can command more in London than I can in Texas. Sydney-- in my experience-- is about on par with Austin as far as averages go with indy's.. where the Sydney rates drop is with the legalized brothels.... I have zero experience with Hong Kong- but the majority of Asia is cheaper so that wouldn't surprise me.

As far as stateside goes-- Boston, NYC, Chicago-- all are more expensive than Austin-- in some cases by as much as double or more. Texas and Florida enjoy some of the lowest rates overall in the nation when you're talking about independent providers. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Well just take your unbiased word for it.
Bottom line: if you're the provider who men want to see, like really want to see, you'll get what you ask for. Sometimes much more, even for less of a service. There are so many factors involved here: personability, services, tcb, reputation, reviews, emotional intelligence/people skills, love of what you do, self efficacy, etc some more important than others. That's what I'Ve always found to be true, personally, after 3+ years of consistently steady business.

Raikage, a good related example is you and I. You told me I was the first provider who you had paid over $200 for, and probably the last, and that it was worth the $. Though you were actually a pretty cool dude once we met, I still wouldn't book an appointment at the rate you had asked me for numerous times, until you finally asked for one at my usual rate. Nothing personal of course, that's just the way it usually goes. If folks want you bad enough, they'll pay it, even if they initially find the rate higher than they would usually pay. You are NOT the only one. <3
Grace Preston's Avatar
Well just take your unbiased word for it. Originally Posted by russellevans
How am I biased? I rarely travel to Austin and my rates in general would put me in the range of "OPEC Eligible" even if I did...

I'm just saying-- with the exception of a few of his international destinations... Austin is not on the high end. It just isn't.. nowhere in Texas is.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-22-2017, 08:08 AM
Well just take your unbiased word for it. Originally Posted by russellevans
You have to take her word for it? No, you don't. All it takes is a little initiative to search Chicago, NYC, etc. And then the willingness and ability to read the posts, ads, and reviews there.

Oh, excuse me. You are correct. YOU actually do have to take her word for it.
You have to take her word for it? No, you don't. All it takes is a little initiative to search Chicago, NYC, etc. And then the willingness and ability to read the posts, ads, and reviews there.

Oh, excuse me. You are correct. YOU actually do have to take her word for it.
Originally Posted by Old-T

I stand corrected. Thanks Johnny
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
That's not what he's saying. Not close.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-22-2017, 10:55 AM
That's not what he's saying. Not close. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
KR often has trouble with reading comprehension.

He isn't dumb, but his world view seems very limited.
Karrine_Kream's Avatar
Some guys just want it all for NOTHING

I personally no longer request $200hhr because too often hhr apt are just not long enough.

I don't like to feel rushed and I'm not even the JOHN LMAO

I only offer hhr when traveling or if I feel like it.

I try to be understanding,too often too many are not.

I think it should be understood on others end the time, preparation and after clean up hhr takes. Even consider if a commute on our behalf, hotel and other costs involved.

$200hhr is actually generous so anything less should be appreciated.
KR often has trouble with reading comprehension.

He isn't dumb, but his world view seems very limited.
Originally Posted by Old-T

Think that's a complement, a little backhanded but still a complement.

Yes I do have a very narrow view on things.
ck1942's Avatar
Threads like these are always very instructive for those of who have the time to invest/waste reading deep into the threads.

Not gonna name any handles, but here's my rationale:

It's called "self-identification" in the Real World.

So, we get to see who are

--- the Haters

--- the Lovers

--- the Logicals

--- the "Uneducamated" (TY diamondjohn of aspd)

onei's Avatar
  • onei
  • 07-22-2017, 12:10 PM
Such a ridiculously hilarious thread.

First of all, it's no ones business what a hooker charges or how much you disagree with it because you don't need to buy her time as no one is forcing you to in the first place. Simply find someone within your price range or are willing to pay because complaining about this on a hooker board will turn off most, if not all, the bitches you can and cannot afford. Cut your losses so to speak.

I find it funny. Do you think this hobby owes you or that you are entitled to this hobby like some sort of basic necessity? Even our basic needs like food, water, shelter cost something so you're not really entitled to shit much less the privileges of what the hobby offers.

For example, if you couldn't afford a mansion, you wouldn't buy one but would you make yourself look like a fool complaining about it like you deserved that mansion? If you can't afford a yacht, don't buy it. What are ya gonna do, stage a convoy til someone gives it to you? Smdh!

This hobby is a luxury item that is NOT for everyone and NO ONE is entitled to anything here so you don't like that or the rate or the girl or whatever, deal with it. Period. You don't get to decide what someone's body, services, time etc are worth to them or others. If you don't want to spend your money on it, that is 1000 percent fine, because someone else will be coming around the corner any minute who will happily and respectfully to do.

Just cause you can't sell your ass for 200 for a hhr and get away with it, doesn't mean others aren't doing so already and successfully at that. So don't judge them just cause they can and are. Just move on already. Most of the providers here cater to men because they wanna get fucked good by a man, not a weasel crying about 200 measly dollars which really isn't a lot of money today anyway. Ijs.

You wanna complain and beat a dead horse, cause you're not the first and won't be the last but you're argument isn't a valid or wise one. Nothing will change in your favor and complaining about it won't make bitches drop their rates just for little ole you to drop your pants.

But by all means.... continue if you like. I am enjoying the ridiculous hilarity!

KKA Originally Posted by KlassyKelliAnn
I'm one that has only found one gal that I would pay 200hh for, and she's long since retired (or moved on, can't find her either way). I have other goals and plans for my money than buying pussy, so I simply refuse to pay it.

Having said that, the above is a great response. For me, I look at the ads, look and the price point, and 9.5 times out of 10 move on ... it's that simple. Four years ago I saw an average of 1 girl a week, now it's about 1 a month (if that). I'm simply putting my hard earned money to better use.
Still Looking's Avatar
Some guys just want it all for NOTHING

I personally no longer request $200hhr because too often hhr apt are just not long enough.

I don't like to feel rushed and I'm not even the JOHN LMAO

I only offer hhr when traveling or if I feel like it.

I try to be understanding,too often too many are not.

I think it should be understood on others end the time, preparation and after clean up hhr takes. Even consider if a commute on our behalf, hotel and other costs involved.

$200hhr is actually generous so anything less should be appreciated. Originally Posted by Karrine_Kream
Expecting it for nothing is wrong. But what about samples?
Still Looking's Avatar
I'm one that has only found one gal that I would pay 200hh for, and she's long since retired (or moved on, can't find her either way). I have other goals and plans for my money than buying pussy, so I simply refuse to pay it.

Having said that, the above is a great response. For me, I look at the ads, look and the price point, and 9.5 times out of 10 move on ... it's that simple. Four years ago I saw an average of 1 girl a week, now it's about 1 a month (if that). I'm simply putting my hard earned money to better use. Originally Posted by onei

Gas use to be 29 cents per gallon. You can bitch all you want and say it our not paying over 1.00 per gallon. And you can but you won't going any where. Waste of time. Itching about prices. If they don't get it they will come down.
dookiexp's Avatar
I'm not sure where your travels have actually led you or where you're finding these great deals.. but as a whole, Texas, Austin included, has some of the lowest overall rates in the nation. Now, pricing in Berlin and Amsterdam is absolutely cheaper than Austin overall. London, not so much-- heck, I can command more in London than I can in Texas. Sydney-- in my experience-- is about on par with Austin as far as averages go with indy's.. where the Sydney rates drop is with the legalized brothels.... I have zero experience with Hong Kong- but the majority of Asia is cheaper so that wouldn't surprise me.

As far as stateside goes-- Boston, NYC, Chicago-- all are more expensive than Austin-- in some cases by as much as double or more. Texas and Florida enjoy some of the lowest rates overall in the nation when you're talking about independent providers. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
My post was specifically about international travel. I would agree that within the states Austin is not crazy expensive when you compare but it is all relative given cost of living . There is also so much more choice in NYC, ChiTown and San Fran. I feel like I can make my budget work for me much better by finding ladies who have a different view of the game. They have clients who expect a lot more and it shows in their performance and how they are dressed when we meet.

As for international I'm sorry but your flat out wrong. I get to experience parties, 1on1s through agencies, indy girls and more when I travel and my budget goes so much further.

For example in London I go to a parties where 5 girls are in attendance (3 hot, 1 avg, 1 not great) and its never more than a 1 - 1.5 ratio (7 guys on avg). It costs $300 for 2 hours, they also provide drinks and food while your recovering from each round. I also see indy ladies in Sydney for around 200/h I actually have two booked for when i visit in august and both these women are gorgeous. One is Asian, the other is an Aussie.

All the cities I mentioned have way more variety, higher supply, fewer legal issue and different experiences on offer.

Look, Im not stupid, it economics. Clearly there are way more men in austin looking to pay and so ladies have every right to charge what they want.

My point is that its not a great market for the buyer and my experiences going to other markets very much backs that up. Im sure times will change as markets always fluctuate even this one.
FuzzyMcDice55's Avatar
$200 for 30 minutes! Wow! Rates sure have gone up over the years. Does this mean the service has gone up as well?