Attention we do not need.

Jusanotherdude's Avatar
The word "Danger" is the core issue here WU is fucking with all of you about.....

Risk and consequences.... not danger. No one is in "danger"because of this...
johnny_boiii's Avatar
WTF would you do with your days? Originally Posted by Why A Duck?
Lmfao +1 Over 8000 of posts in under 3 talk about no life in the real world.might as well commit suicide if this site went away
Wakeup's Avatar
I'd get a lot more work done! That's for sure!

Oh, and it's quite a few more posts than're forgetting my other Wakeup handle...
My stance on hobbying while having an SO is well documented... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
………..And we should care why?……………Right, right…………you’re the SHMB conscience, self-appointed police and now financier. Does everyone here know that you are the moral compass for them?……………….Wait a minute……………I think I knew it once, but my whore-brain forgot it; ya, the second I heard it. You know; in one ear and out the other because there’s nothing in the ole whore noggin to slow it down.

Why all this vitriol about married members of our little community? [Imagine a blinking curser waiting for the real answer.]

Completely inaccurate reporting and I quote.

“It’s happening everywhere. I mean, you can call and get somebody delivered to your house, to your apartment, or to a hotel,” Ford explained.

Not once does this reporter mention that yes you can do that, but outcalls cost extra....ijs. Originally Posted by gearslut
LOL, They always pull the human trafficking card. Why don’t people just say what they want to say? Either they a, don’t like the loose morals of loose women, or b, they don’t want women having that much control. Period.

The only working girls they care about are the imagined hundreds of thousands sex slaves, and the rest of the women are just whores that get what they deserve. Is there human trafficking? Yes, but where’s the outrage for sweatshop or field workers that are held as slave labor? Where’s their outrage? Because they aren’t as sexy as or as dirty as whores they don’t warrant outrage?

She snores. Originally Posted by pyramider
Perish the thought!

What question do you want answered again? Originally Posted by Wakeuр
What game / angle / card your playing.

If you don't understand it can't be explained to you. Originally Posted by ackvt
He’s playing his little-man game with his little-man mind. Like he’s trying to do here:

Oh and by the way I guess since you proclaim to be an OWNER of the site WU Originally Posted by jimmycz
I did? Originally Posted by Wakeuр
He just doesn’t realize that it about as juvenile and almost as sexy as watching Clinton with a straight face say, “It depends on what you definition of is is.”, especially when in the same post he goes on to talk about his financial investment in the board. Cleaver, super fly cleaver in fact.

What you're missing is that if this board disappeared tomorrow...I wouldn't're mistaken in assuming that losing my financial investment in this board bothers me in the slightest... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
We don’t think that you’re board investment is what you’d miss Big Spenda’. We think:

WTF would you do with your days? Originally Posted by Why A Duck?

The word "Danger" is the core issue here WU is fucking with all of you about.....

Risk and consequences.... not danger. No one is in "danger"because of this... Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
WHAT?!? I can’t hear you with that thing in your mouth. BTW, this is what Fo’Realz would call whore logic. It’s flawed. For married men, it is a danger to them if their wife found out. It doesn’t have to be staring down a barrel of a 9 mm to be dangerous. These guys aren’t SEALS; they are just ordinary guys with families they love.
LexusLover's Avatar
What you're missing is that if this board disappeared tomorrow...I wouldn't're mistaken in assuming that losing my financial investment in this board bothers me in the slightest... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
What you're missing is this board will not "disappear" tomorrow or next year .. even if it shut down and crashed tomorrow..... any more than ASPD ... and perhaps less so today.

As for your "financial investment in this board" ... you are no doubt smarter than any lawyers you have on retainer ... I'm sure you think that already .... but your admission goes a long way to establishing venue and jurisdiction for legal actions....some times "chest beating" and running one's mouth does lead to "unintended consequences." Enjoy!

FYI: That's not legal advice. Just common sense for change.
Wakeup's Avatar
And I love the fact that the board is going no where! financial investment in the board opens me up to all sorts of legal action...let me know how that works out for you.

And what "game/angle/card" are you referring to?
Jusanotherdude's Avatar

WHAT?!? I can’t hear you with that thing in your mouth. BTW, this is what Fo’Realz would call whore logic. It’s flawed. For married men, it is a danger to them if their wife found out. It doesn’t have to be staring down a barrel of a 9 mm to be dangerous. These guys aren’t SEALS; they are just ordinary guys with families they love. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Danger vs Risk and consequence. There is a difference. No one is in danger. No one is in peril. They are at risk, or they face consequences. Understanding the actual definition as opposed to the perceived definition or common misuse is what I was saying his game was there.....not sure where that "thing in your mouth" comment comes from but go ahead and get your jollies on it I guess....

And Yeah... We get it. You hate WU and everything he says. Good for you..... join the club. There are many. My explaining what he is fucking with people about doesn't mean I'm "I'm on his side" ..... it means I'm trying to prevent others from adding fodder to his game..... I know that's hard for you to comprehend because my post was not wrought with virtual and condescension for WU ..... but trust me. That's what it is.
What you're missing is this board will not "disappear" tomorrow or next year .. even if it shut down and crashed tomorrow..... any more than ASPD ... and perhaps less so today.

As for your "financial investment in this board" ... you are no doubt smarter than any lawyers you have on retainer ... I'm sure you think that already .... but your admission goes a long way to establishing venue and jurisdiction for legal actions....some times "chest beating" and running one's mouth does lead to "unintended consequences." Enjoy!

FYI: That's not legal advice. Just common sense for change. Originally Posted by LexusLover
And the congregation all said AMEN!

Danger vs Risk and consequence. There is a difference. No one is in danger. No one is in peril. They are at risk, or they face consequences. Understanding the actual definition as opposed to the perceived definition or common misuse is what I was saying his game was there. Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
According to Webster’s danger and related information. Webster specifically lists risk and peril, the words you define as separate, as related worlds. Liability is also listed as a DEFINITION of the word danger.

I’ve highlighted in red that which is germane to this particular discussion. Number 4 is of particular interest to Peaches. Maybe we can cease with the mental masturbation about what the definition of is is Mr. President.



noun \ˈdān-jər\
Definition of DANGER

1 a archaic : jurisdiction
bobsolete: reach, range

2 obsolete : harm, damage

3: exposure or liability to injury, pain, harm, or loss <a place where children could play without danger>

4: a case or cause of danger <the dangers of mining>

Examples of DANGER

  1. I was unaware of the danger that lay ahead.
  2. She was fearless in the face of danger.
  3. The sign on the door read “Danger. Keep out.”
  4. There's less danger that you'll lose your money if you have a wide variety of investments.
  5. There's a danger that your apology will be taken as a sign of weakness.
  6. The danger is that we'll become careless as the process becomes more familiar.
  7. It's important to teach your children about the dangers of smoking.
  8. Here is a list of possible dangers associated with the procedure.
  9. We believe it poses a serious danger to our national security.
Related to DANGER

distress, endangerment, harm's way, imperilment, jeopardy, peril, , risk, trouble

safeness, safety, secureness, security

Related Words
exposure, liability, openness, vulnerability; precariousness, threat; susceptibility, susceptibleness; defenselessness, helplessness, weakness

Near Antonyms
preservation, salvation; defense, protection; exemption, immunity, impunity, inviolability, invulnerability

And Yeah... We get it. You hate WU and everything he says. Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
No, no my friend, you misunderstand. I don’t hate Peaches. Hate is a secondary emotion rooted in fear. I do not fear him, but rather I have contempt for him.

Good for you..... join the club. There are many. Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
I am not a joiner. I’m more of a leader. I thought you’d know that by now.

My explaining what he is fucking with people about doesn't mean I'm "I'm on his side" ..... it means I'm trying to prevent others from adding fodder to his game..... Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
You amuse me. He’s fucking with people? No, LL pretty much nailed it. He’s chest beating and thereby putting his peeps in danger. See how I used Danger in a sentence that didn’t apply to being eaten by a bear or killed by an extraordinarily good soldier? I’ll bet every mother fucker in the room understood that I meant risk, peril or liability: financial or liberty wise.

I know that's hard for you to comprehend because my post was not wrought with virtual and condescension for WU ..... but trust me. That's what it is. Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
It wasn’t? I though passive aggressive was a chick’s way of conveying condescension. Hugh, my bad.

.....not sure where that "thing in your mouth" comment comes from but go ahead and get your jollies on it I guess.... . Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
WHAT?!? Now it’s really hard to hear you. I think it’s in your throat now. Do we need to call someone for you? A doctor maybe? financial investment in the board opens me up to all sorts of legal action...let me know how that works out for you. Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Let's play another game. Tell us how it doesn't.

And what "game/angle/card" are you referring to? Originally Posted by Wakeuр
I don't know. You tell us. JaD's trying to convince us that danger doesn't mean risk. Are you trying to tell us you're some kind of mogul that has not a care in the world if his investment(s) turn south. Or you're trying to tell us you're the "money" behind the board. Or perhaps that you don't care about the, well call them, entanglements of the board owner(s), former, current or otherwise. Maybe you're telling us you CIA and are above any entanglements. No, not CIA, fuck that. You're one of the Illuminati aren't you?

Ok folks, go home now. The case is solved. Peaches has it all under control. We're saved.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Who didn't see that diatribe coming? Danger and peril I said were the same. Didn't catch that? Ah Well... monies in danger does not mean ones self is in danger... attention to detail again..... but if you want to say we're splitting hairs, I can agree on that and We can agree to disagree..... but We all know you Can't let things go...... leader..... Lol.... Thanks for that....

Now.... insert broken down, multi-quoted rant....... _________
Who didn't see that diatribe coming? Danger and peril I said were the same. Didn't catch that? Ah Well... monies in danger does not mean ones self is in danger... attention to detail again..... but if you want to say we're splitting hairs, I can agree on that and We can agree to disagree..... but We all know you Can't let things go...... leader..... Lol.... Thanks for that....

Now.... insert broken down, multi-quoted rant....... _________ Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
leader..... Lol.... Thanks for that.... Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
I'm going to rate this A+. Good work. Please continue; it gives me something to work with and those watching a thrill. I'd I'd abandon the split hairs thingie though.

One can be in danger from financial peril or the loss of his family. Read the definition. I was right, you really are the Philosoher of your generation aren't you. You consult for the Illuminati don't you? Maybe Cannon Law or something like that? Go on you can admit it..................We've all figured it out anyway. We know we're safe now. Peaches saved the day, but I'm sure it was with your help.

Does it gag you with constant in and out and down your throat like that? I does me. I kinda like it when my eyes water and my mouth gets all watery. I don't know if you get the same tinglie feeling that I do. Maybe it's different for dudes.

Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Right one cue...... :-)

Oh I get it.... it's a gay joke? How cute.
boardman's Avatar
Completely inaccurate reporting and I quote.

“It’s happening everywhere. I mean, you can call and get somebody delivered to your house, to your apartment, or to a hotel,” Ford explained.

Not once does this reporter mention that yes you can do that, but outcalls cost extra....ijs. Originally Posted by gearslut
I saw this on the news. Someone in the DA department, I thinck, also said that any prostitution is trafficking by virtue of the fact that virtually all the women involved are foreigners.

This leads to the question of whether or not they actually read these posts. Are they really that ignorant or do they just say that because it carries the most shock value? Either way they are not being truthful with the public.
Right one cue...... :-)

Oh I get it.... it's a gay joke? How cute. Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
No, a submissive joke; seems you're Peaches bottom bitch. Please don't go back to disapointing me. We were just having fun. I think the spectators, dare I say fans of this drama, are having enjoying themselves as well. I really do anticipate you next love note. Let's just be sure to bring some game. K?

Going for a run, so no queue for a while.
boardman's Avatar
I would quote the entire last page if I thought it wouldn't make me look foolish...I'll just say this. When an argument breaks down to semantics there is no hope of either side winning.