The IRS scandal continues to brew:

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-06-2013, 08:07 AM
suggesting you play in the freeway yellow stripe boy is a far cry from your teenage cussing /name calling fits
I B Hankering's Avatar
suggesting you play in the freeway yellow stripe boy is a far cry from your teenage cussing /name calling fits Originally Posted by CJ7
Yeah, CBJ7, leave it to a lib-retard jackass like you to believe that insinuatingly telling someone to go get hit by a truck is a "civil" insult, CBJ7. You're a moron, CBJ7.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-06-2013, 08:20 AM
grow up
I B Hankering's Avatar
grow up Originally Posted by CJ7
You'd be well served to follow your own advice and model the behavior you so hypocritically demand of others, you moronic jackass. Until such time, your hypocritical ass -- in return -- will get in kind exactly what you dish out.

Today's update:

New Links Emerge in the IRS Scandal

Congressional investigators this week released emails suggesting that staff at the Federal Election Commission have been engaged in their own conservative targeting, with help from the IRS's infamous Lois Lerner. This means more than just an expansion of the probe to the FEC. It's a new link to the Obama team. . . .

In May this column noted that the targeting of conservatives started in 2008, when liberals began a coordinated campaign of siccing the federal government on political opponents. The Obama campaign helped pioneer this tactic.

In late summer of 2008, Obama lawyer Bob Bauer took issue with ads run against his boss by a 501(c)(4) conservative outfit called American Issues Project. Mr. Bauer filed a complaint with the FEC, called on the criminal division of the Justice Department to prosecute AIP, and demanded to see documents the group had filed with the IRS.

Thanks to Congress's newly released emails, we now know that FEC attorneys went to Ms. Lerner to pry out information about AIP—the organization the Obama campaign wanted targeted. An email from Feb. 3, 2009, shows an FEC attorney asking Ms. Lerner "whether the IRS had issued an exemption letter" to AIP, and requesting that she share "any information" on the group. Nine minutes after Ms. Lerner received this FEC email, she directed IRS attorneys to fulfill the request.

Douglas Shulman, former IRS commissioner (left), Lois Lerner, the then-director of the IRS's exempt-organizations office, and Neal Wolin, deputy secretary of the Treasury, at a congressional hearing, May 22.

This matters because FEC staff didn't have permission from the Commission to conduct this inquiry. It matters because the IRS is prohibited from sharing confidential information, even with the FEC. . . .

The broader AIP case is, in fact, beyond improper. It's fishy. The Obama campaign takes its vendetta against a political opponent to the FEC. The FEC staff, as part of an extraordinary campaign to bring down AIP and other 501(c)(4) groups, reaches out to Lois Lerner, the woman overseeing IRS targeting. Mr. McGahn has also noted that FEC staff has in recent years had an improperly tight relationship with the Justice Department—to which the Obama campaign also complained about AIP. . . .

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah, CBJ7, leave it to a lib-retard jackass like you to believe that insinuatingly telling someone to go get hit by a truck is a "civil" insult, CBJ7. You're a moron, CBJ7. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Yeah... Everybody knows that IBIdiot, aka Corpy, is the king of civility.

What about the link to my poll? Oh, that's right. It's been posted, proving you're a lying sack of shit.

That is not uncivil. That's the


(Oh chit, Im getting my dipshits mixed up... They all sound alike...)
Yeah... Everybody knows that IBIdiot, aka Corpy, is the king of civility.

What about the link to my poll? Oh, that's right. It's been posted, proving you're a lying sack of shit.

That is not uncivil. That's the


(Oh chit, Im getting my dipshits mixed up... They all sound alike...) Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Thou tottering tickle-brained miscreant! I shall live to knock thy brains out. Thou venomed rude-growing ratsbane! Thou ruttish bat-fowling flax-wench! Thou errant clapper-clawed flap-dragon! [Thou art] like the toad, ugly and venomous. What, you egg! Young fry of treachery! No word to save thee. Thou art baser than a cutpurse. There's no more faith in thee than in a stewed prune. Thou surly fly-bitten hugger-mugger! Thy lips rot off! Thou caluminous flap-mouthed clotpole! [Thou] mountain of mad flesh! [Thou] appeareth nothing to me but a foul and pestilent congregation of vapours. In civility thou seem'st so empty. The most infectious pestilence upon thee! [Thou] mad mustachio purple-hued maltworms! [Thou art] i' th' worst rank of manhood....LOLing you...