Mods and admin-Action is needed Please

OEB. My point is that I fear you and your ilk are a threat to the continued existence of this website itself. Prosecution of those that invaded the capital is immensely helped by their postings on social media. This forum IS public and social media capiche? You may have a "hidden" ip address, or whatever, but if the feds want to find you, I'll bet they can. You may not be able to get any one poster banned, but your ilk may draw unwanted attention to this website and get the whole thing shut down.

I think whoever the "owners" of this site are should carefully consider whether they should continue to "FOSTA" (sic) this particular forum in light of current turmoil. Hence the reference to flying a plane...concentrate on the primary purpose and don't get distracted by diversions. Indy cars are cool, but drivers only deal with 2 dimensions; pilots are responsible for 3, typically at much higher speeds.

Bottom line is that this site is ECCIE. It might be wise if it keeps to the subject of its acronym for long term survival, relatively UTR so to speak and not a hot political target currently.

You and some of your compadres may constitute a threat to the very existence of this site. Of course you (and kind) may be in Russia or China for all we know and don't give a damn.

Again, I say shut this forum down to protect the mothership.

Maybe you should start up
Lapdog's Avatar
Well, you certainly have given him something "cogent" to think about. Let's see if he recognizes it as such. Anybody wanna go on a over/under?
Thanks Lapdog. Not sure the referenced verb applies though. I'm more trying to get the attention of whoever controls the whole site so as to avoid potential collateral damage to the site's primary focus of hobby discussion. All it takes is one rotten this case there are several.
  • oeb11
  • 01-25-2021, 06:29 PM
OEB. My point is that I fear you and your ilk are a threat to the continued existence of this website itself. Prosecution of those that invaded the capital is immensely helped by their postings on social media. This forum IS public and social media capiche? You may have a "hidden" ip address, or whatever, but if the feds want to find you, I'll bet they can. You may not be able to get any one poster banned, but your ilk may draw unwanted attention to this website and get the whole thing shut down.

I think whoever the "owners" of this site are should carefully consider whether they should continue to "FOSTA" (sic) this particular forum in light of current turmoil. Hence the reference to flying a plane...concentrate on the primary purpose and don't get distracted by diversions. Indy cars are cool, but drivers only deal with 2 dimensions; pilots are responsible for 3, typically at much higher speeds.

Bottom line is that this site is ECCIE. It might be wise if it keeps to the subject of its acronym for long term survival, relatively UTR so to speak and not a hot political target currently.

You and some of your compadres may constitute a threat to the very existence of this site. Of course you (and kind) may be in Russia or China for all we know and don't give a damn.

Again, I say shut this forum down to protect the mothership.

Maybe you should start up Originally Posted by reddog1951

Thank you for your opinion - 'r' - My - the anger is evident.

Please take your concerns - and this post - to teh moderator for the attention you seek.

i might point out the Indy drivers deal in 3 dimensions - and pilots 4 - One must add the dimension of 'time' to the dimensions dealt with.

i do agree that the individuals who invaded teh Capitol are responsible for their actions - and prosecution is warranted. Generalizing those actions ( and responsibility) to all of my 'ilk' hardly is a meaningful comparison/generalization. .

Liberals who fear people of my 'Ilk" - ignore the months of violence, murder, destruction of homes and businesses - at teh hands of the DPST/ccp fomented, reimbursed, and excused antifa and OBLM terrorists in the West coast and other 'liberal' cities.

Blaming other posters for teh FOSTA/SESTA acts is hardly a constructive method of dealing with those issues regarding this site. That is rightfully a matter for teh owners of teh site.

I do hope you find answers to your concerns, good Sir!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-25-2021, 06:42 PM

i do agree that the individuals who invaded teh Capitol are responsible for their actions - and prosecution is warranted. Generalizing those actions ( and responsibility) to all of my 'ilk' hardly is a meaningful comparison/generalization. .

! Originally Posted by oeb11
Says the King of generalization who labels others
winn dixie's Avatar
My vote would be for mods to delete and discontinue the political forum completely. Basically irrelevant to the topic of the website. Most frequent posters (myself included) contribute few reviews. Devolved into little discussion or debate and is more repetitive propagandizing and spewing by a handful of extremists than intellectual discussion. IMO, in light of recent events, the risk to the main mission of this site isn't worth the benefit of providing a mechanism for sometimes "over the top" venting by those with extreme views on either side, whether innocuous or not. I say shut it down and let them go elsewhere.

If you're a pilot, you know the first rule is "fly the plane." Originally Posted by reddog1951
Instead of calling for the forum to be closed. I recommend you either not participate in the forum or have your account disabled. This forum has a very high post count! For now, this forum is basically carrying the site.
Oh dear God, this made me laugh so hard for a second. The FBI scanning a hooker board for what?? The prosecuters are not going to charge anyone with anything if they were in the Capital and did no damage. They will prosecute those who did damage. And then what?? Oh-- back to the hooker board to see if we can waste all this manpower on hunting down random posts with a conservative bent and find out who they are so we can NOT arrest them because they didn't do anything. Jesus Christ, talk about paranoia. Maybe it's time to lay off the (unmentionable).

OEB. My point is that I fear you and your ilk are a threat to the continued existence of this website itself. Prosecution of those that invaded the capital is immensely helped by their postings on social media. This forum IS public and social media capiche? You may have a "hidden" ip address, or whatever, but if the feds want to find you, I'll bet they can. You may not be able to get any one poster banned, but your ilk may draw unwanted attention to this website and get the whole thing shut down.

I think whoever the "owners" of this site are should carefully consider whether they should continue to "FOSTA" (sic) this particular forum in light of current turmoil. Hence the reference to flying a plane...concentrate on the primary purpose and don't get distracted by diversions. Indy cars are cool, but drivers only deal with 2 dimensions; pilots are responsible for 3, typically at much higher speeds.

Bottom line is that this site is ECCIE. It might be wise if it keeps to the subject of its acronym for long term survival, relatively UTR so to speak and not a hot political target currently.

You and some of your compadres may constitute a threat to the very existence of this site. Of course you (and kind) may be in Russia or China for all we know and don't give a damn.

Again, I say shut this forum down to protect the mothership.

Maybe you should start up Originally Posted by reddog1951
I am against censoring anybody.

I also do not put anybody on ignore. I want to read every bodies opinion, regardless how asinine their views might be.

I also reserve the right to not converse with anyone I feel is a total shithead.

notsomuch. Everyone's already decided that they're unequivocally right, and whatever position the people they dislike have is the absolutely incorrect, inhumane, and seditious choice. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
Nope. Several of us have been around for decades. Opinions about policy and sometimes even posters have changed.

My vote would be for mods to delete and discontinue the political forum completely. ... I say shut it down and let them go elsewhere.

If you're a pilot, you know the first rule is "fly the plane." Originally Posted by reddog1951
Just ignore the forum and fly the plane. I don't go into "another realm' and bother you or demand it be taken down.

I personally think there is moderator bias going on here. Oeb11 is a hate spewer. He gleefully gets off on making people angry and getting them banned. Why does he get to spew his hate while others get banned. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
That's hilarious. He's a "hate spewer." I believe he's a skilled debater who on the whole is very polite and stays within the site guidelines.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-25-2021, 08:36 PM
One person's logical argument is another person's hate speach. Seems to depend whether the listener agrees with the opinion or not.

No surprise there.
Not about censorship at all. The press is free, but no press is required to publish YOUR content. You are free to start your own press and publish what you wish.

What I am saying is that for example, prosecutors are building a case against a capital invader who you agreed should be prosecuted, and discover that he/she is a frequent poster on this thread that advocates extreme measures and hatred. Maybe they decide to investigate other posters that agree with extreme views? Maybe they decide to investigate the whole site and it's ownership, perhaps using it's hobby orientation as an excuse?

If I owned this site I wouldn't chance the exposure and would limit to primary site subject at hand. Hobby might even be legalized under Biden.

Ellen- ALL those that entered the capital were complicit and should be prosecuted. Like saying I was part of the gang that invaded your home, but didn't take anything.

Finally, I'm very aware of the 4th dimension. I'm also very aware of the 5th Dimension. Marilyn McCoo was hot.
The only thing I agree with was Marilyn McCoo was hot. Incredibly Hot.
Ripmany's Avatar
Oh dear God, this made me laugh so hard for a second. The FBI scanning a hooker board for what?? The prosecuters are not going to charge anyone with anything if they were in the Capital and did no damage. They will prosecute those who did damage. And then what?? Oh-- back to the hooker board to see if we can waste all this manpower on hunting down random posts with a conservative bent and find out who they are so we can NOT arrest them because they didn't do anything. Jesus Christ, talk about paranoia. Maybe it's time to lay off the (unmentionable). Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Last time I checked if you're not in the army under general hooker getting a hooker is unlegal, the FBI looks for people involved in unlegal activity.
Please define 'spammers'

Or, are 'spammers' = republican /conservatives"????? Originally Posted by oeb11
You are the definitive definition of the term "spammer" You are like those irritating robo calls on my phone. No matter how much I try and ignore you, you just keep coming.

No spammers are folks posting the same silliness over snd over. Look back at 90% of your posts and you will get the idea. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
I would say 100% but he has actually said something intelligent once or twice. So he actually needs to look back at 99.9% of his posts.

The difference is - Republican conservatives support the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the sanctity of the first and Second Amendments.... Originally Posted by oeb11
You forgot to include how many of them also supported lying about election fraud, storming the Capitol and committing violent insurrection.
  • oeb11
  • 01-26-2021, 03:04 AM
Not about censorship at all. The press is free, but no press is required to publish YOUR content. You are free to start your own press and publish what you wish.

What I am saying is that for example, prosecutors are building a case against a capital invader who you agreed should be prosecuted, and discover that he/she is a frequent poster on this thread that advocates extreme measures and hatred. Maybe they decide to investigate other posters that agree with extreme views? Maybe they decide to investigate the whole site and it's ownership, perhaps using it's hobby orientation as an excuse?

If I owned this site I wouldn't chance the exposure and would limit to primary site subject at hand. Hobby might even be legalized under Biden.

Ellen- ALL those that entered the capital were complicit and should be prosecuted. Like saying I was part of the gang that invaded your home, but didn't take anything.

Finally, I'm very aware of the 4th dimension. I'm also very aware of the 5th Dimension. Marilyn McCoo was hot. Originally Posted by reddog1951

Comment - no One forces any poster to post here, read here, or remain here on this site, and/or in this forum.

If poster 'r' is afraid that another posters opinions may cause issues for the Site - "he/she is a frequent poster on this thread that advocates extreme measures and hatred. Maybe they decide to investigate other posters that agree with extreme views? Maybe they decide to investigate the whole site and it's ownership, perhaps using it's hobby orientation as an excuse?" - poster 'r' has options to take in support of poster 'r' and his point of view.
It is clear that poster 'r' and other posters - find teh referred to opinions objectionable.

Question - if poster of which 'r' defines as 'advocating "extreme measures and hatred" -will cause 'they' to 'investigate the whole site and its' ownership" - I would ask what is poster 'r' afraid of???

Does poser 'r' fear shutdown of other parts of this site due to an investigation 'they' initiate from political discussions on this forum?
Evidently So.

Poster 'r' - please further define 'they' of whom there is fear.

Would poster 'r', or others , please show the quotes of 'extreme measures and hatred".

would poster 'r' please define what poster 'r' regards as" extreme measures and hatred".

Would poster 'r' please define why such opinions of 'extreme measures and hatred" would cause an investigation by an unknown 'they" - and what consequences poster 'r' fears.

Would poster 'r' please define why such posts are in contravention of teh first Amendment , and the rules of the Forum
Would Poster 'r' please define why such posts are a valid reason for action against the poster whose posts poster 'r' and other find objectionable.
Would poser 'r' please define why such 'objectionable posts' - are 'objectionable ' to poster 'r' and other posters of like mind?

'r' - there is yet a First Amendment - and political discussions are legal in
America - even Conservative points of view.

I see No One advocating illegal acts, or 'crying fire in teh movie theater"!

Is this post below an example of what may be 'objectionable opinions " - characterized by complaining poster(s) as 'hate and spam", including 'extreme measures and hatred"?

Please remember that Donald J Trump defeated H.... in teh Presidential election of 2016.

The DPST/cp party, its minion LSM - have made every effort to persecute,impede, and destroy President Donald J Trump since that moment. They have even impeached and started a trial of a the departed from office President Donald j Trump - after their senile . corrupt POTUS fiden 'won' an election characterized by many , many allegations of voter fraud ( an area of expertise for the DPST/ccp party).

I have yet to see any 'evidence" of the accusations nazi Pelosi forwarded - and to my knowledge - there is no evidence of any kind included in teh Articles of Impeachment forwarded to the Senate by nazi Pelosi. President Trump was Impeached with no hearings ( not even giving schiff and nadler a chance to lie on the world stage again) , no evidence presented, and a disgraceful, UnConstitutional peformance by nazi Pelosi as speaker of teh house- which has made our system of rule of law under teh Constitution a laughingstock to Xi, Putin, and the world.

An Impeachment trial of a departed POTUS is such a ridiculous concept as to be entertained only by those truly blinded by personal hatred of former President Donald J Trump.

Speaker nazi Pelosi has made her, and her parties' hatred of teh former President clear, and their rage at the defeat of their lying. hag of a candidate in 2016.
Speaker nazi Pelosi is about hatred and revenge for the DPST/ccp party election loss in 2016 - Pure and Simple.

End of example.

I strongly suspect that poster 'r' - and others in this thread - are using the terms 'hate and spam' to try to force a removal of a poster whose opinion opinions they find objectionable , and possibly offensive - as such - an example of possible said opinions is presented above.

Is the opinion presented above regarding teh DPST/ccp party and its hatred of former President Donald J Trump, and desire for revenge, qualify as 'extreme measures, hatred, and spam" - and a reason to remove a poster from the site?
Is such opinion a reason to expect 'investigation" from an unknown, undefined, 'they"???
And how , or why, would such as 'they' find such opinions, and classify such opinions as a reason to Investigate" the site and forum?
What danger to the national structure is posed by such opinions, to cause investigation and intervention by the unknown, undefined 'they"?

Are such opinions not protected under the First Amendment - and teh Rules of teh Forum - as presented?

Or, are those poster(s) in such fear of opinions other than their own, that they behave as did nazi pelosi in her desire for revenge on former President Donald J Trump - and advocate for removal of a poster whose opinions are objectionable to the complaining poster(s)?

Finally 'r' - and other posters - when complaining about 'hate' - I would remind teh poster(s) that the DPST/ccp politician AOC advocates "re-education camps for reprogramming of Conservatives". Parenthetically - those of my 'ilk'.

The AOC ( a leader of teh DPST/ccp party) concept is reminiscent of teh Holocaust - and a concept which is anathema to all Conservatives/republicans everywhere!

Is that not a 'hateful" concept towards those of a different political opinion?

If NOT- then please define "What Is".

A final thought - "And when they came for me, there was no One to speak for me"!

Thank you - valued poster(s)

If teh Moderator choose to shut down this thread - I am not in opposition to the decision.