Yssup Rider's Avatar
Your point is well made. Please do not forget that black lives do matter unless they are conservative. Then the real bigottry is unleased against folks like, Condoleeza Rice, Alveda King,Justice Clarence Thomas, Dr. Ben Carlson, Col. Allen West,Thomas Sowell, Herman Cain,David Webb, and numerous others. Originally Posted by rioseco
You've not only named every black Republican you know, but probably every black Republican period.

However, to you, black lives don't matter at all. Your stream of racist remarks bear that out, just like this one does.

Bitterness born of jealousy spawned by an inferiority complex ... Cornholio, this ain't the place to see counsel.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Could it be that HRC is really not running for president but in a true grifter style is just trying to milk this moment for the maximum financial benefit for herself?

We can only hope it is a ruse on her donors and the american public avoids "The Sting."

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Well, Whir-LIE-turd, you've got 10 years to convince the ECCIE world of that. Better hurry up.
rioseco's Avatar
Yes, and let's not forget that you've listed almost all of the dozen or so blacks in the United States that matter to the GOP and conservabots like you....speaking of making a point....although it's obvious you are blissfully unaware of it.

I love it when you ass-clowns try to act like you give a shit about minorities, gays, and everybody else you hate. Originally Posted by timpage

Look up Timmy !
Thats Barry's ass above your lips. He's half white, so don't you want to hate him just a little ?
For the record I do not hate intelligent, free thinking, contributing blacks. I do despise the lazy, lifeless, free loader no matter his color.
Of course all those I pointed out matter to the GOP. If not why would you and your kind hate them ???
I know it stings your ass a bit, but atleast those fine titts you sport are doing well. Have a great day.
Look up Timmy !
Thats Barry's ass above your lips. He's half white, so don't you want to hate him just a little ?
For the record I do not hate intelligent, free thinking, contributing blacks. I do despise the lazy, lifeless, free loader no matter his color.
Of course all those I pointed out matter to the GOP. If not why would you and your kind hate them ???
I know it stings your ass a bit, but atleast those fine titts you sport are doing well. Have a great day. Originally Posted by rioseco
You make my point asshat. And, I doubt you even realize it. The poor oppressed white majority.
LexusLover's Avatar
Kind of like the last Republican president...... Originally Posted by timpage
No. The last Republican President had business and executive experience in the public sector, and his Daddy didn't run around the country seeking every photo op available to a White Guy! I think it was pretty clear that George Bush was "on his own" when he hit the White House. His Daddy has confirmed that as well.

What "executive" experience does Hillarious have ... the White House Travel Office?

Please say ... "running the Office of the Secretary of State" .. that she quit!

And she PROMISED ....

The advertising material is almost endless ....
No. More like the last Clinton president.....He rented out the Lincoln Bedroom to Donors and Hillary rented out the State Department to donors (foreign).

Kind of like the last Republican president.....

Your point? Originally Posted by timpage
LexusLover's Avatar
...and Hillary rented out the State Department to donors (foreign). Originally Posted by Whirlaway
.. and sent them to Hell!

If you ass clowns truly believe that Shrub would have been elected president if his last name was Smith....or that Jeb would be a candidate for president if his name were Johnson....then, you are even more stupid than I thought.....which would be hard to accomplish.

Let's review, shall we? You want to quack about Hillary being in the position that she is in because her husband was president. Yet, you refuse to acknowledge that being named Bush has anything to do with the fact that every GOP president since 1988 has been named Bush....and the leading candidate for the GOP nomination in 2016 is also named.....Bush.

You are Clinton denier; you believe the Foundation didn't accept foreign donations while she was SoS.....even though the Foundation has admitted as much.

You are worst than a "birther."

If you ass clowns truly believe that Shrub would have been elected president if his last name was Smith....or that Jeb would be a candidate for president if his name were Johnson....then, you are even more stupid than I thought.....which would be hard to accomplish. Originally Posted by timpage
No. More like the last Clinton president.....He rented out the Lincoln Bedroom to Donors and Hillary rented out the State Department to donors (foreign). Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Support for the statement on Hillary renting out the state department? You're pathetic. Have you ever had an original thought or do you just have a USB port in the back of your head that you plug into your right-wing whacko websites when you wake up and have your coffee in the morning?
You are Clinton denier; you believe the Foundation didn't accept foreign donations while she was SoS.....even though the Foundation has admitted as much.

You are worst than a "birther." Originally Posted by Whirlaway
"worst" than a birther? I have missed your condemnations of your fellow clown posse members when they have advanced the birther arguments....You yourself profess to believe that our president is a muslim, is that not correct?

Your credibility on any issue that anybody wants to choose is just about shit. You don't deal in facts. You deal in ideology.
  • DSK
  • 02-27-2015, 09:48 AM
If you ass clowns truly believe that Shrub would have been elected president if his last name was Smith....or that Jeb would be a candidate for president if his name were Johnson....then, you are even more stupid than I thought.....which would be hard to accomplish.

Let's review, shall we? You want to quack about Hillary being in the position that she is in because her husband was president. Yet, you refuse to acknowledge that being named Bush has anything to do with the fact that every GOP president since 1988 has been named Bush....and the leading candidate for the GOP nomination in 2016 is also named.....Bush.

Seriously? Originally Posted by timpage
I don't think we need another Bush - surely, he only got to where is was by his last name/connections - just like Hillary. Let's start with a new bunch, might get lucky, probably can't do much worse.
I don't think we need another Bush - surely, he only got to where is was by his last name/connections - just like Hillary. Let's start with a new bunch, might get lucky, probably can't do much worse. Originally Posted by DSK
That's another argument. The point here is the hypocrisy of shitbags like Whirly and his crew who want to quack about Hillary being where she is because of family connections....but want to deny that the same is true for Shrub and Jeb. It's bullshit.
LexusLover's Avatar
Let's review, shall we? You want to quack about Hillary being in the position that she is in because her husband was president. Yet, you refuse to acknowledge that being named Bush has anything to do with the fact that every GOP president since 1988 has been named Bush....and the leading candidate for the GOP nomination in 2016 is also named.....Bush.

Seriously? Originally Posted by timpage
No more than there was a string of Kennedys ....

Name recognition alone has a lot to do with it. Familiar with the name.

Since Bush I was beaten by Clinton with Gore in the #2 position, then by your analysis Gore should have beaten Bush II .... Bush had executive experience at the state level and pendulum was swinging to the conservative side on the national scene.

Neither ole man Bush or Bush II are campaigning for Jeb ... Jeb has executive experience just like George Jr., did ... Texas did well ... So did Florida.

If your assessment of Bush II is correct AND your theory of "spin off" to Jeb, then Jeb should be hovering around the 3% mark or less.......since you think Bush is a dumbass and was a no good President.

There are probably as many people who think Bush II was a good President, but don't want to hear the bullshit if they acknowledge it in public, as there are people who think Obaminable is awful, but don't want to be called "racist."

By the way .... you aren't the only clown on here ..

..... but you're certainly the biggest .... and I don't mean physical size either.

Back to the OP and Hillarious and her "legacy"!!

What difference does it make .... or ... who gives a fuck

No more than there was a string of Kennedys ....

Name recognition alone has a lot to do with it. Familiar with the name.

Since Bush I was beaten by Clinton with Gore in the #2 position, then by your analysis Gore should have beaten Bush II .... Bush had executive experience at the state level and pendulum was swinging to the conservative side on the national scene.

Neither ole man Bush or Bush II are campaigning for Jeb ... Jeb has executive experience just like George Jr., did ... Texas did well ... So did Florida.

If your assessment of Bush II is correct AND your theory of "spin off" to Jeb, then Jeb should be hovering around the 3% mark or less.......since you think Bush is a dumbass and was a no good President.

There are probably as many people who think Bush II was a good President, but don't want to hear the bullshit if they acknowledge it in public, as there are people who think Obaminable is awful, but don't want to be called "racist."

By the way .... you aren't the only clown on here ..

..... but you're certainly the biggest .... and I don't mean physical size either. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Fucking halfwit.

You keep quacking about Shrub's executive and business experience. Did he have a different name when he was running for governor of Texas you fucking idiot? Was he utilizing a nom de guerre when his daddy was securing his interest in the Texas Rangers or any other business deal he was involved in?

Are you truly this stupid?