Dildo-in-chief: it was the TelePrompTer’s fault.

"An other"?

"Passed"? You mean "past"?

Listen to you. You can't get it right.

You're the person who said "legalizing immigration". Post #4

You're a liar and you blame your mistakes on others. The only times YS used that phrase was quoting you. You said, "Hey are they looking into legalizing immigration" in the above post I mentioned.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
How many times have you posted shit you couldn't back up and a week or two later you post nonsense about your facts.

Your buddy YR said "legalizing immigration" and I posted where he did so you're defending the indefensible...good luck with that.
Maybe you can defend him on his statement..."you post good new and try to use that against me"...defend that shit MUNCHY!!

You can find one post where I didn't use those words against him...I never originated that...that statement was throwing it back in his face...you mention this and I will throw it back in your face.
You make up shit to fit your templet...do a little research before you talk of things you know nothing about...as always.
Hey take a class in comprehension, it might help you.
P.S. Put your brain in gear before you put your mouth in gear.
Without naming names, we’ve got a few posters whose English is so consistently poor that I have to wonder if they’re actually posting directly from a Russian troll farm.

Or worse, that they’re not ECCIE mongers at all, but (forbidden topic) posting from their parents’ basement.

But none of them, or their pals, have addressed the absolute lunacy of Trump blaming his dumb gaffe on the TelePrompTer.

One suggested it was autocorrect, which is also laughable given the state of technology, but ought to be something the Trump administration looks into. They could blame everything he says on that. Problem solved!

(When in doubt, laugh it out, right?) Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Seem like you forget too...but your head in sand doesn't allow you to comprehend your hypocrisy on parade.
You can't argue issues so you argue grammar...when you don't have anything else.
Now you're posting forbidden topics...shame on you!!
I hope I don't post anymore good news that...well you know the rest!!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
What are you babbling about?
How can you miss the difference?

I provide examples. You choked 3 times in one thread.

You won't and can't supply examples.
If I fuck up as often as you claim, where are your examples?
You're one of the easiest people on this site to provide proof you're lying or being the hypocrite.

This is another perfect example. I provided a link to where you first made the "legalizing imigration" statement. You. Not YR.

And that's the point. You have tried to lie your way out of a lie again. And your claim I support or don't support something because I point out you have lied, once again, means nothing to me.

You lie. A lot.

Do you want more examples of you lying or you being a post hypocrite or your misuse of words?

I'm still waiting for examples of whatever you were attempting to say in your response.
I already have shown where you lied.

Your turn.
How many times have you posted shit you couldn't back up and a week or two later you post nonsense about your facts.

Your buddy YR said "legalizing immigration" and I posted where he did so you're defending the indefensible...good luck with that.
Maybe you can defend him on his statement..."you post good new and try to use that against me"...defend that shit MUNCHY!!

You can find one post where I didn't use those words against him...I never originated that...that statement was throwing it back in his face...you mention this and I will throw it back in your face.
You make up shit to fit your templet...do a little research before you talk of things you know nothing about...as always.
Hey take a class in comprehension, it might help you.
P.S. Put your brain in gear before you put your mouth in gear. Originally Posted by bb1961
Munchmasterman's Avatar
It's real simple.

Post a link where he said "legalizing immigration" before you did.

But you won't. Because you can't.

Stop babbling and do it. Prove me wrong if you can.
How many times have you posted shit you couldn't back up and a week or two later you post nonsense about your facts.

Your buddy YR said "legalizing immigration" and I posted where he did so you're defending the indefensible...good luck with that.
Maybe you can defend him on his statement..."you post good new and try to use that against me"...defend that shit MUNCHY!!

You can find one post where I didn't use those words against him...I never originated that...that statement was throwing it back in his face...you mention this and I will throw it back in your face.
You make up shit to fit your templet...do a little research before you talk of things you know nothing about...as always.
Hey take a class in comprehension, it might help you.
P.S. Put your brain in gear before you put your mouth in gear. Originally Posted by bb1961
It's real simple.

Post a link where he said "legalizing immigration" before you did.

But you won't. Because you can't.

Stop babbling and do it. Prove me wrong if you can.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
You are completely off topic.

Trump was reading from a teleprompter and someone put the words "airport" or it autocorrected instead of something like "seaport" and some on the left are acting like it is a big deal or that Trump thought airports were around during the American Revolution.

So you think Trump really believes airports existed in the 18th century?

Wouldn't a reasonable person just laugh it off as minor thing?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That was the point of the OP, ff. Any reasonable person would have laughed it off and owned it.

Trump chose to blame the rain and the TelePrompTer. The autocorrect was a little twist that I’ve only seen in this thread.

It wasn’t the gaffe. It was Trump’s inability to own it.
That was the point of the OP, ff. Any reasonable person would have laughed it off and owned it.

Trump chose to blame the rain and the TelePrompTer. The autocorrect was a little twist that I’ve only seen in this thread.

It wasn’t the gaffe. It was Trump’s inability to own it. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I think Trump is basically ignoring it and letting the leftists go on about it making themselves look small.

Honestly, I think you should give him credit for so smoothly reading a Teleprompter with the pressure of a huge crowd and millions watching the broadcast. One or two mistakes is nada, señor.
Trump* owns nothing he says or does. That's one of the despicable things about him that his supporters love.
That was the point of the OP, ff. Any reasonable person would have laughed it off and owned it.

Trump chose to blame the rain and the TelePrompTer. The autocorrect was a little twist that I’ve only seen in this thread.

It wasn’t the gaffe. It was Trump’s inability to own it. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Trump* owns nothing he says or does. That's one of the despicable things about him that his supporters love. Originally Posted by Expresso Jim
True. I mean it could be true. I’m hearing that maybe it’s true. Others say it could be true, but covfefe, you know what I mean?

Believe me, it’s truth like you’ve never heard before.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
I think Trump is basically ignoring it and letting the leftists go on about it making themselves look small.

Honestly, I think you should give him credit for so smoothly reading a Teleprompter with the pressure of a huge crowd and millions watching the broadcast. One or two mistakes is nada, señor. Originally Posted by friendly fred
He gets points for not fucking up too badly, not starting a war and not shitting the bed?

Munchmasterman's Avatar
"And someone put..."? Who?
Trump himself calls you out for the liar you are. He said he couldn't read it. Not that the words were wrong.
Stop making up shit. We lnow you will say anything to protect the moron.

Off topic? Talk to your "bb boy". Another keyboard, albeit inarticulate warrior, who can't back up what he says.

Plus it all comes down to you and your ilk really believing Obama thinking there are 57 states. Wouldn't a reasonable person ignore it? After all it is one compared to many out of trumps pie hole.

Your selective flashes of reality vs.your typical storylines only increases the idea you'll say or believe anything that supports the idea trump isn't the worst possible president ever.
We have given reasons why we think he is a cocksucking douche-bag and posters like austin allen come back with we just like him.

Here is what he said.
"Our army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do."

Stick to claiming trump has business sense.

He hasn't read a book in 30 years.

You are completely off topic.

Trump was reading from a teleprompter and someone put the words "airport" or it autocorrected instead of something like "seaport" and some on the left are acting like it is a big deal or that Trump thought airports were around during the American Revolution.

So you think Trump really believes airports existed in the 18th century?

Wouldn't a reasonable person just laugh it off as minor thing? Originally Posted by friendly fred
  • oeb11
  • 07-09-2019, 05:14 PM
Who is MM to claim (Trump) - He hasn't read a book in 30 years.????
The TDS Syndrome Outrage is very strong with this one.

makes excuses for Obama, but Trump's mistake is a capital offense.

Roll On, MM

Yssup Rider's Avatar
SomeOne Is flailing about again.

MM isn’t the only one to make a claim like that, buddy.

Trump insiders confirmed the dildo in chief doesn’t read years ago.


  • oeb11
  • 07-09-2019, 05:31 PM
Please produce a reference
and, how anyone can monitor another person for 30 years 24/7 /365 for reading a book.

Nonsense - as usual LOL
Unless the DPST's already have 2-way monitors as in Orwell's 1984.

An objective devoutly to be DPST desired!
Yssup Rider's Avatar