The global crackdown on parents who refuse vaccines for their kids has begun

This is very important, the gov. and the group must not be corrupt else they may just con away/reachaground/say it their idea/drug/poison/erase memory/have sex with all the right people in gov. L.E. religious leader etc ... that why people have to have full trust in their gov. before these type of thing can happen .... Originally Posted by T_H_O_R
Who wrote that song " TURN DOWN FOR WHAT ?" CON JOB MONEY LAUNDERING TAMPERING EDVIDENCE ... which rapper got caught for arested for raping via advance tech. etc - no one give a shit about being king "LION KING - SCARFACE THE MOUSE as in exprement JERRY SPRINGER WWE not BLACK EYE " SHUT DOWN EVERYTHING COLLECT ALL ASSET - UNDER DOMESTIC TERRORISM - Naruto Scareface broken nose " .... STILL NO MATCH FOR ME AND A keyboard ...
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....which produce is generally cleaner
Originally Posted by Amiliah Rayne
I use a natural oil pesticide on my citrus ... just in the blooming season to stop the buds from getting devoured ... but if I use "Lady Bugs" I don't use the oil. I prefer the "rust mites" to stay around since they make the juice sweet. No stickers.
I lived through the big Polio scare of the 1950's. Everybody was scared shitless.

I took the Salk Vaccine, (shot), and there shortly after, the Sabin Vaccine, which was oral, came out. We took it as well.

Polio became a non issue.

True, vaccines are not perfect. But what is?.

Our immune systems are a remarkable thing. All science has done is help it along in building antibodies to fight viral infections.

When I was a kid growing up in the '40's and '50's, I played outside, in the dirt, in ditches,
We got dirty. When one of us, (four brothers), got the. chickenpox, measles, mumps, colds, flu, etc, we all got it. The family doctor encouraged it. Get it over with.

That early childhood buildup of immunities might be why I am so healthy at 70 1/2 years.

How many of you were Inn yhe service. When I was drafted in 1968, it was the 6th week of Basic Training that we got our shots. We got a vaccine for every disease known to man. We went through a line, and they used those pneumatic guns to shoot us full, in both arms.

Thank god for vaccines.
So if you outlaw abortion, you can mandate vaccines?

How do you think we eliminated Polio garthkal? Originally Posted by WTF
Exactly.. What i am saying is if the left keeps railing on the "Its a womans body, it should be her choice" mantra to KEEP abortion legal, then the left should also be AGAINST mandating vaccines..

So it would stand to reason, if you ARE allowed to mandate vaccines, overriding a "parents choice over their own kids", then you should also be able to outlaw abortions.. overriding the woman's choice..
If there are only four numbers in the PLU, this means that the produce was grown conventionally or “traditionally” with the use of pesticides.

The last four letters (or only four, in this case) of the PLU code are simply what kind of vegetable or fruit you’re buying. An example is that all bananas are labeled with the code of 4011.

If there are five numbers in the PLU code, and the number starts with “8”, this tells you that the item is a genetically modified fruit or vegetable. Genetically modified fruits and vegetables have been tampered with in an unnatural way; essentially, produce that has been genetically modified was created in a lab or over decades of artificial selection, and cannot be found in nature. A genetically engineered (GE or GMO) banana would be: 84011

If there are five numbers in the PLU code, and the number starts with “9”, this tells you that the produce was grown organically and is not genetically modified. An organic banana would be: 94011

Interestingly enough, the adhesive used to attach the stickers is considered food-grade, but the stickers themselves aren’t safe to consume.

If you’re looking to be hyper aware of what fruits and vegetables have been treated with pesticides and other chemicals and which have not, you’ll want to check out the homepage for the Environmental Working Groups.

The EWG has compiled two lists to help consumers identify which produce is generally cleaner and which produce is generally tampered with; the Clean Fifteen and the Dirty Dozen.

The Top 5 for the “Clean Fifteen” produce are:

Sweet Corn
Sweet Peas (Frozen)

The Top 5 for the “Dirty Dozen” produce are:

Celery Originally Posted by Amiliah Rayne
Actually all you have to do is look at the first digit to determine if the produce is conventional, Organic or GMO. Incidentally most GMO products you'll find in America will be Corn, Canola, soybean, cotton, Alfalfa, Zucchini, Yellow Squash, Sugar Beets and Papaya. These products most often will be found in processed foods. Commonly referred to as "Junk Foods" where they have an abundance of additives and lots of sugar mostly in the form high fructose corn syrup.

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  • Old-T
  • 08-07-2017, 04:41 PM
You didn't give much thought into that did you?

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Actually, yes. It is a hyperbolic statement, and would get hung up in all sorts of legal throws because lawyers would start a feeding frenzy, but tell me--from a philosophical point of view, what is your issue with it? If a parent is irresponsible enough to put other students, teachers, etc., at risk, why should they not be held accountable? If I knowingly carry an unsafe item into a crowd, and it accidentally causes mass harm I would expect to be held accountable--what is the difference with a life threatening item that happens to be an organism?

Philosophically I see very little difference between the vaccinated child and someone carrying a vile of anthrax in their pocket but never "intending" to open it.

I would think the RW crowd here would be all for that--giving parents choice but holding people accountable for the results of their choices.

What part do you find egregiously flawed?
Flu shots don't always work because they guess which strain of flu will be the culprit that year. So if they make a vaccine for example flu type 1 but flu type 4 is going around then in return you get sick.. Originally Posted by Amiliah Rayne
Flu shots just don't always work. They just mostly don't work. They don't "guess", they take top the top 4 culprits from last year and put them in the current years vaccine. The problem is the flu mutates and this years version(s) that gets you sick well has beaten last years bug.

Here's the big problem: there is no evidence that this really works as well as advertised. With polio, they can measure who had the shot, who didn't, who got polio, etc. With the flu, there's really no real study. How many people here got the flu in the last few years and were called by the CDC? Did you really have the flu? Did you get a shot? Or was it "flu like" symptoms and you took some Tamiflu or chicken soup and it was over in a few days? Or did somebody die?

The study I saw was done by one of the vaccine manufacturers and their best GUESS was 50% coverage. It is bullshit.

Do I believe in vaccines? I got the shingles vaccine two years ago and haven't gotten it. I would encourage women to get the HPV vaccine. Both of these vaccines have an advertised 50% effectiveness rate. Damn sure my kids have their polio shots or droplets.

But do I believe in everybody having every vaccine? No. Last I heard most of the people who got polio got it from the polio vaccine.

But do I believe in everybody having every vaccine? No. Last I heard most of the people who got polio got it from the polio vaccine. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I cannot agree with this statement.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Last I heard most of the people who got polio got it from the polio vaccine. Originally Posted by gnadfly

You got some credible evidence to back that up?

You got some credible evidence to back that up? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Well apparently there were a few.

Although a tainted batch of the Salk vaccine killed 11 people, Americans continued vaccinating their children.

Dr. Albert Sabin and a poster promoting Sabin's oral polio vaccine.
Just weeks after the Salk vaccine had been declared safe, more than 200 polio cases were traced to lots contaminated with virulent live polio strains manufactured by the Cutter Laboratories in Berkeley, California. Most taken ill became severely paralyzed. Eleven died. In the haste to rush the vaccine to the public, the federal government had not provided proper supervision of the major drug companies contracted by the March of Dimes to produce 9 million doses of vaccine for 1955. Although the United States surgeon general ordered all inoculations temporarily halted, Americans continued to vaccinate themselves and their children. Outside of the “Cutter Incident,” not a single case of polio attributed to the Salk vaccine was ever contracted in the United States.
Actually, yes. It is a hyperbolic statement, and would get hung up in all sorts of legal throws because lawyers would start a feeding frenzy, but tell me--from a philosophical point of view, what is your issue with it? If a parent is irresponsible enough to put other students, teachers, etc., at risk, why should they not be held accountable? If I knowingly carry an unsafe item into a crowd, and it accidentally causes mass harm I would expect to be held accountable--what is the difference with a life threatening item that happens to be an organism?

Philosophically I see very little difference between the vaccinated child and someone carrying a vile of anthrax in their pocket but never "intending" to open it.

I would think the RW crowd here would be all for that--giving parents choice but holding people accountable for the results of their choices.

What part do you find egregiously flawed?
Originally Posted by Old-T
I don't think someone should be held liable legally because their child wasn't vaccinated. There are a few variables that would have to be met, I think for any legal action. For one and most importantly the child would have to be symptomatic to an extent where a parent would have to know or should have known something was wrong and keep the child home instead of allowing the child to attend school.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
flu shots, never had one. refuse to get one. I've had my mother and a coworker urge me to get a flu shot. they both got sick with 2 weeks of getting a shot.

however, I got sick about 2 weeks later after my mom got sick. I had flu-like symptoms.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And Dipshit-like outcomes...
flu shots, never had one. refuse to get one. I've had my mother and a coworker urge me to get a flu shot. they both got sick with 2 weeks of getting a shot.

however, I got sick about 2 weeks later after my mom got sick. I had flu-like symptoms. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
So you didn't take the shot and you're around a co-worker and your mother who took the shot and still became ill. All you suffered from was "flu like" symptoms, which doesn't mean you actually got the flu. The flu shot is something I don't believe in. The flu mutates, it's in the environment and can't be eradicated anyway. There's no guarantee you'll even get it. The best thing anyone can do, is prior to flu season start a Vitamin C supplementation at a dose of 1-1.5 grams per day. In the morning first thing take a tablespoon of raw unfiltered honey, eat slightly cooked garlic cloves. In addition to all this if you get the flu or flu like symptoms mix a teaspoon of Cayenne pepper in warm water and lemon and drink it. It will help reduce mucous. There's other foods that help when sick also, oh yeah ,always chicken noodle soup, lol.

I cannot agree with this statement. Originally Posted by Jackie S
What I remember is that polio had be eradicated from the USA and the year that a few people had gotten polio in the US it was traced to a round of vaccines where the polio virus (or whatever it is) hadn't been weakened enough. I'll try to google it later. This is a different incident than what Mr Mojo posted.

BTW, this phenomenon is not restricted to the polio vaccine.