
Naomi4u's Avatar
I'm not on P411 or datecheck or any of the normal referal/screening services...What kind of references will I need?? Hmmmmm??? Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
We'll talk . Flight leaves in 3 hours for Tampa. I will pm you once I'm all settled in.

I usually take p411 and dAte-check members because I feel much more secure with them but I've made exceptions in the past. Ed, I hope you meet basic requirements .. y0u must be over 40
London Rayne's Avatar
I don't require anyone be on a screening site....I accept them, but prefer to do that myself. I mean all they really do is let you view all the refs at one time in one place, as opposed to having to hunt down the info. all over the net. I still have to actually speak to a couple of them and make sure THEY are legit. Randon BP girl with no reviews does not a reference make.
I Randon BP girl with no reviews does not a reference make. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Thank you!....I hate getting emails from some of these fucktards telling me they saw" Tawanda on BP and here's her #"....I don't even waste my time replying...just hit the delete button!
London Rayne's Avatar
Ha you said f98ktard lmao!! Did Wakeup convert you?
Ha you said f98ktard lmao!! Did Wakeup convert you? Originally Posted by London Rayne
No...I've always said that word lol....well since I began watching "Dexter" years ago, his sister Deb says it all the time, and I love it because I have a horrible potty mouth and when I here her speak I don't feel so alone...hehe
elghund's Avatar
No...I've always said that word lol....well since I began watching "Dexter" years ago, his sister Deb says it all the time, and I love it because I have a horrible potty mouth and when I here her speak I don't feel so alone...hehe Originally Posted by Valerie

Every time Deb says f***tard on that show........I laugh!!!! Don't know why, but it's funny as hell when she says it........

Eccie Addict's Avatar
No...I've always said that word lol....well since I began watching "Dexter" years ago, his sister Deb says it all the time, and I love it because I have a horrible potty mouth and when I here her speak I don't feel so alone...hehe Originally Posted by Valerie
Do you have a potty mouth during BCD too cause if so.....I been looking for a girl like you lol.
Do you have a potty mouth during BCD too cause if so.....I been looking for a girl like you lol. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Well I will admit I tend to throw out F-Bombs whilst having a really good O!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I don't require anyone be on a screening site....I accept them, but prefer to do that myself. I mean all they really do is let you view all the refs at one time in one place, as opposed to having to hunt down the info. all over the net. I still have to actually speak to a couple of them and make sure THEY are legit. Randon BP girl with no reviews does not a reference make. Originally Posted by London Rayne
I'm pretty sure a random BP girls with no reviews will not be found on P411. Gina wouldn't let them in!

So why is it that ladies require several refs AND my P411. The OK's from P411 are the ladies I will give for refs anyway. I would think that they would keep their contact info more up to date there, than what I have on-hand.

P.S. This thread has been very enlightening to me to see some of the behind-the-scenes thinking.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Uh no.. with me if you can PM me from your P411 and I can verify the references you have there.. you're in! Same as those with date-check.. just know that if you have 15 references I will contact ALL of them!
I'm pretty sure a random BP girls with no reviews will not be found on P411. Gina wouldn't let them in!

So why is it that ladies require several refs AND my P411. The OK's from P411 are the ladies I will give for refs anyway. I would think that they would keep their contact info more up to date there, than what I have on-hand.

P.S. This thread has been very enlightening to me to see some of the behind-the-scenes thinking. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Because it is all about screening screening and more screening! ...I know some of you guys think it's a bit of a pain in the ass, but it helps us feel secure and safe by double checking...I'm so paranoid that sometimes a guy will give me his p411 or D-C info and when I see the girls that have verified him, and they look a bit dodgy, I will ask for more....Just because a guy is on p411 or Date-Check doesn't mean he's automatically safe, (for me at least)...There is a thread on TER a while back about a cop on Date-Check, so double checking, is just to ensure the safety of both parties
Naomi4u's Avatar
There is screening (to make sure who he says he is, make sure he is not blacklisted, not a cop/works where he says he works and THEN there is checking references. I do all that. HowevER I don't ask for references and then for p411 and date-check accounts. We all have our own unique ways of screening so there's no right or wrong way. The wrong thing to do is to not screen lol
Naomi4u's Avatar
Well I will admit I tend to throw out F-Bombs whilst having a really good O! Originally Posted by Valerie
:O I can only imagine!
Utanks's Avatar
wow, this is an interesting read. As a hobbyist, I assume the purpose of the reference is a. to ensure the hobbyist is legitimate hobbyist and not LE
b. an opportunity for a simple 411 opportunity e.g. there may be some guys that hate chit chat or if a 'red flag' was just there in terms of creep factor

So on the surface, "he's ok" would satisfy a and b, and b would only come with more if the guy indeed brought about the need for more from the provider.

That said, seems like "he's ok" seems to bother the provider. Y'all want more info in the sharing. I guess that can make some sense, but to me, if you want to know what the hobbyist likes, that should be done between the date-setting and not expect another provider to share "tidbits".

Also, regarding references, as a hobbyist, sometimes I may choose to go UTR for an extended time, yet I feel that my handle/reviews and having a provider I know can be a verifiable trust is all I would need, yet there are some providers that state multi-references or even multi *recent* references. That can eliminate very good hobbyists who can be easily verifiable but yet may not be playing the field at the mo, or might just be with an ATF at the mo...

So, my quesiton is... do those that may have those types of requirements assess the hobbyists established rep as a credible hobbyist an exception factor?
Naomi4u's Avatar
wow, this is an interesting read. As a hobbyist, I assume the purpose of the reference is a. to ensure the hobbyist is legitimate hobbyist and not LE
b. an opportunity for a simple 411 opportunity e.g. there may be some guys that hate chit chat or if a 'red flag' was just there in terms of creep factor

So on the surface, "he's ok" would satisfy a and b, and b would only come with more if the guy indeed brought about the need for more from the provider. Originally Posted by Utanks
Makes a lot of sense Utanks BUT I have had ladies give me an OK and found it was NOT OK when I got to the appointment.

For example: A lady gives me an OK and I find out at the appointment that the gentleman is obese. I can do overweight but obese NO.

So when we ask for elaboration we're not needing to know the color of his insides but basic things like height, weight, race and was he nice? would you see him again?... Questions like that would really help.

I turned down a guy last week because I saw a YMMV on his date-check profile. I couldn't reach the provider and I wasn't taking chances.When I finally got in contact with the provider she told me that she listed him as YMMV because he likes to haggle during the appointment.

..I did not see him.

Are these men posing a threat to our community? NO, but these little things will help us know what to expect so it's not a shock to us.

So, my quesiton is... do those that may have those types of requirements assess the hobbyists established rep as a credible hobbyist an exception factor?

If a guy is an established hobbyist but his posts are arrogant, makes degrading remarks, posts that he fantasizes about choking black girls... I will not see him LOL! . He can have 100 ladies "highly recommend" him and he will still be put on my DNS list!