We're Going back in

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  • 08-09-2014, 11:18 PM
BOTH parties that will go in for the long hall. It will take about two generations to change anything in the Middle East or about 40 years. You have to raise an entire generation that understands and appreciates representative government without that crap of religion involved. Then you have to have another generation behind them hoping and demanding their opportunity to participate. It's more than money, it is our presence and guidance. Yes, it will take money but the payoff comes when we can leave the Middle East once and for all. How much will it cost over the next decade in blood and treasure if we keep having to return?

. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Black Jesus H Christ....and you call yourself a small government constitutionalist?

I don't understand where the Constitution comes in on this. What this calls for is real consensus and understanding of world events by BOTH parties that will go in for the long hall. It will take about two generations to change anything in the Middle East or about 40 years. You have to raise an entire generation that understands and appreciates representative government without that crap of religion involved. Then you have to have another generation behind them hoping and demanding their opportunity to participate. It's more than money, it is our presence and guidance. Yes, it will take money but the payoff comes when we can leave the Middle East once and for all. How much will it cost over the next decade in blood and treasure if we keep having to return?

Back to the Constitution question, Bush went to the Congress for what amounted to a declaration of war against both Afghanistan AND Iraq. Obama is issuing threats and creating "red lines" on his own dime and that dime is pretty thin right now. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
100 years ago, I'm pretty sure you would've had Monroe bumper stickers on your Model T.
THAT is when the Real America began paving it's road of good intentions, and it's Empire building slide into mediocrity.
LexusLover's Avatar
Just try and find a link showing the majority of Kurds are Christians, just one link, ... Originally Posted by WTF
First find the link to the post in which I stated "the majority of Kurds are Christians," .....

.. that's your MO ... posting YOUR SHIT then asking people to prove it.

Like I said ... get off your lazy ass and find "the" link to what I ACTUALLY said.

Try to be honest for a change.

It really moves any discussion in a positive direction.
LexusLover's Avatar
LL... are you committed to the total expense (I'm not talking, just $$$) it will take to effectively change history in the Middle East? Do you speak for All Americans in that regard? Originally Posted by Thibodaux
Are you TOTALLY "committed to the total expense (I'm not talking, just $$$) it will take to effectively change history in the" UNITED STATES, like that duffus in the White House is trying to do ... WITHOUT THE EXPENSE, but with HIS MOUTH!

For 200 years this country has been COMMITTED to the policy of defending this country's security ON SOMEONE ELSE'S SOIL .... which is the primary reason this country has RELIED on a superior naval force and more recently innovative technology that allows this country the opportunity to launch aircraft from this country (or from a distant friendly country), enter an enemy's airspace undetected, and deliver a decisive, devastating blow to their ability (or desire) to launch a strike against the UNITED STATES OR ITS INTERESTS.

What good is it for me to fix up my property, and not be able to PREVENT my neighbors (or those thugs in some nearby neighborhood) from destroying what I have expended MONEY AND TIME CREATING FOR ME TO ENJOY.

Complacency, pacification, or withdrawal are not options in reality:

we have a history that proves it, regardless of your rhetoric, and others:

The days of defending one's country at the borders are OVER.

Ask the French. I think even they will agree. Then ask the Israelis.

And in this country the following attitude is the primary reason:


Larry King Live: 09/11/2001 Interview on CNN:

"KING: Senator Kerry did your -- did you committee on international opertions and terrorism ever actually fear something like this?

"SEN. JOHN KERRY (R), MASSACHUSETTS: Absolutely. Absolutely. But let me join John and I know all my colleagues in just expressing -- I think all of us here in Washington are feeling in very personal ways the loss of what's happened here. I know that I had one friend I know of already on that plane from Boston, and I dread the learning of perhaps others. But for thousands of families tonight, there is just a huge loss, and I think in every American there's a sense -- there's a fury, an intense, burning fury about this and a determination to do what is right about it.

"We have always known this could happen. We've warned about it. We've talked about it. I regret to say, as -- I served on the Intelligence Committee up until last year. I can remember after the bombings of the embassies, after TWA 800, we went through this flurry of activity, talking about it, but not really doing hard work of responding."

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
100 years ago, I'm pretty sure you would've had Monroe bumper stickers on your Model T.
THAT is when the Real America began paving it's road of good intentions, and it's Empire building slide into mediocrity. Originally Posted by Thibodaux
Bumper stickers were not around until 1934. They were invented by Forest Gill. Gill Studios is now in Lenexa, KS and is the foremost sticker maker in the world. In 2008 the national press was camped outside waiting to see the bumper sticker that would tell the world who Barack Obama's running mate was going to be. The Monroe Doctrine only deals with the western hemisphere and is not a part of this discussion.

Forest Gill, circa 1935. From the Johnson County historical collection

On the cost of war versus the cost of doing nothing. World War II started for the US when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. It ended with hundreds of thousands of American men (and women) dead, maimed, wounded, or disabled and billions of dollars (2014 value) spent. The Japanese thought that they could beat us and so they attacked. Suppose the US have built six more aircraft carriers for the Pacific before 1940 and the supporting ships to go with them. Japan would have recognized that they could not beat nine aircraft carriers and there would have been no attack on either the Philippines or Pearl Harbor. Much cheaper in the long run to be prepared and take action early than to wait and pay the price in blood and treasure.
Shame on me... my mind said Wilson, and my fingers typed Monroe.
Woodrow would challenge Obama today, for worst POTUS in History!

You can carry bumper stickers back in time through my teleporter.
JD B.... do you really believe there is valid threat to the U.S. Military on Planet Earth?

Even with all of our faults, there is no doubt that the U.S. is exponentially stronger than our nearest military foe. How much more money (which doesn't exist) do you propose we spend to become even stronger? When do the spending increases ever stop? Where (or who) do you propose to steal from to fund your Bigger & Better War Games?

Woodrow Wilson started our march toward becoming the planet's police force. Its no wonder that it's progressive scholars who are the only ones to consider him one of our top presidents. He was the leader of the Progressive Movement which has greased our slide into the shithole we continue to dig today.

More , More , More. . . Stolen from who?
LexusLover's Avatar
JD B.... do you really believe there is valid threat to the U.S. Military on Planet Earth? Originally Posted by Thibodaux
I'm not JDB, but I'll answer: Yes, and the recent bi-partisan evaluation says so.

What is more important than a lack of preparedness is the perception (and demonstrative reality) that the people of the U.S. and the leaders of those people lack the will and stomach to engage those who wish to do us harm in a swift, concise, and effective manner so as to neutralize the threat and demonstrate that it is not going to deter us by repeating the attempt or threatening to do so.

Whether you want to admit it or not that is what is currently happening in the world ... it is not coincidental. The wimp factor is spawning the problems.
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  • 08-10-2014, 09:22 AM
Of course.

During certain periods of U.S. history Jews lived "quietly" in predominately German communities. Were some Jewish? Yes. Were some of German descent Jewish? Yes.

So what? The Lama was correct. Originally Posted by LexusLover
What was he correct about? Implying that the folks in the picture were Christians and that was why they we gassed? Because if so both he and you do not know shit about wtf you are talking about. Kurds were mostly Muslim and were gassed not because they were Muslim but because they had wanted to break away from Iraq and Saddam wanted their oil.

Oh yeah...those were the good ole days when Christians could be harmlessly gassed.

. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
See LexusLover....this is a lie. Very few of the Kurds were Christian and none were gassed because they were Christian if if any Christians were gassed.

Tell us which ones were Muslims and which were Christians in that pile of gassed bodies that Dear Old Uncle Saddam killed? He was a equal opportunity murder so please don't give us your "virtual peace" crap. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
He did not murder Christians because of their faith you dumb fuck. Before the 2003 invasion Christians lived in relative peace.....now they are being murdered and run out of Iraq because they are Christians.

You and LexusLovers are either ignorant of the facts or liars....which is it?

Kurd's have several religions of which two are Judaism and Christianity. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Which is one reason the Israelis were able to keep things calm in their sector of Iraq and the area "opened for business" early on after the 2003 "re-invasion."

In case "someone" forgot:
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Ok LexusLiar....how big a reason do you think Judaism and Christianity played to able to keep things calm in their sector of Iraq and the area "opened for business" early on after the 2003 "re-invasion."

Because I do not believe it played a very big part at all , you know why? Because there were very few Christians and Jews that were Kurds!

Now please provide a link were Judaism and Christianity kept things calm in the Kurdish sector of Iraq or STFU and move along to another lie.
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He did not murder Christians because of their faith you dumb fuck. Originally Posted by WTF
Little Boy, go back to washing golf balls. You can do that.

You are not good at all at psychoanalyzing dead people and reading their minds.

And you call me a "dumb fuck"?

And you call me a "dumb fuck"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
And for a very good reason!
  • MrGiz
  • 08-10-2014, 09:42 AM
I'm not JDB, but I'll answer: Yes, and the recent bi-partisan evaluation says so.
.... The wimp factor is spawning the problems. Originally Posted by LexusLover
"Recent bipartisan evaluation".... I Love It! You mean from within the body of 535 representatives of "The People"? They represent themselves... And the rest of The Money Machine... Not the People.

So you say The Wimp Factor puffs up their balls, eh? So if we unleash a year of unbelievable , daily, shock & awe upon all the Billy Bad Asses of the world... They will "get the picture" and straighten the fuck up... right? Keep Dreaming and Spending and Spending and Spending.... I believe that's their plan.

At the End of the World... Roaches will still be around.
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  • WTF
  • 08-10-2014, 09:52 AM
"Recent bipartisan evaluation".... I Love It! You mean from within the body of 535 representatives of "The People"? They represent themselves... And the rest of The Money Machine... Not the People.

So you say The Wimp Factor puffs up their balls, eh? So if we unleash a year of unbelievable , daily, shock & awe upon all the Billy Bad Asses of the world... They will "get the picture" and straighten the fuck up... right? Keep Dreaming and Spending and Spending and Spending.... I believe that's their plan.

. Originally Posted by MrGiz
LL wants the United States citizens to spend their retirement savings on making the world believe we are not 'wimps'. The Department of Defense loves that.

He on the other hand wants the government to keep their government hands off his SS/Medicare.

Not only does he not want to spend any of his money on any war....he damn sure is not going to go over and fight.

Typical ChickenHawk.

In summary, LL , like Dick Cheney want to spend others money and blood
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  • WTF
  • 08-10-2014, 09:57 AM
Little Boy, go back to washing golf balls. You can do that.

You are not good at all at psychoanalyzing dead people and reading their minds.

And you call me a "dumb fuck"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I call you a dumb fuck because the majority of Kurds are Muslim not Christians....they were killed by Saddam for their oil/land, not because they were Christians. You know how I know that? Because the vast majority of them were not Christians or Jews.....unlike what you and the Lama implied. So yes in this subject, if you keep trying to imply that Christian Kurds and Jews were the reason we were able to able to keep things calm in their sector of Iraq and the area "opened for business" early on after the 2003 "re-invasion." Then you are full of shit and a dumb fucker on this issue.
LexusLover's Avatar
I call you a dumb fuck because ... Originally Posted by WTF
.. you ran out of golf balls to clean, Little Boy.

Go find some more. The supply is endless.
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  • WTF
  • 08-10-2014, 10:23 AM
.. you ran out of golf balls to clean, Little Boy.

Go find some more. The supply is endless. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Look old man, I'm trying to save your SS/Medicare....your dumbass wants to keep spending it on blowing up and then rebuilding schools in Iraq.

It does not sound like your clan has much more to fall back on than that.

Me and mine aren't planning on it like you seem to be.....notice we aren't crying about "Death Panels" like you!